<!-- Start Codat Library Description --> Lending helps you make smarter credit decisions on small businesses by enabling you to pull your customers' latest data from the operating systems they are already using. You can use that data for automating decisi
Lending helps you make smarter credit decisions on small businesses by enabling you to pull your customers' latest data from the operating systems they are already using. You can use that data for automating decisioning and surfacing new insights on the customer, all via one API.
Lending API: Our Lending API helps you make smarter credit decisions on small businesses by enabling you to pull your customers' latest data from accounting, banking, and commerce software they are already using. It also includes features to help providers verify the accuracy of data and process it more efficiently.
The Lending API is built on top of the latest accounting, commerce, and banking data, providing you with the most important data points you need to get a full picture of SMB creditworthiness and make a comprehensive assessment of your customers.
Explore product | See OpenAPI spec
| Endpoints | Description | | :- |:- | | Companies | Create and manage your SMB users' companies. | | Connections | Create new and manage existing data connections for a company. | | Bank statements | Retrieve banking data from linked bank accounts. | | Sales | Retrieve standardized sales data from a linked commerce software. | | Financial statements | Financial data and reports from a linked accounting software. | | Liabilities | Debt and other liabilities. | | Accounts payable | Data from a linked accounting software representing money the business owes money to its suppliers. | | Accounts receivable | Data from a linked accounting software representing money owed to the business for sold goods or services. | | Transactions | Data from a linked accounting software representing transactions. | | Company info | View company information fetched from the source platform. | | Data integrity | Match mutable accounting data with immutable banking data to increase confidence in financial data. | | Excel reports | Download reports in Excel format. | | Manage data | Control how data is retrieved from an integration. | | File upload | Endpoints to manage uploaded files. | | Loan writeback | Implement the loan writeback procedure in your lending process to maintain an accurate position of a loan during the entire lending cycle. |
Table of Contents
SDK Installation
The SDK can be installed with either npm, pnpm, bun or yarn package managers.
npm add @codat/lending
pnpm add @codat/lending
bun add @codat/lending
yarn add @codat/lending zod
# Note that Yarn does not install peer dependencies automatically. You will need
# to install zod as shown above.
Example Usage
For supported JavaScript runtimes, please consult RUNTIMES.md.
SDK Example Usage
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
const codatLending = new CodatLending();
async function run() {
await codatLending.accountCategoriesUpdated({
clientId: "bae71d36-ff47-420a-b4a6-f8c9ddf41140",
clientName: "Bank of Dave",
companyId: "8a210b68-6988-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002",
dataConnectionId: "2e9d2c44-f675-40ba-8049-353bfcb5e171",
ruleId: "70af3071-65d9-4ec3-b3cb-5283e8d55dac",
ruleType: "Account Categories Updated",
alertId: "a9367074-b5c3-42c4-9be4-be129f43577e",
"Account categories updated for company f1c35bdc-1546-41b9-baf4-3f31135af968.",
data: {
modifiedDate: "2022-10-23",
Available Resources and Operations
- listTransactions - List bank account transactions
- list - List bills
- get - Get bill
- listAttachments - List bill attachments
- getAttachment - Get bill attachment
- downloadAttachment - Download bill attachment
- list - List suppliers
- get - Get supplier
- listAttachments - List supplier attachments
- getAttachment - Get supplier attachment
- downloadAttachment - Download supplier attachment
- list - List customers
- get - Get customer
- listAttachments - List customer attachments
- getAttachment - Get customer attachment
- downloadAttachment - Download customer attachment
- list - List direct incomes
- get - Get direct income
- getAttachment - Get direct income attachment
- downloadAttachment - Download direct income attachment
- listAttachments - List direct income attachments
- listReconciled - List reconciled invoices
- list - List invoices
- get - Get invoice
- downloadPdf - Get invoice as PDF
- listAttachments - List invoice attachments
- getAttachment - Get invoice attachment
- downloadAttachment - Download invoice attachment
- isAgedDebtorsAvailable - Aged debtors report available
- getAgedDebtors - Aged debtors report
- isAgedCreditorsAvailable - Aged creditors report available
- getAgedCreditors - Aged creditors report
- list - List account balances
- get - Get categorized bank statement
- getUploadConfiguration - Get upload configuration
- setUploadConfiguration - Set upload configuration
- startUploadSession - Start upload session
- uploadBankStatementData - Upload data
- endUploadSession - End upload session
- list - List companies
