Configuration Client SDK
Table of content
- Installing
- Examples
- Entities and it's methods
Using npm:
npm i @contactwise/cw-config-sdk
Creating a class instance
import { Client as sdk } from "@contactwise/cw-config-sdk";
let token = {
token: token,
expiresIn: 0
let client = new sdk(token, tenantId, environmentId, baseUrl);
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | token | object | yes | | tenantId | string | yes | | environmentId | string | yes | | baseUrl | string | yes |
baseUrl can be development, QA or a mock. It should contain api/v1.
Performing a GET request
import { Client as sdk } from "@contactwise/cw-config-sdk";
let token = {
token: token,
expiresIn: 0
let client = new sdk(token, tenantId, environmentId, baseUrl);
async function listAll() {
let result = await client.Skills.listAsync()
.then(response => response);
Performing a POST request
import { Client as sdk } from "@contactwise/cw-config-sdk";
let token = {
token: token,
expiresIn: 0
let client = new sdk(token, tenantId, environmentId, baseUrl);
async function create() {
let createModel = {
name: "adipisicingdolor",
friendlyName: "in proident ut sint",
description: "o",
state: true
let result = await client.Skills.createAsync(createModel)
.then(response => response)
Entities and it's methods
ClassName - Addresses
Methods available
listAsync() - List all addresses
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false
getByIdAsync(id) - Get an address by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByNameAsync(name) - Get an address by name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | name | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create an address
model sample:
name: "demo",
friendlyName: "sample demo",
description: "Excepteur anim nullam",
street: "proident nostrud in deserunt",
city: "quis id",
region: "qui enim",
postalCode: "628617",
country: "IN"
updateAsync(model) - Update an address
model sample:
id: "string",
friendlyName: "sample",
description: "sample",
street: "sample street",
city: "sample city",
region: "sample region",
postalCode: "628618",
country: "IN",
deleteAsync(id) - Delete an address
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple addresses
model sample:
["3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"]
ClassName - BusinessHours
Methods available
listAsync() - List all business hours
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false
getByIdAsync(id) - Get business hour by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByNameAync(name) - Get business hour by name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | name | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create business hour
model sample:
name: "SdkExample",
friendlyName: "SdkExample",
state: true,
timezoneId: "SA Eastern Standard Time",
description: "SdkExample",
schedule: {
'sunday': {'openingHours': '480',
'closingHours': '1200'
updateAsync(model) - Update business hour
model sample:
id: "string",
name: "SdkExample",
friendlyName: "Updated",
state: true,
timezoneId: "SA Eastern Standard Time",
description: "updated",
schedule: {
'sunday': {'openingHours': '480',
'closingHours': '1200'
deleteAsync(id) - Delete business hour
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple business hours
model sample:
["3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"]
ClassName - Calendars
Methods available
listAsync() - List all calendars
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="FriendlyName", descending=false
getByIdAsync(id) - Get calendar by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByFriendlyNameAync(friendlyName) - Get calendar by friendly name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | friendlyName | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create calendar
model sample:
friendlyName: "finland",
description: "finland calendar",
state: true,
holidays: [
date: "2021-04-22T00:00:00",
friendlyName: "fcCalio",
description: "fcCalio holiday",
state: false
