Scala design decisions package
Scala Design Tokens
This package is built to provide a set of design decisions to effortlessly build products at Compasso.
Within this package you gain organized access to design tokens in a consistent and user-friendly format.
You can take advantage of tokens values alongside components props or directly access the theme object within your own Stitches Components. This ensures a seamless and efficient workflow when incorporating design elements into your Compasso projects.
yarn add @compasso/design-tokens
npm install @compasso/design-tokens
These are some of the tokens groups you will find in this package:
✔︎ light / dark themes
✔︎ colors
✔︎ border width
✔︎ border sizes
✔︎ border radius
✔︎ elevation
✔︎ font family
✔︎ font sizes
✔︎ font weights
✔︎ line heights
✔︎ spacing unities