Assigned colors to unique resources
Color Assigner
The color assigner will manage assigning consistent colors to unique resources in your application. This could be users, labels, etc. You may define a palette or preferred colors to use. The colors from the palette will be used in a least recently used (LRU) fashion. If a color from the palette is available, it will be assigned. Otherwise, a random color will be generated. When a resource no longer needs the color, the color may be released. If a color being released is one from the palette, it will be place on the end of the list of available palette colors.
npm install --save @convergence/color-assigner
npm install --save-dev @convergence/color-assigner
Basic Usage
// Create a new ColorAssigner using the default palette of colors.
import {ColorAssigner} from "@convergence/color-assigner";
const ca = new ColorAssigner();
// Get a new color for "id1"
const color1a = ca.getColorAsHex("id1");
// The same color will be returned again
const color1b = ca.getColorAsHex("id1");
// Release the color
// A new color will be returned for id1.
const color1b = ca.getColorAsHex("id1");
// Get a color as an rgba string e.g. 'rgba (234, 40, 132, 255)'
const color2 = ca.getColorAsRgba("id2");
Advanced Usage
// Create a new ColorAssigner using one of the built in palettes.
import {ColorAssigner} from "@convergence/color-assigner";
const ca1 = new ColorAssigner(ColorAssigner.Palettes.DEFAULT);
const ca2 = new ColorAssigner(ColorAssigner.Palettes.DARK_12);
const ca3 = new ColorAssigner(ColorAssigner.Palettes.LIGHT_12);
// Create a new ColorAssigner using your own palette.
// Any css color format is acceptable.
const colors = [
'royalblue', // css color name
'#ff0000', // hex
'rgba(128, 255, 128, 255)' // rgba
const ca4 = new ColorAssigner(colors);