A collection of XM Cloud compatible libraries for SXA Sitecore Development.
Constellation Enhancers
npm install @constellation4sitecore/enhancers --save
With DatasourceRendering
Similarly to withDatasourceCheck
that comes OOTB to enforce a component to have a Datasource, we created a new High-Order component called withDatasourceRendering
that is meant to help developers code faster by automatically checking for a Datasource if available, if not the datasource will fallback to the context item.
import { withDatasourceRendering } from '@constellation4sitecore/enhancers';
export default withDatasourceRendering()<HomepageMastheadProps>(HomepageMasthead);
This pattern takes the Component and validates if the rendering has any datasource to return fields as normal call otherwise fields will be populated with useSitecoreContext
Get Rendering Index
This helper function allows you to get index of the rendering.
const placeholders = layoutData.sitecore?.route?.placeholders;
const result = getRenderingIndex(placeholders, rendering.uid as string, 'TabbedContentRowTab');
- placeholders: all layout placeholders
- UID: Rendering UID
- Component Name: Name of the child component.
Filter Placeholders
For example if you want to build a Tab Content Row component, you will facing an issue, if you don't filter placeholders in experience editor it will trought an error to avoid this filterPlaceholders will filter just components that name are not equal to "code".
export const getStaticProps = async (rendering: ComponentRendering) => {
const newTabs = [] as TabViewModel[];
const tabContentRows = filterPlaceholders(
(rendering.placeholders as unknown as TabbedPlaceholders).TabbedContentRowTabs
for (const tabContentRow of tabContentRows) {
Modify Children Properties when using Placeholders
For example you want to send properties to a child component that is inserted into a Placeholder.
const MyComponent = ({ fields, params, rendering }: MyComponentProps) => {
useModifyChildrenProps(rendering, {
myProp1: fields.myProp1,
myProp2: 'hello world!',
return (
Note: This serves as a workaround in cases where modifyComponentProps
prop in the Placeholder
Component fails to function properly. This issue arises due to the component-props.ts
plugin overriding the props through the getStaticProps