a JSON API for seeder, the always online peer/node
Table of Contents
CoBox is an encrypted p2p file system and distributed back-up tool. README provides a map of the project.
provides an 'always on' blind replicator seeder designed to be hosted in your office or home. It exposes an ExpressJS HTTP JSON API, pairing with CoBox Server and a Yargs CLI enabling issuing remote commands from a registered and authenticated CoBox Server instance over the Hyperswarm DHT using the Hypercore Protocol.
Installing and Updating
Install and Update Script
To install or update cobox-server, you should run the install script. To do that, you may either download and run the script manually, or use the following cURL or Wget command:
curl -o- https://cobox.cloud/releases/cobox-seeder_v1.0.0-alpha.1/download.sh | bash
wget -qO- https://cobox.cloud/releases/cobox-seeder_v1.0.0-alpha.1/download.sh | bash
Running either of the above commands downloads a script and runs it. The script downloads a tarball that contains the release binary required by your operating system with additional assets and unpacks the contents to the install directory.
Troubleshooting on Linux
On Linux, after running the install script, if you get cobox-seeder: command not found
or see no feedback from your terminal after you type command -v cobox-seeder
, simply close your current terminal, open a new terminal, and try verifying again.
Verify Installation
To verify that CoBox has been installed correctly, do:
command -v cobox-seeder
NPM Install
npm install -g @coboxcoop/seeder
Git Install
Before you get started, ensure you have git
and node
installed. We currently release using v12.16.3
which we recommend using. You can download and install nodejs from your distribution package manager, or direct from their website.
# clone the repository
git clone http://gitlab.com/coboxcoop/server && cd server
npm install -g yarn
# install dependencies
# start the app
yarn start
# use the cli
node bin
CoBox Seeder can be administrated in two ways.
- Directly on the seeder that is running it using the CLI
- By sending commands across the hypercore-protocol from an authenticated CoBox Server instance
CoBox Hub 1.0 - a tool for distributed and mutual backup infrastructure
Copyright (C) 2019 Magma Collective T&DT, License GNU AGPL v3+
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it
For the latest sourcecode go to <https://code.cobox.cloud/>
Usage: bin <command> [options]
bin backups <command> back-up your peers' spaces
bin broadcast <command> announce authentication details over the local area
bin keys <command> manage your hub's keys
bin down [options] stop the seeder app
bin up [options] start the seeder app
-h, --help, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version, --version Show version number [boolean]
For more information on cobox read the manual: man cobox-hub
Please report bugs on <http://gitlab.com/coboxcoop/core/issues>.
When first initialised, CoBox Seeder begins broadcasting UDP packets announcing its authentication keys. You can use CoBox Server to retrieve these keys over the LAN, either with the cobox seeders pair
CLI command or through the admin dashboard in the UI. With these keys you can send commands to the Seeder app and request it to perform backups. See the CoBox CLI for more details.
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.