Codewritz Ledger Hardware app for Aergo
Ledger Hardware Wallet Aergo JavaScript bindings
How to use
npm install --save @herajs/ledger-hw-app-aergo
Getting address and signing transaction
import LedgerAppAergo from '@herajs/ledger-hw-app-aergo';
// Pick a transport. See https://github.com/LedgerHQ/ledgerjs
import Transport from '@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid';
import AergoClient, { Tx } from '@herajs/client';
async () => {
const aergo = new AergoClient();
const transport = await Transport.create(3000, 1500);
const app = new LedgerAppAergo(transport);
const path = "m/44'/441'/0'/0/" + i;
const address = await app.getWalletAddress(path);
const tx = {
from: address,
to: address,
chainIdHash: await aergo.getChainIdHash(),
type: Tx.Type.TRANSFER,
nonce: await aergo.getNonce(address) + 1,
limit: 100000,
nonce: 1,
const result = await app.signTransaction(tx); // { hash, signature }
tx.sign = result.signature;
tx.hash = await hashTransaction(tx, 'bytes');
const txHash = await aergo.sendSignedTransaction(tx);
const txReceipt = await aergo.waitForTransactionReceipt(txHash); // { status: 'SUCCESS', blockno: number, ... }