timezoneId: "Dateline Standard Time"
updateAsync(model) - Update calendar
model sample:
id: "string",
friendlyName: "updated",
description: "updated",
state: true,
date: "2021-04-22T00:00:00",
timezoneId: "Pacific Standard Time"
deleteAsync(id) - Delete calendar
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple calendars
model sample:
["3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"]
ClassName - Holidays
Methods available
listAsync() - List all holidays
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | calendarId | string | yes | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10
getByIdAsync(calendarId, id) - Get holiday by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | calendarId | string | yes | | id | string | yes |
createAsync(calendarId,model) - Create holiday
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | calendarId | string | yes |
model sample:
friendlyName: "estminim",
description: "laboris aliquip",
state: false,
date: "1959-06-11T21:11:28.329Z",
updateAsync(calendarId, model) - Update holiday
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | calendarId | string | yes |
model sample:
id: "string",
friendlyName: "ullamco",
description: "incididunt occaecaest sunt",
state: false,
date: "1998-04-21T15:52:36.578Z"
deleteAsync(calendarId, id) - Delete holiday
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | calendarId | string | yes | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(calendarId, model) - Delete multiple holidays
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | calendarId | string | yes |
model sample:
["3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"]
Phone Numbers
ClassName - PhoneNumbers
Methods available
listAsync() - List all phone numbers
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false
getByIdAsync(id) - Get phone number by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create phone number
model sample:
id: "bb95251b-5688-6867-0923-361b7401a9e5",
phoneNumber: "ea quis",
isoCountry: "Ut aute"
updateAsync(model) - Update phone number
model sample:
number: "Excepteur adipisicing do ut",
workflowId: "urn:uuid:064a187f-95f8-538c-4736-814da3e2226d",
workflowFriendlyName: "exercitation esse mollit",
addressId: "2116fde7-7628-29be-1d8e-a2ae846adbbd",
addressFriendlyName: "eu",
numberEnum: 0,
beta: true,
capabilities: {
voice: true,
sms: false,
mms: true
lata: "reprehenderit incididunt cillum",
locality: "aliquip velit",
latitude: 17522559.56644593,
longitude: -56964948.3743202,
region: "ex Duis",
postalCode: "Excepteur",
countryCode: "magna non",
isoCountry: "sed est",
addressRequirements: "deserunt nostrud",
sid: "officia sed ut ea",
id: "828b43bb-a69b-7fdd-f3fd-900e216faa5f",
name: "aliquip",
friendlyName: "enim Excepteur amet",
description: "quis sed id dolor",
state: false,
createdAt: "1947-10-03T06:22:00.069Z",
createdBy: "proident dolore dolor eiusmod adipisicing",
modifiedAt: "1991-03-06T04:37:01.446Z",
modifiedBy: "nostr"
deleteAsync(id) - Delete phone number
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
assignAsync(model) - Assign phone number to a workflow
model sample:
id: "ab1b59f8-7e28-40dc-aa12-bcfb143eb869",
workflowId: "2b1070d6-9e6e-49e5-a224-b9b9cdb2e66a"
Parameters for searchLocalAsync, searchMobileAsync and searchTollFreeAsync.
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | isoCountry | string | no | | areaCode | string | no| | beta | boolean| no| | contains | string| no| | distance | string| no| | excludeAllAddressRequired | boolean| no| | excludeForeignAddressRequired | boolean| no| | excludeLocalAddressRequired | boolean| no| | faxEnabled | boolean| no| | inLata | string| no| | inLocality | string| no| | inPostalCode | string| no| | inRegion | string| no| | mmsEnabled | boolean| no| | nearLatLong | string| no| | nearNumber | string| no| | smsEnabled | boolean| no| | voiceEnabled | boolean| no| | limit | string| no|
The default values will be isoCountry="GB" and voiceEnabled = true.
