Configurable TypeScript preset for Babel 7.x supporting Vue.js TS SFC, React, JS and TypeScript
Configurable TypeScript preset for Babel 7.x supporting Vue.js TS SFC, React, JS and TypeScript
What is this?
This preset was created as a part of G-Build evolution. Starting from version 4.0, there are no longer configuration files for Babel and these have to be provided manually (as they are project-specific). Because all our existing legacy projects have exactly the same config, this package makes the transition to G-Build 4 and Babel TypeScript transpilation easy. Also it provides a setup which was proven to work for us.
This preset loads the following presets and plugins:
- @babel/preset-env - pre-configured but ready to be customized depending on configuration
- @babel/preset-react optionally, depending on configuration
- @babel/preset-typescript or our babel-preset-typescript-vue depending on configuration
- @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
- @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import
- @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators - with
legacy: true
to support TypeScript decorators - @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties - with
loose: true
to support TypeScript decorators
(boolean, default: false) - enables TS Vue SFCs transpilation. Because the check is a potentially expensive operation, it is disabled by default. Once enabled, it replaces @babel/preset-typescript with our own babel-preset-typescript-vuereact
(boolean, default: true) - enables@babel/preset-react
(object, default: see below) - configures@babel/preset-env
Parameter is optional. The default setup is as follows:
"modules": "auto",
"useBuiltIns": "usage",
"corejs": 3
Please refer to @babel/preset-env docs for more details.
(object, default: see below) - configures@babel/preset-react
set to true.
Parameter is optional. The default setup is the preset's default setup.
Please refer to @babel/preset-react docs for more details. It's a good place to set runtime
to automatic
if you're already using React 17.
Using npm:
npm install --save-dev @considonet/babel-preset-typescript
or using yarn:
yarn add @considonet/babel-preset-typescript --dev