Local command line interface for managing enterprise assets and environments.
$ npm install -g @codiac.io/codiac-cli
$ codiac COMMAND
running command...
$ codiac (--version|-v)
@codiac.io/codiac-cli/1.3.65 linux-x64 node-v16.17.1
$ codiac --help [COMMAND]
$ codiac COMMAND
codiac asset create
codiac asset destroy
codiac asset get [CMD]
codiac asset helm [SETTING]
codiac asset list
codiac asset mon [CMD]
codiac asset monitor [CMD]
codiac asset new
codiac asset probe create [CMD]
codiac asset recycle
codiac asset view [CMD]
codiac asset vol add [MOUNTPATH]
codiac asset vol create [MOUNTPATH]
codiac asset vol del
codiac asset vol delete
codiac asset vol list
codiac asset volume add [MOUNTPATH]
codiac asset volume create [MOUNTPATH]
codiac asset volume del
codiac asset volume delete
codiac asset volume list
codiac asset volumes del
codiac asset volumes delete
codiac asset volumes list
codiac autocomplete [SHELL]
codiac branch [NAME]
codiac branch current
codiac branch list
codiac branches current
codiac branches list
codiac build
codiac cab create [CABINET]
codiac cab list
codiac cab obliterate [CABINET]
codiac cabinet create [CABINET]
codiac cabinet list
codiac cabinet obliterate [CABINET]
codiac cfg add [SETTING]
codiac cfg delete [SETTING]
codiac cfg view [SETTING]
codiac cli
codiac cluster create [NAME]
codiac cluster deinit [NAME]
codiac cluster destroy [NAME]
codiac cluster forget
codiac cluster grant [NAME]
codiac cluster init [NAME]
codiac cluster list
codiac cluster recreate [NAME]
codiac commit [MESSAGE]
codiac config add [SETTING]
codiac config delete [SETTING]
codiac config deploy
codiac config import [SETTING]
codiac config set [SETTING]
codiac config view [SETTING]
codiac csp login [PROVIDER]
codiac csp logout [PROVIDER]
codiac dash
codiac dep [NAME]
codiac dep create [URL]
codiac dep install
codiac dep list
codiac dep remove [NAME]
codiac dep source [NAME]
codiac dep src [NAME]
codiac dep syncup DEPENDENCY
codiac dep unsource [NAME]
codiac dep unsrc [NAME]
codiac dep upgrade [DEPENDENCY]
codiac deploy
codiac domain map [DOMAIN]
codiac ent list
codiac enterprise create [CODE]
codiac enterprise list
codiac env add [SETTING]
codiac enviro create [NAME]
codiac enviro list
codiac environment create [NAME]
codiac environment list
codiac fileshare capture
codiac filestore capture
codiac help [COMMANDS]
codiac host map [DOMAIN]
codiac identify [TOKENNAME]
codiac identity [TOKENNAME]
codiac identity delete [NAME]
codiac identity list
codiac identity remove [NAME]
codiac image [IMAGENAME]
codiac image add [IMAGENAME]
codiac image delete IMAGENAME
codiac image list
codiac image patch IMAGENAME
codiac image remove IMAGENAME
codiac imageRegistry capture
codiac imageRegistry forget
codiac imageRegistry pullSecret set
codiac imageRegistry pullSecret unset
codiac images add [IMAGENAME]
codiac images list
codiac images patch IMAGENAME
codiac images remove IMAGENAME
codiac images version NAME
codiac img [IMAGENAME]
codiac img add [IMAGENAME]
codiac img delete IMAGENAME
codiac img list
codiac img patch IMAGENAME
codiac img remove IMAGENAME
codiac init DIRECTORY
codiac k9s
codiac kit create [SETTING]
codiac login
codiac logout
codiac merge [BRANCH]
codiac noc cluster create [NAME]
codiac noc cluster deinit [NAME]
codiac noc cluster destroy [NAME]
codiac noc cluster forget
codiac noc cluster grant [NAME]
codiac noc cluster init [NAME]
codiac noc cluster list
codiac noc cluster recreate [NAME]
codiac pkg add [DEFINITIONFILE]
codiac pkg delete [PACKAGENAME]
codiac pkg list
codiac pkg patch PACKAGENAME
codiac pkg remove [PACKAGENAME]
codiac portal
codiac publish [NAME]
codiac pull [NAME]
codiac pullsecret
codiac pullsecret unset
codiac push [NAME]
codiac run
codiac secretStore
codiac secretStore capture
codiac secretStore forget
codiac stage [FILES]
codiac stash [FILE]
codiac status
codiac stop
codiac switch [NAME]
codiac sync [NAME]
codiac tenant create [NAME]
codiac tenant switch [NAME]
codiac token [TOKENNAME]
codiac token delete [NAME]
codiac token list
codiac token remove [NAME]
codiac unstage [FILES]
codiac update [CHANNEL]
codiac user login
codiac user show
codiac version
codiac view dash
codiac view dashboard
codiac view k9s
codiac view pods
codiac whereami
codiac whoami
codiac asset create
Creates a new asset in the given enterprise from an image that exists in a container registry.
