A modern suite of cryptography tools, built for the plebian developer.
A modern suite of cryptography tools, built for the plebian developer.
- All tools are written in typescript and simple to use.
- Methods return a Buff object for quick conversion between formats.
- Library works in both node and the browser.
- Uses the well-audited @noble/curves library for fast ecc operations.
import {
ecdh, // Basic methods for using the Elliptic-Curve Diffe-Hellman protocol.
hash, // Includes sha256, sha512, hmac, ripemd, tagged hashing, and more.
hd, // BIP-0032 based key derivation tool, with support for non-numeric paths.
keys, // A suite of tools for generating and tweaking secp256k1 key pairs.
math, // Bigint-based ecc math library, with added field and point arithmetic.
signer, // BIP-0340 'schnorr' based signing library with an extensive API.
tree, // A basic suite of tools for creating merkle trees and validating proofs.
Field, // A feature-rich uint8 array class with built-in math operations.
Point // A secp2561 point object with built-in math operations.
} from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools'
More documentation coming soon!
How to Import
This library is designed to support classic and modern ESM imports, in both a nodejs and browser environment.
Example install via NPM or yarn:
npm install @cmdcode/crypto-tools || yarn add @cmdcode/crypto-tools
Classic import into a nodejs project:
const { Field, Point } = require('@cmdcode/crypto-tools')
Modern import into an nodejs project:
import { Field, Point } from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools'
Classic import into a browser-based project:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@cmdcode/crypto-tools"></script>
const { Field, Point } = window.crypto_tools
Modern import into a browser-based project:
<script type="module">
import { Field, Point } from "https://unpkg.com/@cmdcode/crypto-tools/dist/module.mjs"
How to Use
This suite is made up of individual tools.
Each tool can be unpacked from the main library, or imported and unpacked directly.
// Import tool from main library, then unpack methods.
import { signer } from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools'
const { sign_msg, verify_sig } = signer
// Import methods from the tool directly.
import { sign_msg, verify_sig } from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/signer'
Many methods will accept a Bytes
value type, and return a Buff
object. The Bytes
type covers any data type that can be converted into raw bytes.
type Bytes = string | number | bigint | Uint8Array | Buff
works in place of a standard Uint8Array
and offers a number of quick convertion methods.
const seckey = get_seckey('deadbeef'.repeat(4))
console.log('secret raw :', seckey)
console.log('secret hex :', seckey.hex)
console.log('secret big :', seckey.big)
You can read more about the Buff
API here.
Derive a shared secret from between two keys, using Elliptic-Curve Diffe-Hellman protocol.
import {
get_shared_key // Get the shared secret for a given secret / public key pairing.
get_shared_code // Use the derived secret to sign a message with HMAC-512.
} from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/ecdh'
Hash Tool
Used for performing SHA-256, SHA-512, HMAC-256, HMAC-512, and other useful hashing methods.
import {
sha256, // Uses standard SHA-256 algorithm.
sha512, // Uses standard SHA-512 algorithm.
ripe160, // Uses RIPEMD-160 algorithm.
hash160, // A double-hash algorithm used in bitcoin.
hash256, // A double-hash algorithm used in bitcoin.
hmac256, // Hash and sign a message using HMAC and SHA-256.
hmac512, // Hash and sign a message using HMAC and SHA-512.
taghash, // Creates a BIP-0340 standard 'tag' hash.
hash340, // Hashes an array of data using BIP-0340 standards.
} from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/hash'
// Each hash tool can accept many byte-compatible values.
const hash = sha256('fda0', 1024n, new Uint8Array(0), 42)
// Use the taghash tool to create a BIP-0340 standard hash commitment.
const challenge = hash340('BIP0340/challenge', sig, pubkey, msg)
HD Tool
Generate a pair of keys from a BIP-0032 style derivation path.
import {
derive_key, // Derive a key-pair using a BIP-0032* path of deterministic key tweaks.
parse_tweaks, // Helper method to convert a derivation path into an array of tweaks.
generate_code, // Generator method used to create the hash-chain.
encode_extkey // Export a derived key-pair as a base58-encoded extended key.
parse_extkey // Parse a base58-encoded extended key into its keys and meta-data.
derive_extkey // Parse an extended key, then use a path to derive a child key-pair.