searchLocalAsync() - Search a local phone number
searchMobileAsync() - Search a mobile phone number
searchTollFreeAsync() - Search a toll free phone number
ClassName - Prompts
Methods available
listAsync() - List all prompts
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false
getByIdAsync(id) - Get prompt by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByNameAync(name) - Get prompt by name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | name | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create prompts
model sample:
file: "C:/ContactWise/Projects/prompts/audio/ClassicalCut.mp3",
name: "adipisicingdolor",
friendlyName: "in proident ut sint",
description: "o",
state: true
updateAsync(model) - Update prompts
model sample:
id: "string",
friendlyName: "updated friName",
description: "update des",
state: true
deleteAsync(id) - Delete prompts
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple prompts
model sample:
["3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"]
ClassName - Tenants
Methods available
listAsync() - List all tenants
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10
getByIdAsync(id) - Get tenant by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create tenant
model sample:
id: "veniam reprehe",
name: "culpa quis pariatur aute",
description: "ut nulla",
createdBy: "aliquip irure deserunt veniam exercitation"
updateAsync(model) - Update tenant
model sample:
id: "eiusmod culpa consequat",
name: "dolor",
description: "in Excepteur",
modifiedBy: "ex",
maxEnvironments: -44587372,
state: 2
deleteAsync(id) - Delete tenant
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
ClassName - Users
Methods available
listAsync() - List all users
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | columnName | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, columnName="firstName", descending=false
getByIdAsync(id) - Get user by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create user
model sample:
firstName: "animdolor",
lastName: "aniesse",
email: "[email protected]",
login: "[email protected]",
birthday: "1986-06-08T00:32:22.113Z",
isActive: false,
password: "Loram ipsum dolar",
skills: [
skillId: "5f4d1416-8a9c-411e-bc7d-1a390c727899",
name: "cillum ut deserunt aliquip reprehenderit",
level: 3
roles: [
extensionId: "1a5e5d46-a08b-4d70-b756-09bb27467b3f",
mobile: "string",
work: "string",
home: "string",
sip: "string",
preferredEndpoint: {}
updateAsync(model) - Update user
model sample:
id: "string",
firstName: "consequa",
lastName: "estarosa",
isActive: false,
roles: [
extensionId: "1a5e5d46-a08b-4d70-b756-09bb27467b3f",
assignSkillToUser(model) - Assign a skill to user
model sample:
id: "5f4d1416-8a9c-411e-bc7d-1a390c727899",
skillId: "63ac70aa-dfd6-e526-d038-4163b4e62df5",
level: 3
updateSkillForUser(model) - Update skill for user
model sample:
id: "5f4d1416-8a9c-411e-bc7d-1a390c727899",
skillId: "63ac70aa-dfd6-e526-d038-4163b4e62df5",
level: 2
removeSkillFromUser(model) - Remove skill from user
model sample:
id: "5f4d1416-8a9c-411e-bc7d-1a390c727899",
skillId: "63ac70aa-dfd6-e526-d038-4163b4e62df5",
level: 2
deleteAsync(id) - Delete user
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple users
model sample:
["3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"]
ClassName - Workflows
Methods available
listAsync() - List all workflows
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false
getByIdAsync(id) - Get workflow by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByNameAync(name) - Get workflow by name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | name | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create workflow
model sample:
name: "cupidatatLorem",
friendlyName: "occaecat",
description: "cillum",
state: false,
type: 0,
flowDocument: "nonnostrudisiipsum",
updateAsync(model) - Update workflow
model sample:
id: "string",
friendlyName: "anim ullamco Duis",
description: "et irure nisi laborum",
state: false,
flowDocument: "nonnostrudisiipsum",
deleteAsync(id) - Delete workflow
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple workflow
model sample:
["3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"]
Configuration Settings
ClassName - ConfigurationSettings
Methods available
listAsync() - List all configuration settings
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get configuration setting by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create configuration setting
model sample:
name: "laborum esse elit in",
friendlyName: "in proident",
description: "aliqua commodo",
state: false,
settings: "laborum Excepteur anim eiusmod sunt"
updateAsync(model) - Update configuration setting
model sample:
id: "urn:uuid:0552e4b9-92e1-e877-de12-c5d5120198b1",
friendlyName: "in ex nisi",
description: "minim quis",
state: false,
settings: "nostrud in "
deleteAsync(id) - Delete configuration setting
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple configuration settings
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - Contacts
Methods available