$ codiac asset create [-h] [-k <value> | -i <value> | -r <value>] [-g] [-o] [-t] [-y -n <value> -c <value> -e
<value> -p <value>]
-c, --code=<value> The host name to assign this asset in the domain url. eg: 'myasset' in
'myasset.your-domain.com' (Optional: defaults to the asset name).
-e, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise in which to create this asset. (defaults to the current
enterprise context)
-g, --hasIngress Declaration that the asset service is to be externally accessible (optional: defaults to
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --image=<value> The image name including scope prefix if applicable (eg: '@yourCompany/your-api-image').
-k, --kit=<value> The name of the kit (with library prefix, eg: 'library/kitName') to use to create the asset.
Use '?' to be prompted for a kit (Optional: used instead of calling for the image).
-n, --name=<value> The name to give the enterprise asset (Optional: defaults to the image name without the
scope prefix).
-o, --routedWithoutName Indicates that this asset will be the base ingress against your DNS. eg: true services
yourwebsite.com (as root/naked) (optional: defaults to false).
-p, --port=<value> The default port to assign the asset when deployed to a cabinet (optional).
-r, --registry=<value> The container registry in which the image exists (defaults to docker hub).
-t, --toScript Outputs an assembled command string, NO execution
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from
prior runs. Requires: image,registry,name,code,enterprise,port
Creates a new asset in the given enterprise from an image that exists in a container registry.
$ codiac asset new
codiac asset destroy
UN-deploys a given asset from a given cabinet. Defaults to removing only the pod deployments and leaving the service in place; set the --scorch argument to remove the service.
$ codiac asset destroy [-h] [-a <value>] [-v <value>] [-s] [-y]
-a, --asset=<value> Search string for the name of the asset to destroy (use ? to be prompted).
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --scorch (Optional: defaults to false) Destroys the service too, instead of just the deployment and
-v, --version=<value> Search string for the version of the asset to destroy (use ? to be prompted).
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from
prior runs.
UN-deploys a given asset from a given cabinet. Defaults to removing only the pod deployments and leaving the service
in place; set the --scorch argument to remove the service.
codiac asset get [CMD]
Renders a selected type of content for an asset
$ codiac asset get [CMD] [-h] [-e <value>] [-a <value>] [-n <value>] [-c <value>] [-r <value>] [-t
logs|term|exec|env|config|status] [--terminal bash|sh] [-f] [-l <value>] [-F <value>] [--takeDefaults | [--silent |
--echo | --toscript]]
CMD (requires type=exec) command and its space-separated arguments to run in the target replica.
-F, --configFile=<value> (requires type=config) The root pathname to the config file to fetch.
-a, --asset=<value> The name of the asset to view.
-c, --cabinet=<value> The name of the cabinet from which the content is to be drawn.
-e, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise containing the asset being viewed.
-f, --logsFollow (requires type=logs) Follow (aka watch, tail, stream) the output.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --logsTail=<value> [default: 10] (requires type=logs) Lines of recent logs to include in the output. Enter -1
to include the entire log history stored in the container.
-n, --environment=<value> The name of the environment in which the cabinet resides.
-r, --replica=<value> The name of one of the asset instances currently running in the cabinet.
-t, --type=<option> The type of content to retrieve.
<options: logs|term|exec|env|config|status>
--echo Echo interaction mode; renders the equivalent non-interactive cli command for future use
before final execution.
--silent Non-Interactive mode; executes without any user interaction and fails on any missing or
invalid arguments.
--takeDefaults Prevents prompting for confirmation on parameters that were passed in or were set to
default values.
--terminal=<option> Command used to start the terminal (defaults to "bash")
<options: bash|sh>
--toscript Toscript interaction mode; renders the equivalent non-interactive cli command WITHOUT any
Renders a selected type of content for an asset
$ codiac asset monitor
$ codiac asset mon
$ codiac asset get
codiac asset helm [SETTING]
Creates a new asset in the given enterprise from an image that exists in a container registry.
$ codiac asset helm [SETTING] [-h] [-i <value>] [-y -r <value> -n <value> -c <value> -e <value> -p <value> -g
SETTING The key for the config setting to add
-c, --code=<value> The host name to assign this asset in the domain url. eg: 'myasset' in
'myasset.your-domain.com' (Optional: defaults to the asset name).
-e, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise in which to create this asset. (defaults to the current
enterprise context)
-g, --hasIngress Declaration that the asset service is to be externally accessible (optional: defaults to
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --chart=<value> The chart name including scope prefix if applicable (eg: '@yourCompany/your-helm-chart').
-n, --name=<value> The name to give the enterprise asset (Optional: defaults to the image name without the
scope prefix).
-o, --routedWithoutName Indicates that this asset will be the base ingress against your DNS. eg: true services
yourwebsite.com (as root/naked) (optional: defaults to false).
-p, --port=<value> The default port to assign the asset when deployed to a cabinet (optional).
-r, --registry=<value> The chart registry in which the chart exists (defaults to docker hub).
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from
prior runs. Requires: image,registry,name,code,enterprise,port,hasIngress,routedWithoutName
Creates a new asset in the given enterprise from an image that exists in a container registry.
$ codiac asset new
codiac asset list
Shows the list of assets in a given enterprise.
$ codiac asset list [-o json|yaml|tree|text] [-h]
-h, --help Displays the help document for this command.
-o, --output=<option> [default: tree] format in which to render the data.
