Only for complements
Scrap To JSON ✔️
¡Welcome everyone!
This's the easy way to scrap a web page, and get the deseable data (attributes and inner text) into JSON file. With a few steps, you can obtain the selected element contain, and using in to wherever you prefer (an API maybe). Only do you need is some few code lines and interacting with you favorite bash terminal.
Install the package
npm i @complements/scrap-to-json
Usage example
First at all, you must initialize the ScrapToJson class, then, select the method for start (each one for different purposes):
import ScrapToJson from "@complements/scrap-to-json"
async function scrapWebPage(){
const scrap = new ScrapToJson()
const getSingleElementData = await scrap.getScrapSingleElement() // Get a Single DOM element data
const getAllElementsData = await scrap.getScrapAllElements() // Get all DOM element data
Then, when the functions is executed, the terminal will be opened (i recommend use NODE environment).
Write the web page URL from you desire get some data.
Enter the url: https://yourselectedwebpage.com
Press Enter to next
Add the DOM element (for eg. the anchor tag "a") or class.
Enter a DOM Element tag (without "<>") or selector: a
Press Enter to next
Choose the name for the output JSON file.
Enter a File Name (omit *json* extension): myFileName
Press Enter to next
And that's it, the file will be saved on the root folder.
You may contributing, all the improvement is very welcome. This is only a complement to make more easy somes tedious jobs. I hope can be useful.