listAsync() - List all contacts
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="FirstName", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get contact by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create contact
model sample:
firstName: "dolor cupidatat qui s",
surname: "est cupidatat s",
middleName: "laboris Lorem aliqu",
nickName: "Excepteur",
company: "cupidatat laborum dolor aliqua reprehenderit",
jobTitle: "in eiusmod officia",
department: "Excepteur et",
country: "do elit velit",
street: "eu laborum tempor ex",
street2: "occaecat dolore",
city: "nostrud in veniam",
pinCode: "sit culpa",
stateName: "irure ex Lorem magna et",
website: "dolore commodo",
birthday: "1966-04-30T10:53:17.891Z",
telephone: "eu id consectetur do",
emailAddress: "veniam velit sit in",
notes: "labore Excepteur occaecat aliquip",
description: "dolore consectetur ut dolor laborum",
state: false
updateAsync(model) - Update contact
model sample:
id: "urn:uuid:0fe486c4-c67e-f814-5e04-865e1463ad5c",
firstName: "dolor cupidatat qui s",
surname: "est cupidatat s",
middleName: "laboris Lorem aliqu",
nickName: "Excepteur",
company: "cupidatat laborum dolor aliqua reprehenderit",
jobTitle: "in eiusmod officia",
department: "Excepteur et",
country: "do elit velit",
street: "eu laborum tempor ex",
street2: "occaecat dolore",
city: "nostrud in veniam",
pinCode: "sit culpa",
stateName: "irure ex Lorem magna et",
website: "dolore commodo",
birthday: "1966-04-30T10:53:17.891Z",
telephone: "eu id consectetur do",
emailAddress: "veniam velit sit in",
notes: "labore Excepteur occaecat aliquip",
description: "dolore consectetur ut dolor laborum",
state: false
deleteAsync(id) - Delete contact
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple contacts
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
Disposition Codes
ClassName - DispositionCodes
Methods available
listAsync() - List all disposition codes
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get disposition code by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByNameAsync(name) - Get disposition code by name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | name | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create disposition code
model sample:
name: "adipisicing dolor",
friendlyName: "in proident ut sint",
description: "o",
state: true
updateAsync(model) - Update disposition code
model sample:
id: "6f804cd7-f989-6ed6-b8c3-8bc1fa41a2aa",
friendlyName: "irure culpa",
description: "incididunt aute ex pariatur",
state: true
deleteAsync(id) - Delete disposition code
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple disposition codes
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - Documents
Methods available
listAsync() - List all documents
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get document by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByTitleAsync(title) - Get document by title
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | title | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create document
model sample:
name: "minim culpa sed ad",
friendlyName: "reprehenderit ipsum m",
description: "Lorem in id sed",
state: true,
title: "est dolor",
content: "cupidatat eu"
updateAsync(model) - Update document
model sample:
id: "urn:uuid:13e2a76c-0429-910a-1a0e-5ff10d68401f",
title: "commodo id dolor do",
description: "laboris commo",
content: "cillum dolore dolor ut"
deleteAsync(id) - Delete document
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple documents
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - Extensions
Methods available
listAsync() - List all extensions
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Number", descending=false, search=""
getUnassignedAsync() - Get unassigned extensions
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be column="Number", descending=false, search="", by="", pageNumber=1, pageSize=10
getByIdAsync(id) - Get extension by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create extension
model sample:
name: "nulla irure",
friendlyName: "eu fugiat",
description: "minim adip",
state: false,
directoryNumberType: 1,
number: "aute",
workflowId: "urn:uuid:0998cf6a-c550-1f31-b51b-811f64d1e812"
updateAsync(model) - Update extension
model sample:
id: "282e1ac5-33b7-4cf7-c718-5ffd1d269cf4",
workflowId: "urn:uuid:b4ae0cef-19e4-e97b-583e-264beeea4485",
friendlyName: "in enim nisi ut",
description: "amet minim nostrud mollit",
state: true,
directoryNumberType: 1
deleteAsync(id) - Delete extension
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple extensions
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - Queues
Methods available
listAsync() - List all queues
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get queue by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByNameAsync(name) - Get queue by name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | name | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create queue
model sample:
name: "labore enim",
friendlyName: "esse",
description: "dolor exercitation",