<options: json|yaml|tree|text>
Shows the list of assets in a given enterprise.
codiac asset mon [CMD]
Renders a selected type of content for an asset
$ codiac asset mon [CMD] [-h] [-e <value>] [-a <value>] [-n <value>] [-c <value>] [-r <value>] [-t
logs|term|exec|env|config|status] [--terminal bash|sh] [-f] [-l <value>] [-F <value>] [--takeDefaults | [--silent |
--echo | --toscript]]
CMD (requires type=exec) command and its space-separated arguments to run in the target replica.
-F, --configFile=<value> (requires type=config) The root pathname to the config file to fetch.
-a, --asset=<value> The name of the asset to view.
-c, --cabinet=<value> The name of the cabinet from which the content is to be drawn.
-e, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise containing the asset being viewed.
-f, --logsFollow (requires type=logs) Follow (aka watch, tail, stream) the output.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --logsTail=<value> [default: 10] (requires type=logs) Lines of recent logs to include in the output. Enter -1
to include the entire log history stored in the container.
-n, --environment=<value> The name of the environment in which the cabinet resides.
-r, --replica=<value> The name of one of the asset instances currently running in the cabinet.
-t, --type=<option> The type of content to retrieve.
<options: logs|term|exec|env|config|status>
--echo Echo interaction mode; renders the equivalent non-interactive cli command for future use
before final execution.
--silent Non-Interactive mode; executes without any user interaction and fails on any missing or
invalid arguments.
--takeDefaults Prevents prompting for confirmation on parameters that were passed in or were set to
default values.
--terminal=<option> Command used to start the terminal (defaults to "bash")
<options: bash|sh>
--toscript Toscript interaction mode; renders the equivalent non-interactive cli command WITHOUT any
Renders a selected type of content for an asset
$ codiac asset monitor
$ codiac asset mon
$ codiac asset get
codiac asset monitor [CMD]
Renders a selected type of content for an asset
$ codiac asset monitor [CMD] [-h] [-e <value>] [-a <value>] [-n <value>] [-c <value>] [-r <value>] [-t
logs|term|exec|env|config|status] [--terminal bash|sh] [-f] [-l <value>] [-F <value>] [--takeDefaults | [--silent |
--echo | --toscript]]
CMD (requires type=exec) command and its space-separated arguments to run in the target replica.
-F, --configFile=<value> (requires type=config) The root pathname to the config file to fetch.
-a, --asset=<value> The name of the asset to view.
-c, --cabinet=<value> The name of the cabinet from which the content is to be drawn.
-e, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise containing the asset being viewed.
-f, --logsFollow (requires type=logs) Follow (aka watch, tail, stream) the output.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --logsTail=<value> [default: 10] (requires type=logs) Lines of recent logs to include in the output. Enter -1
to include the entire log history stored in the container.
-n, --environment=<value> The name of the environment in which the cabinet resides.
-r, --replica=<value> The name of one of the asset instances currently running in the cabinet.
-t, --type=<option> The type of content to retrieve.
<options: logs|term|exec|env|config|status>
--echo Echo interaction mode; renders the equivalent non-interactive cli command for future use
before final execution.
--silent Non-Interactive mode; executes without any user interaction and fails on any missing or
invalid arguments.
--takeDefaults Prevents prompting for confirmation on parameters that were passed in or were set to
default values.
--terminal=<option> Command used to start the terminal (defaults to "bash")
<options: bash|sh>
--toscript Toscript interaction mode; renders the equivalent non-interactive cli command WITHOUT any
Renders a selected type of content for an asset
$ codiac asset monitor
$ codiac asset mon
$ codiac asset get
codiac asset new
Creates a new asset in the given enterprise from an image that exists in a container registry.
$ codiac asset new [-h] [-k <value> | -i <value> | -r <value>] [-g] [-o] [-t] [-y -n <value> -c <value> -e
<value> -p <value>]
-c, --code=<value> The host name to assign this asset in the domain url. eg: 'myasset' in
'myasset.your-domain.com' (Optional: defaults to the asset name).
-e, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise in which to create this asset. (defaults to the current
enterprise context)
-g, --hasIngress Declaration that the asset service is to be externally accessible (optional: defaults to
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --image=<value> The image name including scope prefix if applicable (eg: '@yourCompany/your-api-image').
-k, --kit=<value> The name of the kit (with library prefix, eg: 'library/kitName') to use to create the asset.
Use '?' to be prompted for a kit (Optional: used instead of calling for the image).
-n, --name=<value> The name to give the enterprise asset (Optional: defaults to the image name without the
scope prefix).
-o, --routedWithoutName Indicates that this asset will be the base ingress against your DNS. eg: true services
yourwebsite.com (as root/naked) (optional: defaults to false).
-p, --port=<value> The default port to assign the asset when deployed to a cabinet (optional).
-r, --registry=<value> The container registry in which the image exists (defaults to docker hub).
-t, --toScript Outputs an assembled command string, NO execution
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from
prior runs. Requires: image,registry,name,code,enterprise,port
Creates a new asset in the given enterprise from an image that exists in a container registry.
$ codiac asset new
codiac asset probe create [CMD]
Declares the implementation of a health or readiness probe for an asset.
