Convergence JavaScript Client
This package provides a npm distribution of the Convergence JavaScript API, for use with the Convergence Collaboration Framework.
Convergence is an engine for rapidly developing real-time collaborative applications. At the heart of Convergence is its collaborative real time data store. Where other frameworks stop at attempting to provide real time data, Convergence goes further by providing all the features a developer needs to build an effective and intuitive collaborative application. Some of the feature highlights include:
- Realtime Data: Allows users to edit the same data at the same time, keeping everyone's view of the data in sync.
- Users and Identity: Allows developers to create and manage users and their identity within the system so users know who they are collaborating with.
- Presence: Allows users to know "who is here?" and "who is available" so they can more effectively collaborate with the other users they need to.
- Collaboration Awareness: The best way to resolve editing conflicts is to avoid them in the first place. Convergence provides robust collaboration awareness capabilities that help users work together without conflicts.
- Chat & Messaging: Allow users to communicate through chat embedded directly in the application.
Convergence provides all of this and more in a single API reducing the time and complexity of gluing multiple frameworks together. With Convergence you can get up and running in hours, instead of months.
npm install --save @convergence/convergence
Example Usage
const Convergence = require("@convergence/convergence").Convergence;
const url = "https://convergence-server.myhost.com/mynamespace/mydomain";
const credentials = { username: "myuser", password: "mypassword" };
Convergence.connectWithPassword(url, credentials).then(domain => {
// open an employee data model.
return domain.models().open("employees", "doe.john");
}).then(model => {
// Get the root elemenet in the model.
const data = model.root();
// Set some data
data.set("fisrtName", "John");
data.set("lastName", "Doe");
// Get the firstName property directly
const firstName = data.elementAt("firstName");
// Rest the first name's value
// Listen for course grained changes
firstName.on("value", () => {
// Insert 'ny' into the string at index 3.
firstName.insert(3, "ny");
// Listen for course grained changes
firstName.on("insert", (evt) => {
console.log(`characters '${evt.value}' added at position (${evt.index})`)
The full complement of Convergence documentation can be found here:
Hot-Linking in the Browser
Convergence requires RxJS 6.x. This dependency is taken care of when using the npm module. If including via a script tag, you must also include rxjs.
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/6.6.3/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@convergence/convergence/convergence.global.js"></script>
This will add a Convergence
variable to the global namespace.
There is also an AMD version:
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/6.6.3/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@convergence/convergence/convergence.amd.js"></script>
The Convergence JavaScript client is licensed under the Lesser GNU Public License v3 (LGPLv3). This allows developers to use the client without having to release their code under the LGPLv3, assuming they only use the client as a library and do not modify it. Refer to the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for the specific terms and conditions of the license.
The Convergence Client is also available under a Commercial License. If you are interested in a non-open source license please contact us at Convergence Labs.