A command line to organize some repositories under a centralized repository.
MWS - Modular Working Space
A command line to organize some repositories under a centralized repository.
One More Option
Different from git submodules you can manage every project as a normal git repo.
Different from mono repo you can create some repositories for you project and manage them centralized.
using npm
$ npm i -g @co2-lab/mws
using yarn
$ yarn global add @co2-lab/mws
using pnpm
$ pnpm add -g @co2-lab/mws
How it works
You wanna create some repositories for your project...
but you wanna manager all of then on the same IDE instance like a workspace, then you can create a centralizer repo.
You can create a git repo using the mws cli or using a existing git repo. For now let's consider the scenario of you create a git repo using the mws cli...
In any folder run the command mws create
and answer the questions...
$ mws create --verbose
$ What will be the workspace name ? my-project-workspace
$ What will be the name of the repositories folder ? modules
$ Do you want to push it to github ? yes
$ What Github password or Personal Access Token can I use ? *******
$ What will be the Github project name ? my-project-workspace
$ Do you want to make the repo private ? no
$ Starting workspace creation...
$ Creating github repo...
$ Done...
This command will create a folder named my-project-workspace with the mws config file inside, create a git repo named my-project-workspace (https://github.com/co2-lab/my-project-workspace
) and push the content to the created repository.
Now, all you need to do is add the modules to your new workspace.
$ mws add-repo --verbose
$ What is the git url of the repo that you want to clone ? https://github.com/co2-lab/module-1
$ What should be the folder name where it should be cloned ? module-1
$ Connect to ... ? Branch
$ pull from ... ? main
$ Starting to add a repo...
$ Done...
$ mws add-repo --verbose
$ What is the git url of the repo that you want to clone ? https://github.com/co2-lab/module-2
$ What should be the folder name where it should be cloned ? module-2
$ Connect to ... ? Branch
$ pull from ... ? main
$ Starting to add a repo...
$ Done...
This commands will clone the git repos within the my-project-workspace/modules
├─ modules
│ ├─ module-1
│ │ └─ ...
│ └─ module-2
│ └─ ...
└─ mws.json
If you prefer use a existing git repo, run the command mws init