$ codiac asset probe create [CMD] -u readiness|liveness|startup [-h] [-n <value>] [-a <value>] [-v <value>] [-d
<value>] [-p <value>] [--predefined <value> | --exec | --grpc | --http | --socket] [-x <value>] [--execCommand
<value> ] [--grpcHost <value> ] [--grpcPort <value> ] [--httpScheme http|https ] [--httpHost <value> ] [--httpPort
<value> ] [--httpPath <value> ] [-h <value> ] [--socketHost <value> ] [--socketPort <value> ]
CMD (requires --exec) command and its space-separated arguments to run in the target replica.
-a, --asset=<value> The name of the asset to which this probe is to apply.
-d, --delay=<value> The time (in seconds) to wait before the first execution of the probe.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-h, --httpHeader=<value>... (For use only with http) Key value pair (in format x=y) to be used as an http header in
an http probe action.
-n, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise to which this probe is to apply.
-p, --period=<value> [default: 10] How often (in seconds) to fire the probe.
-u, --usage=<option> (required) [default: readiness] The diagnostic purpose the probe will serve.
<options: readiness|liveness|startup>
-v, --versions=<value> Asset version range for which this probe is to be used. (optional: defaults to >=latest)
-x, --action=<value> The JSON specification for the probe action itself. The structure follows the
--exec Declares the probe shall be carried out as an executable CLI command. A return code of
zero indicates success. Any nonzero result indicates failure.
--execCommand=<value>... (For use only with exec) The executable command to run as the probe, as a single string,
or as an array of commands and arguments. If it returns any nonzero result, the probe
gets interpreted as a negative/failure.
--grpc Declares the probe shall be carried out as a grpc api request.
--grpcHost=<value> (For use only with grpc).
--grpcPort=<value> (For use only with grpc).
--http Declares the probe shall be carried out as an http request. Any code greater than or
equal to 200 and less than 400 indicates success. Any other code indicates failure.
--httpHost=<value> .
--httpPath=<value> (For use only with http).
--httpPort=<value> (For use only with http).
--httpScheme=<option> (For use only with http) The http protocol to use.
<options: http|https>
--predefined=<value> Calls out by name for an existing standard or shared probe action. Use this argument
instead of defining the probe action with the exec, grpc, http or socket arguments.
--socket Declares the probe shall be carried out as a TCP Socket request.
--socketHost=<value> (For use only with socket).
--socketPort=<value> (For use only with socket).
Declares the implementation of a health or readiness probe for an asset.
$ codiac asset probe create
cod probe:create --predefined builtin-heartbeat-file-exists
cod probe:create -p 15 --exec --execCommand "cat /app/data/last-heartbeat.json"
cod probe:create -n acme -a myapi -u readiness -p 15 --exec --execCommand "cat /app/data/last-heartbeat.json"
cod probe:create -n acme -a myapi -u readiness -p 15 --exec --execCommand cat --execCommand /app/data/last-heartbeat.json
cod probe:create -n acme -a myapi -u readiness -p 15 --http --httpScheme https --httpHost myapi.acme.com --httpPort 443 --httpPath /diag/heartbeat -h Accept=application/json -h user-agent=MyUserAgent
codiac asset recycle
Deploys a given asset to a given cabinet. Defaults to current version.
$ codiac asset recycle [-h] [-a <value>] [-v <value>] [-y -e <value> -c <value>]
-a, --asset=<value> Search string for the name of the asset to deploy (use ? to be prompted).
-c, --cabinetName=<value> Target cabinet name you want deploy
-e, --enterpriseCode=<value> Code (name) of the enterprise to deploy
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --version=<value> Search string for the version of the asset to deploy (use ? to be prompted).
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered
from prior runs. Requires: enterpriseCode,cabinetName
Deploys a given asset to a given cabinet. Defaults to current version.
codiac asset view [CMD]
Renders a selected type of content for an asset
$ codiac asset view [CMD] [-h] [-e <value>] [-a <value>] [-n <value>] [-c <value>] [-r <value>] [-t
logs|term|exec|env|config|status] [--terminal bash|sh] [-f] [-l <value>] [-F <value>] [--takeDefaults | [--silent |
--echo | --toscript]]
CMD (requires type=exec) command and its space-separated arguments to run in the target replica.
-F, --configFile=<value> (requires type=config) The root pathname to the config file to fetch.
-a, --asset=<value> The name of the asset to view.
-c, --cabinet=<value> The name of the cabinet from which the content is to be drawn.
-e, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise containing the asset being viewed.
-f, --logsFollow (requires type=logs) Follow (aka watch, tail, stream) the output.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --logsTail=<value> [default: 10] (requires type=logs) Lines of recent logs to include in the output. Enter -1
to include the entire log history stored in the container.
-n, --environment=<value> The name of the environment in which the cabinet resides.
-r, --replica=<value> The name of one of the asset instances currently running in the cabinet.
-t, --type=<option> The type of content to retrieve.
<options: logs|term|exec|env|config|status>
--echo Echo interaction mode; renders the equivalent non-interactive cli command for future use
before final execution.
--silent Non-Interactive mode; executes without any user interaction and fails on any missing or
invalid arguments.
--takeDefaults Prevents prompting for confirmation on parameters that were passed in or were set to
default values.
