web3.js plugin for Near Protocol
web3.js plugin for NEAR Protocol
This is an npm package containing a web3.js plugin for NEAR Protocol.
Plugin usage by users
At your typescript project first run:
yarn add web3 @con3x/web3-plugin-near
And here is how to use the plugin:
import { Web3 } from 'web3';
import { NearPlugin } from '@con3x/web3-plugin-near';
async function near() {
const web3 = new Web3('https://archival-rpc.mainnet.near.org');
web3.registerPlugin(new NearPlugin());
const blockNumber = await web3.near.getBlockNumber({ finality: 'final' });
console.log('near blockNumber', blockNumber);
const block = await web3.near.getBlock({
blockId: 'EgG4dp1j1doy8kMaTx7j715nn9K7QXGByi8QUyRdSned',
console.log('near block', block);
// Hint: you can try to give a blockId that does not exist in order to see the error returned by web3.js
// try {
// const invalidBlock = await web3.near.getBlock({
// blockId: 'xyz',
// });
// } catch (error) {
// console.log(error);
// }
You can play with the npm package online at: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/broken-haze-9krygq?file=%2Findex.js
Project progress
NEAR Plugin
Create NEAR Plugin and publish it to the npm
The web3.js plugin for NEAR has been publish to
https://www.npmjs.com/package/@con3x/web3-plugin-near and it is useable inside this example playground: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/broken-haze-9krygq?file=%2Findex.js Additionally, some tests has been written to test some of the functionality.
Implement all basic NEAR RPC methods
However, there is a difference between calling those function at near-api-js and in this plugin. In this plugin, the internal handling is similar to web3.js. So the provider errors could be caught in the same way the developer would catch with web3.js.
Implement alternative methods to ethereum RPC methods available currently at web3.eth.[RPC_METHOD]
Implement web3.near.accounts
that act a bit similar to web3.eth.accounts
Implement web3.near.Contract
that act a bit similar to web3.eth.Contract
NEAR Aurora Plugin
There is a web3.js plugin for the Aurora Engine that is an EVM running atop NEAR Protocol. You can check its repository at: https://github.com/con3x/web3-plugin-aurora
Running Tests
Testing NearPlugin
Executing yarn test
would give something like:
PASS test/near-plugin.test.ts
NearPlugin Tests
NearPlugin method tests
✓ should call `getBlockNumber` method with expected param (10 ms)
✓ should call `block` method with expected param (3 ms)
✓ should call `getProtocolVersion` (3 ms)
✓ should call `isSyncing` (2 ms)
✓ should call `getGasPrice` (2 ms)
✓ should call `getCoinbase` (2 ms)
✓ should call `getBalance` (2 ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: xx passed, xx total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.685 s, estimated 2 s
Ran all test suites.
Done in 2.16s.
Note: Before running the tests, be sure to run a NEAR development node on port . You can follow the documentation to run a local testnet: https://near-nodes.io/validator/running-a-node.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.