OpenAPI client for @conflux-lib/openapi-sdk-evm
Documentation for Conflux Scan Open Api
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
| Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
|------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------|
| AccountsApi | apimoduleaccountactionbalanceGet | GET /api?module=account&action=balance | Get CFX Balance for a Single Address |
AccountsApi | apimoduleaccountactionbalancehistoryGet | GET /api?module=account&action=balancehistory | Get Historical CFX Balance for a Single Address By BlockNo |
AccountsApi | apimoduleaccountactionbalancemultiGet | GET /api?module=account&action=balancemulti | Get CFX Balance for Multiple Addresses in a Single Call |
AccountsApi | apimoduleaccountactiongetminedblocksGet | GET /api?module=account&action=getminedblocks | Get list of Blocks Mined by Address |
AccountsApi | apimoduleaccountactiontokennfttxGet | GET /api?module=account&action=tokennfttx | Get a list of 'ERC721 - Token Transfer Events' by Address Usage: 1> ERC-721 transfers from an address, specify the address parameter 2> ERC-721 transfers from a contract address, specify the contract address parameter 3> ERC-721 transfers from an address filtered by a token contract, specify both address and contract address parameters. |
AccountsApi | apimoduleaccountactiontokentxGet | GET /api?module=account&action=tokentx | Get a list of 'ERC20 - Token Transfer Events' by Address Usage: 1> ERC-20 transfers from an address, specify the address parameter 2> ERC-20 transfers from a contract address, specify the contract address parameter 3> ERC-20 transfers from an address filtered by a token contract, specify both address and contract address parameters. |
AccountsApi | apimoduleaccountactiontxlistGet | GET /api?module=account&action=txlist | Get a list of 'Normal' Transactions By Address |
AccountsApi | apimoduleaccountactiontxlistinternalGet | GET /api?module=account&action=txlistinternal | Get a list of 'Internal' Transactions. Usage: 1> Get 'Internal' Transactions by Address. example: https://evmapi.confluxscan.net/api ?module=account &action=txlistinternal &address=0x2c1ba59d6f58433fb1eaee7d20b26ed83bda51a3 &startblock=0 &endblock=2702578 &page=1 &offset=10 &sort=asc &apikey=YourApiKeyToken 2> Get 'Internal Transactions' by Transaction Hash. example: https://evmapi.confluxscan.net/api ?module=account &action=txlistinternal &txhash=0x40eb908387324f2b575b4879cd9d7188f69c8fc9d87c901b9e2daaea4b442170 &apikey=YourApiKeyToken 3> Get 'Internal Transactions' by Block Range. example: https://evmapi.confluxscan.net/api ?module=account &action=txlistinternal &startblock=13481773 &endblock=13491773 &page=1 &offset=10 &sort=asc &apikey=YourApiKeyToken |
| AccountsDeprecatedApi | accountCfxTransfersGet | GET /account/cfx/transfers | Get cfx transfer records of an account. |
AccountsDeprecatedApi | accountCrc1155TransfersGet | GET /account/crc1155/transfers | |
AccountsDeprecatedApi | accountCrc20TransfersGet | GET /account/crc20/transfers | Get crc20 transfer records of an account. |
AccountsDeprecatedApi | accountCrc3525TransfersGet | GET /account/crc3525/transfers | |
AccountsDeprecatedApi | accountCrc721TransfersGet | GET /account/crc721/transfers | |
AccountsDeprecatedApi | accountTokensGet | GET /account/tokens | Get assets held by an account. Some tokens may not show up for some reasons. |
AccountsDeprecatedApi | accountTransactionsGet | GET /account/transactions | Get transactions associated with an account. A transaction with 'from' or 'to' equals to specified account is considered as 'associate'. Parameters 'from' and 'to' are [or] logic. |
| BlocksApi | apimoduleblockactiongetblocknobytimeGet | GET /api?module=block&action=getblocknobytime | Get Block Number by Timestamp |
| ContractsApi | apiPost | POST /api | |
ContractsApi | apimodulecontractactioncheckproxyverificationGet | GET /api?module=contract&action=checkproxyverification | Checking Proxy Contract Verification Submission Status using cURL |
ContractsApi | apimodulecontractactioncheckverifystatusGet | GET /api?module=contract&action=checkverifystatus | Verify Source Code - Check Source Code Verification Submission Status |
ContractsApi | apimodulecontractactiongetabiGet | GET /api?module=contract&action=getabi | Get Contract ABI for Verified Contract Source Codes |
ContractsApi | apimodulecontractactiongetsourcecodeGet | GET /api?module=contract&action=getsourcecode | Get Contract Source Code for Verified Contract Source Codes |
ContractsApi | apimodulecontractactionverifyproxycontractGet | GET /api?module=contract&action=verifyproxycontract | Verifying Proxy Contract using cURL |