--terminal=<option> Command used to start the terminal (defaults to "bash")
<options: bash|sh>
--toscript Toscript interaction mode; renders the equivalent non-interactive cli command WITHOUT any
Renders a selected type of content for an asset
$ codiac asset monitor
$ codiac asset mon
$ codiac asset get
codiac asset vol add [MOUNTPATH]
Declares a named path for mounting a volume to instances of the asset.
$ codiac asset vol add [MOUNTPATH] [-h] [-d <value>] [-y -n <value>]
MOUNTPATH Fully qualified mounting path, inside the container, of the folder being mapped as a volume. Must be
unique for the asset.
-d, --description=<value> Any notes or other information to help clarify the intended purpose of this folder, to
assist during the configuration phase when assigning an actual physical file store to it.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for
the asset.
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered
from prior runs. Requires: name
Declares a named path for mounting a volume to instances of the asset.
$ codiac asset vol create
$ codiac asset vol add
$ codiac asset volume add
codiac asset vol create [MOUNTPATH]
Declares a named path for mounting a volume to instances of the asset.
$ codiac asset vol create [MOUNTPATH] [-h] [-d <value>] [-y -n <value>]
MOUNTPATH Fully qualified mounting path, inside the container, of the folder being mapped as a volume. Must be
unique for the asset.
-d, --description=<value> Any notes or other information to help clarify the intended purpose of this folder, to
assist during the configuration phase when assigning an actual physical file store to it.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for
the asset.
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered
from prior runs. Requires: name
Declares a named path for mounting a volume to instances of the asset.
$ codiac asset vol create
$ codiac asset vol add
$ codiac asset volume add
codiac asset vol del
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset vol del [-h] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for the
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from prior
runs. Requires: name
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset vol delete
$ codiac asset volumes delete
$ codiac asset volume del
$ codiac asset vol del
$ codiac asset volumes del
codiac asset vol delete
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset vol delete [-h] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for the
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from prior
runs. Requires: name
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset vol delete
$ codiac asset volumes delete
$ codiac asset volume del
$ codiac asset vol del
$ codiac asset volumes del
codiac asset vol list
Renders the currently declared mount paths for the asset.
$ codiac asset vol list [-h] [-p <value>] [-o pretty|json|yaml|auto] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Filter volumes within the asset by mount name.
-o, --output=<option> [default: auto] Output format of the actual settings data document.
<options: pretty|json|yaml|auto>
-p, --path=<value> Filter volumes within the asset by mount path.
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from
prior runs. Requires: name
Renders the currently declared mount paths for the asset.
$ codiac asset vol list
$ codiac asset volumes list
codiac asset volume add [MOUNTPATH]
Declares a named path for mounting a volume to instances of the asset.
$ codiac asset volume add [MOUNTPATH] [-h] [-d <value>] [-y -n <value>]
MOUNTPATH Fully qualified mounting path, inside the container, of the folder being mapped as a volume. Must be
unique for the asset.
-d, --description=<value> Any notes or other information to help clarify the intended purpose of this folder, to
assist during the configuration phase when assigning an actual physical file store to it.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for
the asset.
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered
from prior runs. Requires: name
Declares a named path for mounting a volume to instances of the asset.
$ codiac asset vol create
$ codiac asset vol add
$ codiac asset volume add
codiac asset volume create [MOUNTPATH]
Declares a named path for mounting a volume to instances of the asset.
$ codiac asset volume create [MOUNTPATH] [-h] [-d <value>] [-y -n <value>]
MOUNTPATH Fully qualified mounting path, inside the container, of the folder being mapped as a volume. Must be
unique for the asset.
-d, --description=<value> Any notes or other information to help clarify the intended purpose of this folder, to
assist during the configuration phase when assigning an actual physical file store to it.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for
the asset.
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered
from prior runs. Requires: name
Declares a named path for mounting a volume to instances of the asset.
$ codiac asset vol create
$ codiac asset vol add
$ codiac asset volume add
codiac asset volume del
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset volume del [-h] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for the
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from prior
runs. Requires: name
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset vol delete
$ codiac asset volumes delete
$ codiac asset volume del
$ codiac asset vol del
$ codiac asset volumes del
codiac asset volume delete
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset volume delete [-h] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for the
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from prior
runs. Requires: name
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset vol delete
$ codiac asset volumes delete
$ codiac asset volume del
$ codiac asset vol del
$ codiac asset volumes del
codiac asset volume list
Renders the currently declared mount paths for the asset.
$ codiac asset volume list [-h] [-p <value>] [-o pretty|json|yaml|auto] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Filter volumes within the asset by mount name.
-o, --output=<option> [default: auto] Output format of the actual settings data document.
<options: pretty|json|yaml|auto>
-p, --path=<value> Filter volumes within the asset by mount path.
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from
prior runs. Requires: name
Renders the currently declared mount paths for the asset.
$ codiac asset vol list
$ codiac asset volumes list
codiac asset volumes del
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset volumes del [-h] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for the
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from prior
runs. Requires: name
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset vol delete
$ codiac asset volumes delete
$ codiac asset volume del
$ codiac asset vol del
$ codiac asset volumes del
codiac asset volumes delete
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset volumes delete [-h] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Moniker for identifying, retrieving, and accessing this folder mapping. Must be unique for the
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from prior
runs. Requires: name
Deletes an existing volume mount in the asset
$ codiac asset vol delete
$ codiac asset volumes delete
$ codiac asset volume del
$ codiac asset vol del
$ codiac asset volumes del
codiac asset volumes list
Renders the currently declared mount paths for the asset.