- create - Create company
- replace - Replace company
- update - Update company
- delete - Delete a company
- get - Get company
- getAccountingProfile - Get company accounting profile
- getCommerceProfile - Get company commerce profile
- list - List connections
- create - Create connection
- get - Get connection
- delete - Delete connection
- unlink - Unlink connection
- status - Get data integrity status
- summaries - Get data integrity summaries
- details - List data integrity details
- listUploaded - List all files uploaded by a company
- download - Download all files for a company
- upload - Upload files for a company
- getCategorizedAccounts - Get categorized balance sheet statement
- get - Get balance sheet
- get - Get cash flow statement
- getCategorizedAccounts - Get categorized profit and loss statement
- get - Get profit and loss
- generateLoanTransactions - Generate loan transactions report
- listLoanTransactions - List loan transactions
- generateLoanSummary - Generate loan summaries report
- getLoanSummary - Get loan summaries
- getCreateModel - Get create account model
- create - Create account
- getCreateUpdateModel - Get create/update bank account model
- create - Create bank account
- getCreateModel - Get create bank account transactions model
- create - Create bank account transactions
- getCreateModel - Get create direct cost model
- create - Create direct cost
- getCreateModel - Get create payment model
- create - Create payment
- create - Create source account
- listMappings - List bank feed account mappings
- createMapping - Create bank feed account mapping
- getCreateUpdateModel - Get create/update supplier model
- create - Create supplier
- getCreateModel - Get create transfer model
- create - Create transfer
- getStatus - Get data status
- allDataTypes - Refresh all data
- dataType - Refresh data type
- generateReport - Generate report
- listReports - List reports
- getRevenue - Get commerce revenue metrics
- getCustomerRetention - Get customer retention metrics
- getLifetimeValue - Get lifetime value metrics
- getOrders - Get orders report
- getRefunds - Get refunds report
- list - List direct costs
- get - Get direct cost
- getAttachment - Get direct cost attachment
- downloadAttachment - Download direct cost attachment
- listAttachments - List direct cost attachments
Standalone functions
All the methods listed above are available as standalone functions. These functions are ideal for use in applications running in the browser, serverless runtimes or other environments where application bundle size is a primary concern. When using a bundler to build your application, all unused functionality will be either excluded from the final bundle or tree-shaken away.
To read more about standalone functions, check FUNCTIONS.md.
- Get bank accountaccountingBankDataAccountsList
- List bank accountsaccountingBankDataListTransactions
- List bank account transactionsaccountsPayableBillCreditNotesGet
- Get bill credit noteaccountsPayableBillCreditNotesList
- List bill credit notesaccountsPayableBillPaymentsGet
- Get bill paymentaccountsPayableBillPaymentsList
- List bill paymentsaccountsPayableBillsDownloadAttachment
- Download bill attachmentaccountsPayableBillsGet
- Get billaccountsPayableBillsGetAttachment
- Get bill attachmentaccountsPayableBillsList
- List billsaccountsPayableBillsListAttachments
- List bill attachmentsaccountsPayableSuppliersDownloadAttachment
- Download supplier attachmentaccountsPayableSuppliersGet
- Get supplieraccountsPayableSuppliersGetAttachment
- Get supplier attachmentaccountsPayableSuppliersList
- List suppliersaccountsPayableSuppliersListAttachments
- List supplier attachmentsaccountsReceivableCreditNotesGet
- Get credit noteaccountsReceivableCreditNotesList
- List credit notesaccountsReceivableCustomersDownloadAttachment
- Download customer attachmentaccountsReceivableCustomersGet
- Get customeraccountsReceivableCustomersGetAttachment
- Get customer attachmentaccountsReceivableCustomersList
- List customersaccountsReceivableCustomersListAttachments
- List customer attachmentsaccountsReceivableDirectIncomesDownloadAttachment
- Download direct income attachmentaccountsReceivableDirectIncomesGet
- Get direct incomeaccountsReceivableDirectIncomesGetAttachment
- Get direct income attachmentaccountsReceivableDirectIncomesList
- List direct incomesaccountsReceivableDirectIncomesListAttachments
- List direct income attachmentsaccountsReceivableInvoicesDownloadAttachment
- Download invoice attachmentaccountsReceivableInvoicesDownloadPdf
- Get invoice as PDFaccountsReceivableInvoicesGet
- Get invoiceaccountsReceivableInvoicesGetAttachment
- Get invoice attachmentaccountsReceivableInvoicesList
- List invoicesaccountsReceivableInvoicesListAttachments
- List invoice attachmentsaccountsReceivableInvoicesListReconciled
- List reconciled invoicesaccountsReceivablePaymentsGet
- Get paymentaccountsReceivablePaymentsList
- List paymentsaccountsReceivableReportsGetAgedCreditors
- Aged creditors reportaccountsReceivableReportsGetAgedDebtors
- Aged debtors reportaccountsReceivableReportsIsAgedCreditorsAvailable
