An application using GeoExt and BasiGX
Check out the latest deployed version at https://compassinformatics.github.io/cpsi-mapview/
Project setup
This steps assume you have Sencha CMD v7.8 (or the GPL version v7.2.0.84) installed on your system and a copy of ExtJS v7.0.0 downloaded (or the commercial version ExtJS 7.8.0 if you have a licence). The project has been tested using Node v20+ - this is the minimum recommended version.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/compassinformatics/cpsi-mapview.git
cd cpsi-mapview
Ensure that Sencha Cmd is available on the command line. Examples for Windows:
$env:Path = "D:\Tools\Sencha\Cmd\;" + $env:Path
Command prompt:
SET PATH=D:\Tools\Sencha\Cmd\;%PATH%
Now add your ExtJS library. The project is tested with both 7.0 (GPL), and 7.8 (commercial license).
sencha app upgrade /path/to/local/extjs7.8
Alternatively place a junction (shortcut) to point to an existing ExtJS folder (recommended approach):
# Command Prompt
mklink /D ext D:\Tools\Sencha\ext-7.8.0
# PowerShell
new-item -itemtype symboliclink -path . -name ext -value D:\Tools\Sencha\ext-7.8.0
Install dependencies:
npm i
Start dev-server
sencha app watch
# or with a specific port
sencha app watch --j2ee --port 1888
Open http://localhost:1841 in your browser.
Override dependencies
To debug against the main branches (or a specific commit) of dependencies, update the classpath
property in app.json
to use the lib
folder instead of node_modules
and run the following command to clone git submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Docker install
If a simple local server is needed to omit CORS problems, you can use the one configured in docker-compose.yml
Fill placeholders in nginx.conf
with appropriate values and start nginx server beside sencha dev server simply by:
docker-compose up
The application is available via http://localhost:81/ afterwards.
For running tests various dependencies listed in package.json need to be installed. Run the following:
npm install
Navigate to the project folder and run the following:
npm test
Note - if there are errors such as BasiGX not defined
, ensure that the submodules have been
created using git submodule update --init --recursive
To have tests continually running while making changes:
npm run test:watch
To open in a browser and leave the browser open (to review UI components, debug, etc.).
prevents application JS files being cached.
karma start --browsers Chrome --single-run=False --debug --auto-watch
See also https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/debugging-karma-unit-tests/
To run for single test file you can use the grep
karma start --single-run --grep 'CpsiMapview.factory.Layer'
karma start --single-run --grep 'CpsiMapview.util.Turf' --debug
Production Builds
cd cpsi-mapview
sencha app build
cd build\production\CpsiMapview
python -m http.server 8888