Working with [Cloud optimized GEOTiff](https://www.cogeo.org/) and Tiffs
Working with Cloud optimized GEOTiff and Tiffs
- Completely javascript based, works in the browser and nodejs
- Lazy load Tiffs images and metadata
- Supports huge 100GB+ COG
- Uses GDAL COG optimizations, generally only one or two reads per tile!
- Loads Tiffs from URL, File, Google Cloud or AWS S3
- Used in production for LINZ's Basemaps with billions of tiles fetched from Tiffs!
Load a COG from a remote http source
import { SourceHttp } from '@chunkd/source-url';
import { Tiff } from '@cogeotiff/core'
const source = new SourceHttp('https://example.com/cog.tif');
const tiff = await Tiff.create(source);
/** Load a specific tile from a specific image */
const tile = await tiff.images[5].getTile(2, 2);
/** Load the 5th image in the Tiff */
const img = tiff.images[5];
if (img.isTiled()) {
/** Load tile x:10 y:10 */
const tile = await img.getTile(10, 10);
tile.mimeType; // image/jpeg
tile.bytes; // Raw image buffer
/** Get the origin point of the tiff */
const origin = img.origin;
/** Bounding box of the tiff */
const bbox = img.bbox;
// Tiff tags can be accessed via some helpers
const noData = img.noData; // -9999
const noDataTag = img.tags.get(TiffTag.GdalNoData) // Tag information such as file offset or tagId
const noDataValue = img.value(TiffTag.GdalNoData) // "-9999" (tag is stored as a string)
Tags are somewhat typesafe for most common use cases in typescript,
img.value(TiffTag.ImageWidth) // number
img.value(TiffTag.BitsPerSample) // number[]
Some tags have exported constants to make them easier to work with
import {Photometric} from '@cogeotiff/core'
const photometric = img.value(TiffTag.Photometric)
if( photometric == Photometric.Rgb) {
// Tiff is a RGB photometric tiff
For a full list of constants see ./src/index.ts
GeoTiff tags are loaded into a separate location
import {RasterTypeKey} from '@cogeotiff/core'
const pixelIsArea = img.valueGeo(TiffTagGeo.GTRasterTypeGeoKey) == RasterTypeKey.PixelIsArea
More examples can bee seen
- @cogeotiff/example
- CogViewer
- @chunkd Additional sources eg file:// and s3://