$ codiac asset volumes list [-h] [-p <value>] [-o pretty|json|yaml|auto] [-y -n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Filter volumes within the asset by mount name.
-o, --output=<option> [default: auto] Output format of the actual settings data document.
<options: pretty|json|yaml|auto>
-p, --path=<value> Filter volumes within the asset by mount path.
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from
prior runs. Requires: name
Renders the currently declared mount paths for the asset.
$ codiac asset vol list
$ codiac asset volumes list
codiac autocomplete [SHELL]
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ codiac autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]
SHELL shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ codiac autocomplete
$ codiac autocomplete bash
$ codiac autocomplete zsh
$ codiac autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
codiac branch [NAME]
Creates a new branch for the parent project and any sourced dependencies.
$ codiac branch [NAME] [-s] [-h]
NAME The name of the branch to create.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --switch Automatically switches to the new branch after creating it.
Creates a new branch for the parent project and any sourced dependencies.
See code: src/commands/branch.ts
codiac branch current
Renders the name of the current branch (for the main project and for any sourced dependencies).
$ codiac branch current [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
Renders the name of the current branch (for the main project and for any sourced dependencies).
$ codiac branches current
codiac branch list
Lists out existing branches for the project repo.
$ codiac branch list [-h] [-r | -l]
-h, --help Displays the help document for this command.
-l, --locals (Optional, defaults to false) Limits to local branches only.
-r, --remotes (Optional, defaults to false) Limits to remote branches only.
Lists out existing branches for the project repo.
$ codiac branches list
codiac branches current
Renders the name of the current branch (for the main project and for any sourced dependencies).
$ codiac branches current [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
Renders the name of the current branch (for the main project and for any sourced dependencies).
$ codiac branches current
codiac branches list
Lists out existing branches for the project repo.
$ codiac branches list [-h] [-r | -l]
-h, --help Displays the help document for this command.
-l, --locals (Optional, defaults to false) Limits to local branches only.
-r, --remotes (Optional, defaults to false) Limits to remote branches only.
Lists out existing branches for the project repo.
$ codiac branches list
codiac build
Builds the project and the docker container
$ codiac build [--as <value>] [--remember] [--rememberAs <value>] [--unremember <value>]
[--withoutdefaults] [-v] [-h] [-f <value>] [-n] [-d -b <value>] [--version <value>] [-M] [-m] [-p] [-r] [-c] [-s
images|packages] [-i <value>] [-t <value>]
-M, --major Increments the version by one Major version number (using Major.Minor.Patch).
-b, --buildDef=<value> Replaces the default build command with the given process. For a multi-command
sequence, separate each with a Pipe (|) character.
-c, --clear Completely deletes the output folder before building.
-d, --asDefault Overwrites the default build command for the project with the buildDef argument
-f, --frameworkVersion=<value> (Future) Explicitly sets the version of the Toyhauler base image to use (default:
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --image=<value>... (optional, defaults to all) Limits the list of images to build. Value must match the
name property of an image export defined in the codiac project file (codiac.json)
-m, --minor Increments the version by one Minor version number (using Major.Minor.Patch).
-n, --noCache Ignores the local Docker image cache, thereby forcing a fresh download of each image
from its container registry layer in the build.
-p, --patch Increments the version by one Patch version number (using Major.Minor.Patch).
-r, --prerelease Increments the prerelease number (using Major.Minor.Patch-PreRelease). NOTE:
Increments the Patch version number when appending.
-s, --skip=<option> (optional) Prevents the building of any declared container images or packages.
<options: images|packages>
-t, --buildTarget=<value> (optional) Calls out the only stage to be built for images defined with multistage
-v, --verbose Renders additional logging levels (detail, trace, and debug) to the console output.
--as=<value> Fires this command with an argument list that was previously remembered using the
--rememberAs flag.
--remember Saves the arguments, so they are invoked as defaults whenever this command gets
--rememberAs=<value> Saves the given argument list so that it can be called by name.
--unremember=<value> Administrative only: DOES NOT fire the actual command. Simply clears the arguments
that were previously stored under the given name (use "--unRemember default" to clear
default argument list memorized with the --remember flag).
--version=<value> Overwrites the full version for the build (using Major.Minor.Patch).
--withoutdefaults Prevents any relevant saved defaults from being invoked for this call.
Builds the project and the docker container
See code: src/commands/build.ts
codiac cab create [CABINET]
Initializes a cabinet for a given enterprise and environment. Overwrites any existing if forced, otherwise returns an error if the cabinet already exists.
$ codiac cab create [CABINET] [--as <value>] [--remember] [--rememberAs <value>] [--unremember <value>]
[--withoutdefaults] [-v] [-h] [-f] [-e <value>]
CABINET The name of the cabinet to create
-e, --environment=<value> (optional: defaults to that of the current project branch) The name of the environment this
cabinet will be grouped under.
-f, --force Overwrites and reinitializes if the cabinet already exists.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose Renders additional logging levels (detail, trace, and debug) to the console output.
