One config to rule them all.
One config to rule them all.
Configuration as code. Think about condu as terraform for your repository configuration.
The un-template / un-boilerplate / un-scaffold / un-generator. Keep ALL of your project configuration up to date, and easily override it, using a single language.
Setup your repository configuration declaratively, and keep up with best practices.
Managing the JavaScript ecosystem can be a full time job. Upgrades to transpiles, migrations across builder systems, migrating or adding support for new engines (deno, bun), correct support for CommonJS and ESM, linting, testing, etc. And if you maintain more than one package, multiply all of that work by each one!
Annoyed by ecosystem/tooling churn? Hard to maintain dependencies? Tired of manually updating configs?
Tired of various tools having different configuration formats? Some starting with dot, some in their own folders, some in .json, others in .yaml, JavaScript, or even .toml?
Configure everything with code! In TypeScript, neatly organized inside of a .config
Additionally, reuse your configuration across projects, and easily update them all at once. Override only the parts you need to in your given project, and keep the rest up to date.
Scaffolding seems great at first, but isn't good enough, because it's not maintainable. The ecosystem moves too fast, and there are no configuration management tools in the JavaScript ecosystem.
Another problem is that often when you want to install a new tool, you have to update configuration files of all the tools you're using.
You need to know how to make the tools work together, and you need to know how to configure them.
This is challenging, because the tools are often not designed to work together, and they have different configuration formats.
It's unlikely you are an expert in all of them, and might be missing out on the best practices.
solves this by helping features contribute to other feature's context, or directly extend others' configuration files.
fixes this long list of files in your root of repo:
- tsconfig.json
- .eslintrc
- .prettierrc
- .babel.config.js (implied child .babelrc)
- .webpack.config.js
- jest.config.js
- .env
- docker-compose.yml
- gitlab-ci.yml
- .npmrc
- .editorconfig
and this
and this,
and this.
and this
is here to help out.