node-mongo-cli Command Line Interface made with nodejs to bootstrap any of 3 boilerplate templates for your nodejs and/or mongoDB development.
node-mongo projects require you to have Node.js or Node Version Manager (NVM) installed on your computer
Supported Node.js versions: Node.js v16.x to v20.x
Operating Systems: Mac, Windows, and Linux OS
Parent repo: code-collabo/node-mongo
The latest version of CLI generates API boilerplate templates v1.0.0
The node-mongo-cli is a Command Line Interface made with Node.js. It bootstraps any of the node-mongo API boilerplate templates for your nodejs mongoDB development, depending on your preference.
- CLI bootstraps the typescript, es module, or common js (a.k.a. ts, esm, cjs) templates for nodejs mongoDB development.
- Install dependencies and initialize git for the template bootstrapped or choose to skip them.
- Folders are automatically created based on user entry in the prompt or command line.
- The default folder name is used and incremented if the folder name provided already exists.
API boilerplate templates
- API boilerplate templates now use the MVC architecture pattern i.e. separated route, model, controller, and service files.
- Development environment already set up with @babel (for esm template only), eslint, and server watch.
- The default connection setup type is MongoDB Atlas. You get to choose if you want to use Atlas or switch to the Local mongoDB connection setup type, and you also get to save your preferred connection setup type for when next you run the automated development server.
- Improved user experience with the newly added walk-through prompts in the terminal: quick to setup, easy to use, with automated and improved user support.
CLI installation
Install CLI globally with this command:
npm install -g @code-collabo/node-mongo-cli
CLI command
After installing globally, use the node-mongo command.
CLI usage
node-mongo <folder_name> <template>
CLI usage example
Replace <folder_name> with your preferred folder name. Replace <template> with any of these: ts, esm, or cjs. The example below will bootstrap the ts template i.e. the typescript template into a folder named test-folder.
node-mongo test-folder ts
API boilerplate template and automated development server
See the API boilerplate templates documentation for detailed steps to setup your generated API boilerplate template, run the automated development server, and build your own mongoDB backend application with it.
Show CLI help
node-mongo --help
CLI flags
-h, --help Show help
-v, --version Show version number
-i, --install Install dependencies
-g, --git Initialize git repo
-s, --skip-install Skip installing dependencies
-x, --skip-git Skip initializing git
-y, --yes No prompt: See note on --yes flag below
CLI prompts
If you do not specify one or both arguments above, you will be prompted to add your folder name and/or choose template option from list. For foldername, you can choose to use the default foldername provided in the prompt or type in your preferred folder name.
CLI skip prompts
No prompt when --yes flag is used. It skips both install and git init. The CLI will generate the (default) ts template if no template is specified or if the template entered is not in the template collection. In the case of folder name, default foldername is used if no folder name is specified or when the folder name used already exists.
See the links to the official documentation of the node-mongo project and community building it below:
Appreciation to @dkundel, @academind, @CodAffection, @coryhouse for the awesome helpful course resources they create, and to @jiobiagba and @IsraelObiagba for their occasional but mighty contributions.
Contributors ✨
Thanks to these amazing contributors to the node-mongo-cli project. This project follows the all-contributors specification. See emoji key. Contributions of any kind welcome!