--as=<value> Fires this command with an argument list that was previously remembered using the
--rememberAs flag.
--remember Saves the arguments, so they are invoked as defaults whenever this command gets called.
--rememberAs=<value> Saves the given argument list so that it can be called by name.
--unremember=<value> Administrative only: DOES NOT fire the actual command. Simply clears the arguments that
were previously stored under the given name (use "--unRemember default" to clear default
argument list memorized with the --remember flag).
--withoutdefaults Prevents any relevant saved defaults from being invoked for this call.
Initializes a cabinet for a given enterprise and environment. Overwrites any existing if forced, otherwise returns an
error if the cabinet already exists.
$ codiac cab create
codiac cab list
Shows the list of cabinets and environment.
$ codiac cab list [-o json|yaml|tree|text] [-h]
-h, --help Displays the help document for this command.
-o, --output=<option> [default: tree] format in which to render the data.
<options: json|yaml|tree|text>
Shows the list of cabinets and environment.
$ codiac cab list
codiac cab obliterate [CABINET]
Hard-deletes an entire cabinet and everything in it; makes it as if the cabinet itself never existed.
$ codiac cab obliterate [CABINET] [--as <value>] [--remember] [--rememberAs <value>] [--unremember <value>]
[--withoutdefaults] [-v] [-h] [-e <value>]
CABINET The name of the cabinet
-e, --environment=<value> (optional: defaults to that of the current project branch) The name of the environment this
cabinet will be grouped under.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose Renders additional logging levels (detail, trace, and debug) to the console output.
--as=<value> Fires this command with an argument list that was previously remembered using the
--rememberAs flag.
--remember Saves the arguments, so they are invoked as defaults whenever this command gets called.
--rememberAs=<value> Saves the given argument list so that it can be called by name.
--unremember=<value> Administrative only: DOES NOT fire the actual command. Simply clears the arguments that
were previously stored under the given name (use "--unRemember default" to clear default
argument list memorized with the --remember flag).
--withoutdefaults Prevents any relevant saved defaults from being invoked for this call.
Hard-deletes an entire cabinet and everything in it; makes it as if the cabinet itself never existed.
$ codiac cab obliterate
codiac cabinet create [CABINET]
Initializes a cabinet for a given enterprise and environment. Overwrites any existing if forced, otherwise returns an error if the cabinet already exists.
$ codiac cabinet create [CABINET] [--as <value>] [--remember] [--rememberAs <value>] [--unremember <value>]
[--withoutdefaults] [-v] [-h] [-f] [-e <value>]
CABINET The name of the cabinet to create
-e, --environment=<value> (optional: defaults to that of the current project branch) The name of the environment this
cabinet will be grouped under.
-f, --force Overwrites and reinitializes if the cabinet already exists.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose Renders additional logging levels (detail, trace, and debug) to the console output.
--as=<value> Fires this command with an argument list that was previously remembered using the
--rememberAs flag.
--remember Saves the arguments, so they are invoked as defaults whenever this command gets called.
--rememberAs=<value> Saves the given argument list so that it can be called by name.
--unremember=<value> Administrative only: DOES NOT fire the actual command. Simply clears the arguments that
were previously stored under the given name (use "--unRemember default" to clear default
argument list memorized with the --remember flag).
--withoutdefaults Prevents any relevant saved defaults from being invoked for this call.
Initializes a cabinet for a given enterprise and environment. Overwrites any existing if forced, otherwise returns an
error if the cabinet already exists.
$ codiac cab create
codiac cabinet list
Shows the list of cabinets and environment.
$ codiac cabinet list [-o json|yaml|tree|text] [-h]
-h, --help Displays the help document for this command.
-o, --output=<option> [default: tree] format in which to render the data.
<options: json|yaml|tree|text>
Shows the list of cabinets and environment.
$ codiac cab list
codiac cabinet obliterate [CABINET]
Hard-deletes an entire cabinet and everything in it; makes it as if the cabinet itself never existed.
$ codiac cabinet obliterate [CABINET] [--as <value>] [--remember] [--rememberAs <value>] [--unremember <value>]
[--withoutdefaults] [-v] [-h] [-e <value>]
CABINET The name of the cabinet
-e, --environment=<value> (optional: defaults to that of the current project branch) The name of the environment this
cabinet will be grouped under.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose Renders additional logging levels (detail, trace, and debug) to the console output.
--as=<value> Fires this command with an argument list that was previously remembered using the
--rememberAs flag.
--remember Saves the arguments, so they are invoked as defaults whenever this command gets called.
--rememberAs=<value> Saves the given argument list so that it can be called by name.
--unremember=<value> Administrative only: DOES NOT fire the actual command. Simply clears the arguments that
were previously stored under the given name (use "--unRemember default" to clear default
argument list memorized with the --remember flag).
--withoutdefaults Prevents any relevant saved defaults from being invoked for this call.
Hard-deletes an entire cabinet and everything in it; makes it as if the cabinet itself never existed.
$ codiac cab obliterate
codiac cfg add [SETTING]
Adds a key value pair to the app config
$ codiac cfg add [SETTING] [-h] [-s <value>] [-v <value>] [-n <value> | -e <value> | -c <value>] [-f
SETTING The key for the config setting to add
-c, --cabinet=<value> The name of the cabinet to which this value is to apply.
