Orbit & first person camera controller for THREE.JS
Orbit & first person camera controller for three.js
$ npm install @cognite/three-combo-controls
$ yarn add @cognite/three-combo-controls
import ComboControls from '@cognite/three-combo-controls';
import * as THREE from 'three';
const controls = new ComboControls(camera, domElement);
const clock = new THREE.Clock();
function animate() {
// ...
Mouse actions:
- Left click & drag to rotate
- Right click & drag to pan
- Wheel to zoom
Touch actions:
- One finger to rotate
- Two fingers to pan & zoom (pinch)
Keyboard actions:
- w & s to zoom
- a, d, q & e to pan
- Arrows to rotate (first person)
Usage (advance)
controls.addEventListener('cameraChange', (event) => {
const { position, target } = event.camera;
// position & target in world space and instanceof THREE.Vector3
// options with default values
controls.enabled = true; // enable / disable all interactions
controls.enableDamping = true; // enable / disable smooth transitions
controls.dampingFactor = 0.2; // smooth transition factor (<= 1). Move (targetState - currentState) * dampingFactor for each `controls.update` call
controls.dynamicTarget = false; // possible to zoom past the target (will move the target if you are closer than minDistance to the target)
controls.dollyFactor = 0.98; // zoom factor (when zooming one step the distance to the target will be distance = oldDistance * dollyFactor)
controls.minDistance = 1; // minimum distance to the target (see also dynamicTarget)
controls.maxDistance = Infinity; // maximum distance to the target
controls.minPolarAngle = 0; // minium polar angle around the target (radians)
controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI; // maximum polar angle around the target (radians)
controls.minAzimuthAngle = -Infinity; // minimum azimuth angle around the target (radians)
controls.maxAzimuthAngle = Infinity; // maximum azimuth angle around the target (radians)
controls.enableKeyboardNavigation = true; // enable / disable keyboard navigation
controls.keyboardDollySpeed = 2; // using keyboard ('W' & 'S') will zoom equal to keyboardDollySpeed mouse wheel events
controls.keyboardPanSpeed = 10; // using keyboard ('A' & 'D') to pan will be equal to keyboardPanSpeed pixels mouse pan
controls.keyboardSpeedFactor = 3; // speed factor for keyboard navigation (pan & zoom) when 'shift' key is pressed
controls.firstPersonRotationFactor = 0.4; // rotation speed in first person mode
controls.pinchPanSpeed = 1; // pinch (touch) pan speed
controls.pinchEpsilon = 2; // minimum pixels change for pinch (touch & pan) to trigger pinch action
controls.pointerRotationSpeedPolar = Math.PI / 360; // rotation speed for touch in radians per pixel
controls.pointerRotationSpeedAzimuth = Math.PI / 360; // rotation speed for touch in radians per pixel
controls.keyboardRotationSpeedAzimuth = 10 * Math.PI / 360; // rotation speed for keyboard first person mode (arrow-keys).
controls.keyboardRotationSpeedPolar = 10 * Math.PI / 360; // rotation speed for keyboard first person mode (arrow-keys).
controls.minZoom = 0; // minimum zoom distance, only available when camera is orthographic
controls.maxZoom = Infinity; // maximum zoom distance, only available when camera is orthographic
controls.orthographicCameraDollyFactor = 0.3; // dolly factor of orthographic camera
$ npm install
$ npm run start