} from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/hd'
Note : The derivation tool also supports using non-numeric characters in the derivation path.
import { derive_key, encode_extkey } from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/hd'
// Define some sample data.
const seed = 'fffcf9f6f3f0edeae7e4e1dedbd8d5d2cfccc9c6c3c0bdbab7b4b1aeaba8a5a29f9c999693908d8a8784817e7b7875726f6c696663605d5a5754514e4b484542'
const path = "m/0/2147483647'/1/2147483646'/2"
// Derive the key using the seed and derivation path.
const key_data = derive_key(path, seed)
// Resulting key data:
console.log('link:', key_data)
link: {
seckey : 'bb7d39bdb83ecf58f2fd82b6d918341cbef428661ef01ab97c28a4842125ac23',
pubkey : '024d902e1a2fc7a8755ab5b694c575fce742c48d9ff192e63df5193e4c7afe1f9c',
code : '9452b549be8cea3ecb7a84bec10dcfd94afe4d129ebfd3b3cb58eedf394ed271',
path : "m/0/2147483647'/1/2147483646'/2",
prev : '02d2b36900396c9282fa14628566582f206a5dd0bcc8d5e892611806cafb0301f0'
// You can convert the key data into a base58 extended key.
const extkey = encode_extkey(keylink)
// Resulting extkey:
'extkey : xprvA2nrNbFZABcdryreWet9Ea4LvTJcGsqrMzxHx98MMrotbir7yrKCEXw7nadnHM8Dq38EGfSh6dqA9QWTyefMLEcBYJUuekgW4BYPJcr9E7j'
KeyPair Tools
Methods for working with key pairs on the secp256k1 curve.
import {
get_seckey, // Convert a number or byte value into a secp256k1 secret key.
get_pubkey, // Generate a secp256k1 public key for a given secret key.
tweak_seckey, // Apply an array of additional tweaks to a secret key.
tweak_pubkey, // Apply an array of additional tweaks to a public key.
gen_seckey, // Generate a random secret key (using Web Crypto API).
negate_seckey, // Perform a field negation operation on a secret key.
gen_keypair, // Generate a secp256k1 secret and public key pair.
get_keypair, // Convert a number or byte value into a secp256k1 key pair.
convert_32b, // Convert any public key into a 32-byte x-only key.
convert_33b, // Convert any public key into a 33-byte compressed key.
} from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/keys'
import { gen_seckey, get_pubkey } from '../src/keys.js'
// Configure a demo keypair and message.
const seckey = gen_seckey()
const pubkey = get_pubkey(seckey, true)
console.log('seckey:', seckey.hex)
console.log('pubkey:', pubkey.hex)
Math Library
A bigint math library for performing arithmetic and field / point operations.
import {
fd, // Perform various modulo arithmetic using secp256k1 field order N.
pt, // Perform various point operations using secp256k1 field order P.
mod, // Apply a modulo for a bigint value.
mod_n, // Apply modulo N for a bigint value.
mod_p, // Apply modulo P for a bigint value.
pow, // Raise a number to a given power.
pow2, // Raise a number 2x to a given power.
pow_n, // Raise a number to a given power, modulo N.
sqrt_n, // Perform a square root operation on a bigint value, modulo N.
sqrt_p, // Perfrom a aquare root operation on a bigint value, modulo P.
invert, // Invert / negate a bigint field value.
mod_bytes, // Perform a modulo operation on a byte value.
in_field, // Check if a number is within the secp256k1 field order N.
on_curve // Check if a number is within the secp256k1 curve order P.
} from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/math'
Proofing Tools
A simplified data proofing system, compatible with Nostr NIP-01 signed events.
import {
create_proof, // Create a compact signature proof.
parse_proof, // Parse a compact proof into JSON.
validate_proof, // Validate the schema of a proof.
verify_proof, // Verify the hash and signature of a proof.
create_event, // Convert a proof into a NIP-01 nostr note.
parse_config // Parse the proof configuration from params.