state: false,
skillExpression: "Spanish > 1"
updateAsync(model) - Update queue
model sample:
id: "0a948be9-b570-6da7-3768-a4cec0da6cd0",
friendlyName: "et",
description: "sit",
state: false,
skillExpression: "English > 1"
deleteAsync(id) - Delete queue
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple queues
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - RoutePoints
Methods available
listAsync() - List all routePoints
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Number", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get routePoint by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByNameAsync(name) - Get routePoint by name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | name | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create routePoint
model sample:
name: "nulla irure",
friendlyName: "eu fugiat",
description: "minim adip",
state: false,
directoryNumberType: 1,
number: "aute",
workflowId: "urn:uuid:0998cf6a-c550-1f31-b51b-811f64d1e812"
updateAsync(model) - Update routePoint
model sample:
id: "282e1ac5-33b7-4cf7-c718-5ffd1d269cf4",
workflowId: "urn:uuid:b4ae0cef-19e4-e97b-583e-264beeea4485",
friendlyName: "in enim nisi ut",
description: "amet minim nostrud mollit",
state: true,
directoryNumberType: 1
deleteAsync(id) - Delete routePoint
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple routePoints
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - Skills
Methods available
listAsync() - List all skills
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get skill by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create skill
model sample:
name: "adipisicing dolor",
friendlyName: "in proident ut sint",
description: "o",
state: true
updateAsync(model) - Update skill
model sample:
id: "6f804cd7-f989-6ed6-b8c3-8bc1fa41a2aa",
friendlyName: "irure culpa",
description: "incididunt aute ex pariatur",
state: true
deleteAsync(id) - Delete skill
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple skills
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - StatusCodes
Methods available
listAsync() - List all statusCodes
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get statusCode by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
getByNameAsync(name) - Get statusCode by name
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | name | string | yes |
syncWithTelephonyServiceProvider() - Sync statusCode with telephony service provider
No Parameters required
createAsync(model) - Create statusCode
model sample:
name: "exercitation veniam",
friendlyName: "elit",
description: "officia deserunt id in",
state: true,
color: "dolor officia Ut irure",
iconUrl: "ex voluptate tempor",
isAvailable: true,
isDisplayable: true,
isMandatory: true,
sid: "tempor commodo"
updateAsync(model) - Update statusCode
model sample:
id: "0d728a2e-6990-f9e9-fd2c-8936ecc854cc",
friendlyName: "amet et nostrud cupidatat",
description: "pariatur ut ex ipsum",
state: true,
color: "eiusmod non anim",
iconUrl: "proident Ut dolor",
isAvailable: false,
isDisplayable: false
deleteAsync(id) - Delete statusCode
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple statusCodes
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - Audits
Method available
listAsync() - List all audits
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | from | string | no | | to | string | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, from="1976-03-17T20:46:03.999Z", to="2000-07-06T01:51:06.994Z"
ClassName - Dn
Methods available
listAsync() - List all dn
It is recommended to pass the parameters in the following order
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | dnType | number | no | | pageNumber | number | no | | pageSize | number | no | | column | string | no | | descending | boolean | no | | search | string | no | | by | string | no |
If parameters are not provided, the default value will be dnType=1, pageNumber=1, pageSize=10, column="Name", descending=false, search=""
getByIdAsync(id) - Get dn by id
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes | | dnType | number | yes |
getByNumberAsync(number) - Get dn by number
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | number | string | yes |
createAsync(model) - Create dn
model sample:
name: "nulla irure",
friendlyName: "eu fugiat",
description: "minim adip",
state: false,
directoryNumberType: 1,
number: "aute",
workflowId: "urn:uuid:0998cf6a-c550-1f31-b51b-811f64d1e812"
updateAsync(model) - Update dn
model sample:
id: "282e1ac5-33b7-4cf7-c718-5ffd1d269cf4",
workflowId: "urn:uuid:b4ae0cef-19e4-e97b-583e-264beeea4485",
friendlyName: "in enim nisi ut",
description: "amet minim nostrud mollit",
state: true,
directoryNumberType: 1
deleteAsync(id) - Delete dn
| Parameters | Type | Mandatory | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | string | yes |
deleteMultipleAsync(model) - Delete multiple dn
model sample:
"3ac97d60-4d72-4a23-8c01-7d51fc89a0b1", "dc22dbd5-b596-4b2d-87de-fa8aa64155b5"
ClassName - Settings
Method available
getAsync() - Get settings
No Parameters required