Script to build extjs classic/modern along with themes to include in production/development/testing environments
This npm-package provides the build process for the Sencha ExtJS framework, including modern- and classic-toolkit.
The official Sencha NPM registry provides access to almost all of their packages, but prebuild versions of the sdks are not available. This package makes sure that the current versions of @sencha/ext-modern and @sencha/ext-classic are built and available in the package this tool is used in, e.g. for testing Sencha ExtJS npm packages.
npm install --save-dev @coon-js/extjs-build
- Supports build process for both modern- and classic-toolkit
- Creates theme-triton css-files for both toolkits
Navigate to the package that requires build-versions of ExtJS and make sure you have installed the required libraries and themes. This tool expects the following @sencha-npm packages to be available as installed node-modules:
- @sencha/ext-core
- @sencha/ext-classic
- @sencha/ext-modern-theme-triton
- @sencha/ext-modern
- @sencha/ext-modern-theme-triton
Packages can be obtained by signing in into the sencha realm using npm. A detailed description of the process can be found here: https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.4.0/guides/using_systems/using_npm/npm_repo_access.html
Once the modules have been installed, call extjs-build
dev/mypackage> npx extjs-build -h
Usage: extjsbuild (-p <ypath>
Creates extjs classic/modern builds and drops them at "build/extjs/[classic|modern]".
This script assumes that the necessary npm-packages are available in ./node_modules/@sencha
-h, --help Display this usage info
-p, --path <path> The target folder for the generated files. Defaults to "./build".
Providing no drop target for the build will use ./build
as the default folder:
dev/mypackage> npx extjs-build
This will create the following files on your system:
/build (*)
(*) This folder will be replaced with any folder you specify with the "-p" option, e.g.
extjs-build -p testing creates:
/testing (*)
/ ...
Once the build has finished, you can access all regular (debug)-files for the ExtJS-library, along with the pre-build css-files.