} from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/proof'
// Setup a demo keypair and message.
const [ seckey, pubkey ] = gen_keypair()
// Create a proof.
const data = { name : 'bob', key : 'abcd' }
const stamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
const params = [[ 'kind', 10000 ], [ 'stamp', stamp ]]
const proof = create_proof(seckey, data, params)
// Verify a proof
const is_valid = verify_proof(proof, data)
console.log('is_valid:', is_valid)
`is_valid : true`
// Parse a proof into a ProofData object
const proof_data = parse_proof(proof)
console.log('proof data:', proof_data)
proof data: {
ref: 'e403621bae6dffd75c76b282cc3525da14bf55a4ee3c396279f35f766b4ad079',
pub: '749b45be02446dc32e4eab02be026eef1592a23c209eb8b571f4f78ac6a76240',
pid: '5cc802eae19177096334c0d4e53add9c97dc200e3f2e5700bd17aee14beb01e9',
sig: '83456c5cb3461f20c8f3d59e8386a0d8ad4c3d6f58cacb9fc85eef514b8fc1007c476558535de220aebc916b0974e8b76dd584ba14b479d947f9ee52c40333c8',
params: [ [ 'kind', '10000' ], [ 'stamp', '1694095593' ] ]
// Convert a proof into a nostr note.
const event = create_event(proof, data)
console.log('event:', event)
event: {
kind: 10000,
content: '{"name":"bob","key":"abcd"}',
tags: [],
pubkey: '749b45be02446dc32e4eab02be026eef1592a23c209eb8b571f4f78ac6a76240',
id: '5cc802eae19177096334c0d4e53add9c97dc200e3f2e5700bd17aee14beb01e9',
sig: '83456c5cb3461f20c8f3d59e8386a0d8ad4c3d6f58cacb9fc85eef514b8fc1007c476558535de220aebc916b0974e8b76dd584ba14b479d947f9ee52c40333c8',
created_at: 1694095593
Signature Tools
A basic signing tool for working with BIP-0340 'schnorr' based digital signatures.
import {
sign_msg, // Sign a message using BIP-0340 standard.
verify_sig, // Verify a BIP-0340 signature, key and, message.
gen_nonce, // Generate a nonce for a given message.
recover_key // Recover the secret key from a signature using ECDH recovery.
} from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/signer'
The sign_msg
, verify_msg
, and gen_nonce
methods are configurable through an options object:
export interface SignConfig {
// Specify the aux data to use as a seed. Default is random.
aux ?: Bytes | null
// Apply an adaptor tweak to the nonce value.
adaptors ?: Bytes[]
// Apply tweaks to the nonce value during generation.
nonce_tweaks ?: Bytes[]
// Specify a public key to be used in ECDH key recovery.
recovery_key ?: Bytes
// Apply tweaks to the signature value during signing.
key_tweaks ?: Bytes[]
// If validation fails, throw an error instead of returning false.
throws : boolean
// If keys used during the signing operation should be negated for even-ness.
xonly : boolean
import { gen_keypair } from '../src/keys.js'
import { sign_msg, verify_sig } from '../src/sig.js'
// Configure a demo keypair and message.
const [ seckey, pubkey ] = gen_keypair(true)
const message = 'abcd1234'.repeat(4)
// Sign the message, then validate the signature.
const sig = sign_msg(message, seckey)
const is_valid = verify_sig(sig, message, pubkey)
// Check the console output.
console.log('signature:', sig.hex)
console.log('is_valid:', is_valid)
Key recovery allows you to designate another key-pair that can recover your private key from a signature, using ECDH.
// Configure two pairs of keys and a test message.
const [ hot_sec, hot_pub ] = gen_keypair(true)
const [ cold_sec, cold_pub ] = gen_keypair(true)
const message = 'feedcab123'
// Sign a message with the 'cold' pubkey as an ECDH recovery key.
const sig = sign_msg(message, hot_sec, { recovery_key: cold_pub })
Under the hood, key recovery will modify the nonce generation so that an ECDH shared secret is used instead of your private key.