- Aged creditors report availableaccountsReceivableReportsIsAgedDebtorsAvailable
- Aged debtors report availablebankingAccountBalancesList
- List account balancesbankingAccountsGet
- Get accountbankingAccountsList
- List accountsbankingCategorizedStatementGet
- Get categorized bank statementbankingTransactionCategoriesGet
- Get transaction categorybankingTransactionCategoriesList
- List transaction categoriesbankingTransactionsGet
- Get bank transactionbankingTransactionsList
- List transactionsbankStatementsEndUploadSession
- End upload sessionbankStatementsGetUploadConfiguration
- Get upload configurationbankStatementsSetUploadConfiguration
- Set upload configurationbankStatementsStartUploadSession
- Start upload sessionbankStatementsUploadBankStatementData
- Upload datacompaniesCreate
- Create companycompaniesDelete
- Delete a companycompaniesGet
- Get companycompaniesList
- List companiescompaniesReplace
- Replace companycompaniesUpdate
- Update companycompanyInfoGetAccountingProfile
- Get company accounting profilecompanyInfoGetCommerceProfile
- Get company commerce profileconnectionsCreate
- Create connectionconnectionsDelete
- Delete connectionconnectionsGet
- Get connectionconnectionsList
- List connectionsconnectionsUnlink
- Unlink connectiondataIntegrityDetails
- List data integrity detailsdataIntegrityStatus
- Get data integrity statusdataIntegritySummaries
- Get data integrity summariesexcelReportsDownload
- Download Excel reportexcelReportsGenerate
- Generate Excel reportexcelReportsGetStatus
- Get Excel report statusfileUploadDownload
- Download all files for a companyfileUploadListUploaded
- List all files uploaded by a companyfileUploadUpload
- Upload files for a companyfinancialStatementsAccountsGet
- Get accountfinancialStatementsAccountsList
- List accountsfinancialStatementsBalanceSheetGet
- Get balance sheetfinancialStatementsBalanceSheetGetCategorizedAccounts
- Get categorized balance sheet statementfinancialStatementsCashFlowGet
- Get cash flow statementfinancialStatementsProfitAndLossGet
- Get profit and lossfinancialStatementsProfitAndLossGetCategorizedAccounts
- Get categorized profit and loss statementliabilitiesGenerateLoanSummary
- Generate loan summaries reportliabilitiesGenerateLoanTransactions
- Generate loan transactions reportliabilitiesGetLoanSummary
- Get loan summariesliabilitiesListLoanTransactions
- List loan transactionsloanWritebackAccountsCreate
- Create accountloanWritebackAccountsGetCreateModel
- Get create account modelloanWritebackBankAccountsCreate
- Create bank accountloanWritebackBankAccountsGetCreateUpdateModel
- Get create/update bank account modelloanWritebackBankTransactionsCreate
- Create bank account transactionsloanWritebackBankTransactionsGetCreateModel
- Get create bank account transactions modelloanWritebackCreateOperationsGet
- Get create operationloanWritebackCreateOperationsList
- List create operationsloanWritebackDirectCostsCreate
- Create direct costloanWritebackDirectCostsGetCreateModel
- Get create direct cost modelloanWritebackPaymentsCreate
- Create paymentloanWritebackPaymentsGetCreateModel
- Get create payment modelloanWritebackSourceAccountsCreate
- Create source accountloanWritebackSourceAccountsCreateMapping
- Create bank feed account mappingloanWritebackSourceAccountsListMappings
- List bank feed account mappingsloanWritebackSuppliersCreate
- Create supplierloanWritebackSuppliersGetCreateUpdateModel
- Get create/update supplier modelloanWritebackTransfersCreate
- Create transferloanWritebackTransfersGetCreateModel
- Get create transfer modelmanageDataGetStatus
- Get data statusmanageDataPullOperationsGet
- Get pull operationmanageDataPullOperationsList
- List pull operationsmanageDataRefreshAllDataTypes
- Refresh all datamanageDataRefreshDataType
- Refresh data typemanageReportsGenerateReport
- Generate reportmanageReportsListReports
- List reportssalesCustomersGet
- Get customersalesCustomersList
- List customerssalesDisputesGet
- Get disputesalesDisputesList
- List disputessalesLocationsGet
- Get locationsalesLocationsList
- List locationssalesMetricsGetCustomerRetention
- Get customer retention metricssalesMetricsGetLifetimeValue
- Get lifetime value metricssalesMetricsGetRevenue
- Get commerce revenue metricssalesOrdersGet
- Get ordersalesOrdersList
- List orderssalesPaymentMethodsGet
- Get payment methodsalesPaymentMethodsList
- List payment methodssalesPaymentsGet
- Get paymentsalesPaymentsList
- List paymentssalesProductCategoriesGet
- Get product categorysalesProductCategoriesList
- List product categoriessalesProductsGet
- Get productsalesProductsList
- List productssalesReportsGetOrders
- Get orders reportsalesReportsGetRefunds
- Get refunds reportsalesTransactionsGet
- Get transactionsalesTransactionsList
- List transactionstransactionsAccountTransactionsGet
- Get account transactiontransactionsAccountTransactionsList
- List account transactionstransactionsDirectCostsDownloadAttachment
- Download direct cost attachmenttransactionsDirectCostsGet
- Get direct costtransactionsDirectCostsGetAttachment
- Get direct cost attachmenttransactionsDirectCostsList
- List direct coststransactionsDirectCostsListAttachments
