Utils package for color-delta-e
Utility functions for color-delta-e
npm install color-delta-e @color-delta-e/utils
yarn add color-delta-e @color-delta-e/utils
pnpm add color-delta-e @color-delta-e/utils
filters a list of colors based on if they are perceivably different to the comparitor color
interface FilterOptions {
type: "rgb" | "hsl" | "lab" // only for declaring the type of ColorTuples
threshold: number // default 5
declare function filter(comparitor: string | ColorTuple, toFilter: Array<string | ColorTuple>, options?: FilterOptions)
const filtered = filter('#dd2244', ['#dd2244' ,'#e83b3b', '#45b0b0'], {
threshold: 5,
type: 'rgb' // only needed if using color tuples eg [255,255,255] otherwise colors are infered
console.log(filtered) // ['#e83b3b', '#45b0b0']
sorts a list of colors based on their perceivable difference to the comparitor color, can
interface SortOptions {
type: "rgb" | "hsl" | "lab" // default: 'rgb' - Note: only for declaring the type of ColorTuples
threshold: number // default 5
direction: 'asc' | 'dec' // default 'asc'
declare function sort(comparitor: string | ColorTuple, toSort: Array<string | ColorTuple>, options?: SortOptions)
const sorted = sort('#dd2244', ['#e83b3b', '#db2424', '#df1111', '#b50303'], {
threshold: 5,
direction: 'asc' // 'asc' | 'dec'
type: 'rgb' // only needed if using color tuples eg [255,255,255] otherwise colors are infered
console.log(sorted) // ['#b50303', '#df1111', '#db2424', '#e83b3b']
A color-delta-e specific version of pipe, interface of functions passed to it have to follow a specifc structure.
pass in pipeable functions, and will return a new function that will perform those actions on the array with comparitor, the returning array will be passed to the next function as its new array argument.
type PipeableOptionInterface = Record<string, any>
&& {
type: "rgb" | "hsl" | "lab",
threshold: number
// a pipeable function has to follow this interface
declare function pipeableInterface(comparitor: string | ColorTuple, toPipe: Array<string | ColorTuple>, options?: PipeableOptionInterface )
const pipedFilterSort = pipe(filter, sort)
const result = pipedFilterSort('#dd2244', ['#dd2244' ,'#e83b3b', '#45b0b0'], {
//a union of all piped functions options
console.log(result) // ['#45b0b0', '#e83b3b']