| NFTAssetsApi | nftBalancesGet | GET /nft/balances | Get balances of NFT assets for account address. |
NFTAssetsApi | nftFtsGet | GET /nft/fts | Search the NFT by NFT name and/or contract address. |
NFTAssetsApi | nftPreviewGet | GET /nft/preview | View the NFT for the specified contract address and tokenID. |
NFTAssetsApi | nftTokensGet | GET /nft/tokens | Get token id array of specified NFT contract for account address. |
| StatisticsApi | statisticsAccountActiveGet | GET /statistics/account/active | Get statistics of active account by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsAccountCfxHolderGet | GET /statistics/account/cfx/holder | Get statistics of total cfx holder by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsAccountGrowthGet | GET /statistics/account/growth | Get statistics of account growth by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsCfxTransferGet | GET /statistics/cfx/transfer | Get statistics of cfx transfer by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsContractGet | GET /statistics/contract | Get statistics of deployed contract. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsMiningGet | GET /statistics/mining | Get statistics of mining within ${limit} ${intervalType}. When intervalType is min, the maximum interval between minTimestamp and maxTimestamp is 60 minutes |
StatisticsApi | statisticsSupplyGet | GET /statistics/supply | Return supply info about CFX on Conflux Network. totalIssued: Total issued balance in Drip, totalCirculating: Total circulating balance in Drip, totalStaking: Total staking balance in Drip, totalCollateral: Total collateral balance in Drip, nullAddressBalance: Zero address's balance in Drip, twoYearUnlockBalance: Two year unlock address's balance in Drip, fourYearUnlockBalance: Four year unlock address's balance in Drip. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTokenHolderGet | GET /statistics/token/holder | Get statistics of holder count for token transfer by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTokenTransferGet | GET /statistics/token/transfer | Get statistics of token transfer by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTokenUniqueParticipantGet | GET /statistics/token/unique/participant | Get statistics of unique participant count for token transfer by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTokenUniqueReceiverGet | GET /statistics/token/unique/receiver | Get statistics of unique receiver count for token transfer by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTokenUniqueSenderGet | GET /statistics/token/unique/sender | Get statistics of unique sender count for token transfer by daily. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopCfxReceiverGet | GET /statistics/top/cfx/receiver | Get statistics of cfx receiver for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopCfxSenderGet | GET /statistics/top/cfx/sender | Get statistics of cfx sender for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopGasUsedGet | GET /statistics/top/gas/used | Get statistics of gas used for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopMinerGet | GET /statistics/top/miner | Get statistics of miner for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopTokenParticipantGet | GET /statistics/top/token/participant | Get statistics of token participant for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopTokenReceiverGet | GET /statistics/top/token/receiver | Get statistics of token receiver for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopTokenSenderGet | GET /statistics/top/token/sender | Get statistics of token sender for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopTokenTransferGet | GET /statistics/top/token/transfer | Get statistics of token transfer for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopTransactionReceiverGet | GET /statistics/top/transaction/receiver | Get statistics of transaction receiver for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTopTransactionSenderGet | GET /statistics/top/transaction/sender | Get statistics of transaction sender for top 10. |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTpsGet | GET /statistics/tps | Get statistics of tps within ${limit} ${intervalType}. When intervalType is min, the maximum interval between minTimestamp and maxTimestamp is 60 minutes |
StatisticsApi | statisticsTransactionGet | GET /statistics/transaction | Get statistics of transaction account by daily. |
| TokensApi | apimoduleaccountactiontokenbalanceGet | GET /api?module=account&action=tokenbalance | Get ERC20-Token Account Balance for TokenContractAddress |
