Codewritz SDK for making Aergo wallet applications
Herajs Wallet SDK
This package includes everything you need to build a wallet application on Aergo. It is useful for other kinds of dapps, too.
- Manage keys
- Easy to use interface for sending transactions
- Track accounts for new transactions (using a full node or other external APIs)
- Sign and verify
- Integrates with storages (supported out of the box: IndexedDB (for browsers), LevelDB (for Node.js), and in-memory storage)
In contrary to @herajs/client, which includes just the API client and useful classes and helpers, @herajs/wallet includes managers that can keep, coordinate, and optionally persist state.
Work in progress, please check back later for release
Getting started
Work in progress
Based on https://github.com/graup/rollup-typescript-babel
Building the repo
npm run build
Building only types
npm run build:types
Type-Checking the repo
npm run type-check
And to run in --watch mode:
npm run type-check:watch