-e, --environment=<value> The name of the environment to which this value is to apply.
-f, --file=<value> The path-name to the file to which the settings are written, relative to the root of the
Codiac project.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise to which this value is to apply.
-s, --setting=<value> The config key (in dotpath/JSONPath), relative to the root of the config.
-v, --value=<value> The actual concrete data to be applied as the setting value.
Adds a key value pair to the app config
$ codiac config set
$ codiac cfg add
codiac cfg delete [SETTING]
Removes the given keys from the app config
$ codiac cfg delete [SETTING] [-h] [-s <value>] [-n <value> | -e <value> | -c <value>] [-f <value>]
SETTING (optional) Specific config key to remove. Omit to select from a list. Enter "all" to clear the entire config.
-c, --cabinet=<value> The name of the cabinet to which this value is to apply.
-e, --environment=<value> The name of the environment to which this value is to apply.
-f, --file=<value> The path-name to the config file holding the settings, relative to the root of the Codiac
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --enterprise=<value> The name of the enterprise to which this value is to apply.
-s, --setting=<value> The config key (in dotpath/JSONPath), relative to the root of the config.
Removes the given keys from the app config
$ codiac cfg delete
codiac cfg view [SETTING]
Shows the values that are explicitly set in the given config
$ codiac cfg view [SETTING] [-h] [-p] [-a <value>] [-f <value>] [-y [-c <value> | | ] ] [-o
SETTING (optional) Name of specific setting value to view; omit to show all.
-a, --asset=<value> Search string for the name of the asset to deploy (use ? to be prompted).
-c, --cabinet=<value> The name of the cabinet to assemble the configuration for.
-f, --file=<value> [default: app-config.json] The relative pathname of the config file to view (relative to the
root of the codiac project).
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<option> [default: auto] Output format of the actual settings data document.
<options: pretty|json|yaml|auto>
-p, --prompt Invokes a prompt to select from the existing settings.
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values that are remembered from
prior runs.
Shows the values that are explicitly set in the given config
$ codiac cfg view
$ cod config:view
$ cod config:view port
$ cod config:view -p
$ cod config:view -o pretty
$ cod config:view -c dev2 -f settings.json -o pretty
codiac cli
Applies settings to the Codiac CLI itself (scoped to the local machine).
$ codiac cli [-h] [-s <value>]
-h, --help Show the help docs for this command.
-s, --set=<value>... A key=value expression for the setting to apply. Leave this argument out of your call to get a
list of the available settings keys and their types.
Applies settings to the Codiac CLI itself (scoped to the local machine).
See code: src/commands/cli.ts
codiac cluster create [NAME]
Provisions the physical cluster
$ codiac cluster create [NAME] [-h] [-p <value>] [-k <value>] [-u <value>] [-u <value>] [-y <value> -s <value> -g
<value> -l <value> -n <value> -q <value>] [-t]
NAME Proposed name of the cluster
-g, --resourceGroup=<value> The Azure resource group to create for the cluster.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --subnet=<value> The resource id of the subnet in which the cluster is to be created.
-l, --location=<value> The short name of the azure data center in which the cliuster is to reside.
-n, --nodeSpec=<value> The identifier for the type of VM to use for nodes in the cluster.
-p, --owner=<value> Tenant code of the private owner of the cluster
-q, --nodeQty=<value> The starting node count with which to create the cluster.
-s, --providerSubscription=<value> The Azure subscription Id under which to create the cluster.
-t, --toScript Outputs an assembled command string, NO execution
-u, --identityUserId=<value> OPTIONAL. ID of Svc Principal or Managed Identity to execute as. To create k8s
cluster, IP address, and container Pull. If none supplied Codiac will try to
create one.
-u, --identityUserName=<value> OPTIONAL. Name of Svc Principal or Managed Identity to execute as. To create k8s
cluster, IP address, and container Pull. If none supplied Codiac will try to
create one.
-y, --silent=<value> (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents confirmations of user-values. Required:
Provisions the physical cluster
$ codiac cluster create
codiac cluster deinit [NAME]
Deinitialization of the cluster (uninstalls the ingress controller and tls cert manager services)
$ codiac cluster deinit [NAME] [-h] [-p aws|azure|dockerHub|other] [-y -n <value>]
NAME Name of existing cluster.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> Name of the cluster.
-p, --provider=<option> Code for the cloud service provider.
<options: aws|azure|dockerHub|other>
-y, --silent (Optional: defaults to false) Prevents interactive user-interface and throws if interaction
is needed. Requires arguments: [--name -n]
Deinitialization of the cluster (uninstalls the ingress controller and tls cert manager services)
$ codiac cluster deinit
codiac cluster destroy [NAME]
Kills the physical cluster, but not the Codiac cluster definition record
$ codiac cluster destroy [NAME] [-h] [-p] [-i] [-p azure|aws|dockerHub|other] [-y -n <value>]
NAME Proposed name of the cluster
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --deleteIdentity (optional: defaults to false) Ensures that identity security account for the cluster shall
also be deleted after the cluster itself is destroyed.
-n, --name=<value> Name of the cluster.
-p, --partials Include clusters that were never fully created.
-p, --provider=<option> Code for the cloud service provider.
<options: azure|aws|dockerHub|other>