- List direct cost attachmentstransactionsJournalEntriesGet
- Get journal entrytransactionsJournalEntriesList
- List journal entriestransactionsJournalsGet
- Get journaltransactionsJournalsList
- List journalstransactionsTransfersGet
- Get transfertransactionsTransfersList
- List transfers
File uploads
Certain SDK methods accept files as part of a multi-part request. It is possible and typically recommended to upload files as a stream rather than reading the entire contents into memory. This avoids excessive memory consumption and potentially crashing with out-of-memory errors when working with very large files. The following example demonstrates how to attach a file stream to a request.
Depending on your JavaScript runtime, there are convenient utilities that return a handle to a file without reading the entire contents into memory:
- Node.js v20+: Since v20, Node.js comes with a native
function innode:fs
.- Bun: The native
function produces a file handle that can be used for streaming file uploads.- Browsers: All supported browsers return an instance to a
when reading the value from an<input type="file">
element.- Node.js v18: A file stream can be created using the
helper fromfetch-blob/from.js
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
const codatLending = new CodatLending({
authHeader: "Basic BASE_64_ENCODED(API_KEY)",
async function run() {
await codatLending.fileUpload.upload({
companyId: "8a210b68-6988-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002",
connectionId: "2e9d2c44-f675-40ba-8049-353bfcb5e171",
Some of the endpoints in this SDK support retries. If you use the SDK without any configuration, it will fall back to the default retry strategy provided by the API. However, the default retry strategy can be overridden on a per-operation basis, or across the entire SDK.
To change the default retry strategy for a single API call, simply provide a retryConfig object to the call:
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
const codatLending = new CodatLending({
authHeader: "Basic BASE_64_ENCODED(API_KEY)",
async function run() {
const result = await codatLending.companies.list({
page: 1,
pageSize: 100,
query: "id=e3334455-1aed-4e71-ab43-6bccf12092ee",
orderBy: "-modifiedDate",
tags: "region=uk && team=invoice-finance",
}, {
retries: {
strategy: "backoff",
backoff: {
initialInterval: 1,
maxInterval: 50,
exponent: 1.1,
maxElapsedTime: 100,
retryConnectionErrors: false,
// Handle the result
If you'd like to override the default retry strategy for all operations that support retries, you can provide a retryConfig at SDK initialization:
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
const codatLending = new CodatLending({
retryConfig: {
strategy: "backoff",
backoff: {
initialInterval: 1,
maxInterval: 50,
exponent: 1.1,
maxElapsedTime: 100,
retryConnectionErrors: false,
authHeader: "Basic BASE_64_ENCODED(API_KEY)",
async function run() {
const result = await codatLending.companies.list({
page: 1,
pageSize: 100,
query: "id=e3334455-1aed-4e71-ab43-6bccf12092ee",
orderBy: "-modifiedDate",
tags: "region=uk && team=invoice-finance",
// Handle the result
Error Handling
Some methods specify known errors which can be thrown. All the known errors are enumerated in the sdk/models/errors/errors.ts
module. The known errors for a method are documented under the Errors tables in SDK docs. For example, the list
method may throw the following errors:
| Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ---------------- | | errors.ErrorMessage | 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 429, 500, 503 | application/json | | errors.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
If the method throws an error and it is not captured by the known errors, it will default to throwing a SDKError
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
import {
} from "@codat/lending/sdk/models/errors";
const codatLending = new CodatLending({
authHeader: "Basic BASE_64_ENCODED(API_KEY)",
async function run() {
let result;
try {
result = await codatLending.companies.list({
page: 1,
pageSize: 100,
query: "id=e3334455-1aed-4e71-ab43-6bccf12092ee",
orderBy: "-modifiedDate",
tags: "region=uk && team=invoice-finance",
// Handle the result
} catch (err) {
switch (true) {
// The server response does not match the expected SDK schema
case (err instanceof SDKValidationError): {
// Pretty-print will provide a human-readable multi-line error message
// Raw value may also be inspected
case (err instanceof ErrorMessage): {
// Handle err.data$: ErrorMessageData
default: {
// Other errors such as network errors, see HTTPClientErrors for more details
throw err;
Validation errors can also occur when either method arguments or data returned from the server do not match the expected format. The SDKValidationError
that is thrown as a result will capture the raw value that failed validation in an attribute called rawValue
. Additionally, a pretty()
method is available on this error that can be used to log a nicely formatted multi-line string since validation errors can list many issues and the plain error string may be difficult read when debugging.
