A suite of utilities for building on Nostr.
A library of tools for building applications on the Nostr protocol.
- Connect to a relay and manage multiple subscriptions.
- Subscriptions are refreshed on connection to a new relay.
- Create encrypted channels between clients using a shared secret.
- Send packets of data to everyone using simple pub/sub events.
- Customize and broadcast any kind of event. Create your own protocol.
- Runs in node and the browser with very minimal dependencies (2).
- Coming soon: Middleware and run-time schema validation (via zod).
This package is designed to work in both the browser and nodejs.
<!-- Browser import -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@cmdcode/nostr-utils"></script>
<script type="module">
const { NostrClient } = window.nostrUtils
// Commonjs import.
const { NostrClient } = require('@cmdcode/nostr-utils')
// ES6 import.
import { NostrClient } from '@cmdcode/nostr-utils'
How to Use
To get started, we will first configure a client.
// Creating a new client is very simple.
const client = new NostrClient({ selfsub: true })
// You can change the private key of the client at any time.
client.prvkey = '168b760cee3ce1c768d39bf133bf5a9e030f47670b6fbf9211a8bb278f4b4f69'
// Or import a key from a seed phrase.
await client.importSeed('secretpassphrase')
client.on('ready', (client) => {
// The ready event is emitted by the client
// once it has finished connecting to a relay.
console.log('Connected to ' + client.address)
We can use the client to create subscription that listens for events.
// Creating a new subscription is easy.
const sub = client.subscribe({
kinds: [ 29002 ],
since: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
sub.on('ready', (sub) => {
// Subscriptions also have a 'ready' event
// for handing the flow of your application.
console.log('Subscribed with filter:', sub.filter)
// Once we are subscribed, let's publish an event.
client.publish({ kind: 29002, content: 'Hello, world!' })
// We can also easily cancel a subscription.
setTimeout(() => sub.cancel(), 5000)
sub.on('event', (event) => {
// Subscriptions are simple emitter objects
// that will emit 'event' and 'eose' topics.
console.log('New event:', event.toJSON())
Event channels tag each message with a topic name. When secret
is used, all messages are end-to-end encryption via a hash of the secret phrase.
// You can create an event 'channel' by specifying a topic.
// We can also enable end-to-end encryption of all messages.
const channel = client.channel('secretchat', { secret: 'superisatestnet' })
channel.on('ready', (channel) => {
// Topics also have a 'ready' event for
// handing the flow of your application.
console.log('Subscribed with filter:', channel.sub.filter)
// Topics have their own interface for sending events.
channel.send('spareGreeting', { name: 'Bob', planet: 'Earth' })
Channels feature a basic JSON-RPC interface, which can be used to create a custom protocol between subscribers.
channel.on('spaceGreeting', (content, event) => {
const { name, planet } = content
console.log(`Hello ${name} from planet ${planet}!`, content)
console.log('Encrypted event data:', event.content)
Once you have everything setup, connect to a relay.
// Once you are connected to a relay,
// the client 'ready' event will fire.
const address1 = 'wss://f930-206-217-205-114.ngrok.io'
await client.connect(address1)
// Your client will refresh all subscriptions
// when ever you connect to a new relay.
const address2 = 'wss://f930-206-217-205-114.ngrok.io'
await client.connect(address2)
// If you wish to close your current connection:
The main client is configurable with a few options.
export interface Config {
filter ?: Filter // Default filter for subcriptions.
kind ?: number // Default kind for published events.
tags ?: string[][] // Default tags for published events.
timeout ?: number // The timeout (in ms) for connections.
selfsub ?: boolean // Whether to show self-published events.
There are a few log events available for subscription.
client.on('info', console.log) // For verbose output.
client.on('error', console.log) // For caught exceptions.
client.on('debug', console.log) // For debug output.
How it Works
The client works as typical nostr client. You can send messages to relays, publish events, and subscribe to event filters.
Clients, subscriptions and topics include a basic event emitter API. Methods include .on()
, .once()
, .emit()
(local only), .within()
(limited time) and .remove()
Some helpful tips:
- For organizing sub-channels, try using paths in the topic name i.e 'root/topic/subtopic'.
- When sendind a topic event, you can provide a custom event template.
- You can use
to listen to all events for a topic.
Bugs / Suggestions
Please submit an issue ticket if you have any comments or suggestions.
This is a free and open-source project. All contributions are welcome!
Noble-secp256k1 Library
Used for identity and signing events.
ws (nodejs only)
Used for websockets in node-js.
Nostr Implementation Possibilities