TokensApi | apimoduleaccountactiontokenbalancehistoryGet | GET /api?module=account&action=tokenbalancehistory | Get Historical ERC20-Token Account Balance for TokenContractAddress by BlockNo |
TokensApi | apimodulestatsactiontokensupplyGet | GET /api?module=stats&action=tokensupply | Get ERC20-Token TotalSupply by ContractAddress |
TokensApi | apimodulestatsactiontokensupplyhistoryGet | GET /api?module=stats&action=tokensupplyhistory | Get Historical ERC20-Token TotalSupply by ContractAddress & BlockNo |
TokensApi | apimoduletokenactiontokeninfoGet | GET /api?module=token&action=tokeninfo | Get Token Info by ContractAddress |
| TransactionsApi | apimoduletransactionactiongetstatusGet | GET /api?module=transaction&action=getstatus | Check Contract Execution Status |
TransactionsApi | apimoduletransactionactiongettxreceiptstatusGet | GET /api?module=transaction&action=gettxreceiptstatus | Check Transaction Receipt Status |
| UtilsApi | utilDecodeMethodGet | GET /util/decode/method | Decode the data of the transaction, where the to
address of the transaction is the verified contract |
UtilsApi | utilDecodeMethodRawGet | GET /util/decode/method/raw | Decode the data of the raw transaction, where the to
address of the transaction is the verified contract |
Documentation for Models
- AccountActiveStat
- AccountActiveStat_result
- AccountActiveStat_result_list_inner
- AccountGrowthStat
- AccountGrowthStat_result
- AccountGrowthStat_result_list_inner
- AddressCfxTransferTopStat
- AddressCfxTransferTopStat_result
- AddressCfxTransferTopStat_result_list_inner
- AddressInfo_value
- AddressTransactionTopStat
- AddressTransactionTopStat_result
- AddressTransactionTopStat_result_list_inner
- AssetsOfAccountResp
- AssetsOfAccountResp_data
- AssetsOfAccountResp_data_list_inner
- BalanceHistory
- BalanceMulti
- BalanceMulti_result_inner
- CfxHolderStat
- CfxHolderStat_result
- CfxHolderStat_result_list_inner
- CfxTransferStat
- CfxTransferStat_result
- CfxTransferStat_result_list_inner
- CommonResponse
- ContractDeployedStat
- ContractDeployedStat_result
- ContractDeployedStat_result_list_inner
- ContractExecutionStatus
- ContractExecutionStatus_result
- ContractInfo
- ContractInfo_result_inner
- DecodedMethod
- DecodedMethodRaw
- DecodedMethodRaw_result
- DecodedMethod_result
- GasUsedTopStat
- GasUsedTopStat_result
- GasUsedTopStat_result_list_inner
- MarketStat
- MarketStat_result
- MinedBlockList
- MinedBlockList_result_inner
- MinerTopStat
- MinerTopStat_result
- MinerTopStat_result_list_inner
- MiningStat
- MiningStat_result
- MiningStat_result_list_inner
- NFTBalanceList
- NFTBalanceList_result
- NFTBalanceList_result_list_inner
- NFTPreview
- NFTPreview_result
- NFTTokenFtsList
- NFTTokenFtsList_result
- NFTTokenFtsList_result_list_inner
- NFTTokenList
- NFTTokenList_result
- NFTTokenList_result_list_inner
- NFTTokenList_result_list_inner_rawData
- TokenHolderStat
- TokenHolderStat_result
- TokenHolderStat_result_list_inner
- TokenInfo
- TokenInfo_result_inner
- TokenParticipantTopStat
- TokenParticipantTopStat_result
- TokenParticipantTopStat_result_list_inner
- TokenReceiverTopStat
- TokenReceiverTopStat_result
- TokenReceiverTopStat_result_list_inner
- TokenSenderTopStat
- TokenSenderTopStat_result
- TokenSenderTopStat_result_list_inner
- TokenTransferStat
- TokenTransferStat_result
- TokenTransferStat_result_list_inner
- TokenTransferTopStat
- TokenTransferTopStat_result
- TokenTransferTopStat_result_list_inner
- TokenTransferUniqueParticipantStat
- TokenTransferUniqueParticipantStat_result
- TokenTransferUniqueParticipantStat_result_list_inner
- TokenTransferUniqueReceiverStat
- TokenTransferUniqueReceiverStat_result
- TokenTransferUniqueReceiverStat_result_list_inner
- TokenTransferUniqueSenderStat
- TokenTransferUniqueSenderStat_result
- TokenTransferUniqueSenderStat_result_list_inner
- TpsStat
- TpsStat_result
- TpsStat_result_list_inner
- TransactionListResp
- TransactionListResp_data
- TransactionListResp_data_list_inner
- TransactionReceiptStatus
- TransactionReceiptStatus_result
- TransactionStat
- TransactionStat_result
- TransactionStat_result_list_inner
- Transfer1155ListResp
- Transfer1155ListResp_data
- Transfer1155ListResp_data_list_inner
- Transfer20List
- Transfer20ListResp
- Transfer20List_result_inner
- Transfer3525ListResp
- Transfer3525ListResp_data
- Transfer3525ListResp_data_list_inner
- Transfer721List
- Transfer721ListResp
- Transfer721ListResp_data
- Transfer721ListResp_data_list_inner
- TransferCfxList
- TransferCfxListResp
- TransferCfxListResp_data
- TransferCfxListResp_data_list_inner
- TransferCfxList_result_inner
- TxList
- TxList_result_inner
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.