In some rare cases, the SDK can fail to get a response from the server or even make the request due to unexpected circumstances such as network conditions. These types of errors are captured in the sdk/models/errors/httpclienterrors.ts
| HTTP Client Error | Description | | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | RequestAbortedError | HTTP request was aborted by the client | | RequestTimeoutError | HTTP request timed out due to an AbortSignal signal | | ConnectionError | HTTP client was unable to make a request to a server | | InvalidRequestError | Any input used to create a request is invalid | | UnexpectedClientError | Unrecognised or unexpected error |
Server Selection
Override Server URL Per-Client
The default server can also be overridden globally by passing a URL to the serverURL: string
optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
const codatLending = new CodatLending({
serverURL: "https://api.codat.io",
authHeader: "Basic BASE_64_ENCODED(API_KEY)",
async function run() {
const result = await codatLending.companies.list({
page: 1,
pageSize: 100,
query: "id=e3334455-1aed-4e71-ab43-6bccf12092ee",
orderBy: "-modifiedDate",
tags: "region=uk && team=invoice-finance",
// Handle the result
Custom HTTP Client
The TypeScript SDK makes API calls using an HTTPClient
that wraps the native
Fetch API. This
client is a thin wrapper around fetch
and provides the ability to attach hooks
around the request lifecycle that can be used to modify the request or handle
errors and response.
The HTTPClient
constructor takes an optional fetcher
argument that can be
used to integrate a third-party HTTP client or when writing tests to mock out
the HTTP client and feed in fixtures.
The following example shows how to use the "beforeRequest"
hook to to add a
custom header and a timeout to requests and how to use the "requestError"
to log errors:
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
import { HTTPClient } from "@codat/lending/lib/http";
const httpClient = new HTTPClient({
// fetcher takes a function that has the same signature as native `fetch`.
fetcher: (request) => {
return fetch(request);
httpClient.addHook("beforeRequest", (request) => {
const nextRequest = new Request(request, {
signal: request.signal || AbortSignal.timeout(5000)
nextRequest.headers.set("x-custom-header", "custom value");
return nextRequest;
httpClient.addHook("requestError", (error, request) => {
console.group("Request Error");
console.log("Reason:", `${error}`);
console.log("Endpoint:", `${request.method} ${request.url}`);
const sdk = new CodatLending({ httpClient });
Per-Client Security Schemes
This SDK supports the following security scheme globally:
| Name | Type | Scheme |
| ------------ | ------ | ------- |
| authHeader
| apiKey | API key |
To authenticate with the API the authHeader
parameter must be set when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
const codatLending = new CodatLending({
authHeader: "Basic BASE_64_ENCODED(API_KEY)",
async function run() {
const result = await codatLending.companies.list({
page: 1,
pageSize: 100,
query: "id=e3334455-1aed-4e71-ab43-6bccf12092ee",
orderBy: "-modifiedDate",
tags: "region=uk && team=invoice-finance",
// Handle the result
You can setup your SDK to emit debug logs for SDK requests and responses.
You can pass a logger that matches console
's interface as an SDK option.
[!WARNING] Beware that debug logging will reveal secrets, like API tokens in headers, in log messages printed to a console or files. It's recommended to use this feature only during local development and not in production.
import { CodatLending } from "@codat/lending";
const sdk = new CodatLending({ debugLogger: console });
If you encounter any challenges while utilizing our SDKs, please don't hesitate to reach out for assistance. You can raise any issues by contacting your dedicated Codat representative or reaching out to our support team. We're here to help ensure a smooth experience for you.