A set of higher order function to help implement update logic
A set of higher order function to add update logic to a coroutine component
you can install the library with a package manager (like npm):
npm install @cofn/controllers
Or import it directly from a CDN
import {withController} from 'https://unpkg.com/@cofn/controllers/dist/cofn-controllers.js';
Reactive props
Defines a list of properties to watch. The namespace properties
is injected into the rendering generator
import {define} from '@cofn/core';
import {withProps} from '@cofn/controllers'
const withName = withProps(['name']);
define('my-comp', withNameAndAge(function *({$root}){
while(true) {
const { properties } = yield;
$root.textContent = properties.name;
// <my-comp></my-comp>
myCompEl.name = 'Bob'; // > render
// ...
myCompEl.name = 'Woot'; // > render
Controller API
Defines a controller passed to the rendering generator. Takes as input a factory function which returns the controller.
The regular component dependencies are injected into the controller factory and a meta object state
Whenever a property is set on this meta object, the component renders. The namespace state
is injected into the rendering generator.
import {define} from '@cofn/core';
import {withController} from '@cofn/controller';
const withCountController = withController(({state, $host}) => {
const step = $host.hasAttribute('step') ? Number($host.getAttribute('step')) : 1;
state.count = 0;
return {
state = state + step;
state = state - step;
define('count-me',withCountController(function *({$root, controller}){
const [decrementEl, incrementEl] = $host.querySelectorAll('button');
const countEl = $host.querySelector('span');
decrementEl.addEventListener('click', controller.decrement);
incrementEl.addEventListener('click', controller.increment);
while(true) {
const { $scope } = yield;
countEl.textContent = $scope.count;