// Normal BIP-0340 nonce generation.
let sec_nonce = taghash('BIP0340/nonce', seckey, pubkey, message)
// Modified nonce generation for ECDH key recovery:
let shared_key = ecdh.get_shared_key(seckey, rec_pubkey)
sec_nonce = hash340('BIP0340/nonce', shared_key, pubkey, message)
This allows the 'cold' seckey to compute the shared secret, and thus extract the 'hot' seckey from the signature.
// Use the signature and 'cold' seckey to recovery the secret key.
const rec_key = recover_key(sig, message, hot_pub, cold_sec)
// The recovered 'hot' seckey will be negated, so we will also negate
// the original key in order to compare it with the recovered key.
console.log('recovered key :', rec_key.hex)
`recovered key : c18d25e25c1b229d14bd97e0daf3e4453765c2e007d9023698458573517ccd55`
console.log('hot secret key :', get_seckey(hot_sec, true).hex)
`hot secret key : c18d25e25c1b229d14bd97e0daf3e4453765c2e007d9023698458573517ccd55`
The formula for recovering a secret key via ECDH shared secret signing:
R_value = sig.slice(0, 32)
s_value = sig.slice(32, 64)
sec_nonce = hash340('BIP0340/nonce', shared_key, pubkey, message)
challenge = hash340('BIP0340/challenge', R_value, pubkey, message)
sec_key = (s_value - sec_nonce) / challenge
The Field
class will convert a key or integer value into a field value under the secp256k1 curve. This field value includes a built-in API for performing math operations in a simple and readable manner.
Each Field
object is stored as raw bytes, and they are directly usable as an Uint8Array
import { Field } from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/ecc'
const seed = 'dead'.repeat(16)
const tweak = 'beef'.repeat(16)
const secret = Field.mod(seed)
const pubkey = secret.point
const twk_sec = secret.add(tweak)
const twk_pub = twk_sec.point
console.log('original seckey :', secret.hex)
console.log('original pubkey :', pubkey.hex)
console.log('tweaked seckey :', twk_sec.hex)
console.log('tweaked pubkey :', twk_pub.hex)
Documentation for the Field
// Fields can be created from a variety of types (strings are treated as hex).
type FieldValue = string | number | bigint | Uint8Array | Field
// The Field class is an extension of the uint8 data type.
class Field extends Uint8Array {
// Prime N reference.
static N: bigint
// Converts a value under secp256k1 field order N. Same as new Field(x).
static mod(x: bigint, n?: bigint): bigint
// Normalize input values into bytes.
static normalize(num: FieldValue): Uint8Array
// Checks if value is within the secp256k1 field order N.
static is_valid(num: bigint): boolean
// Convert into a variety of formats.
get buff : Buff
get raw : Uint8Array
get big : bigint
get hex : string
// Return point object.
get point : Point
// Checks if the point value of the field has an odd y coordinate.
get hasOddY : boolean
// Auto-negates the field value if it has an odd y coordiante.
get negated : Field
// All basic operations are available.
gt (big: FieldValue) : boolean
lt (big: FieldValue) : boolean
eq (big: FieldValue) : boolean
ne (big: FieldValue) : boolean
add (big: FieldValue) : Field
sub (big: FieldValue) : Field
mul (big: FieldValue) : Field
pow (big: FieldValue) : Field
div (big: FieldValue) : Field
negate() : Field
generate() : Point
The Point
class will convert a key or integer value into a point value under the secp256k1 curve. This point value includes a built-in API for performing math operations in a simple and readable manner.
Each Point
object contains an x
coordiante and a y
coordinate, stored as bigint values.
import { Point } from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/ecc'
const _pubkey = Point.from_x(secret.point.raw)
const _twk_pub = pubkey.add(tweak)
console.log('imported point :', _pubkey)
console.log('imported pubkey :', _pubkey.hex)
console.log('tweaked pubkey :', _twk_pub.hex)
Documentation for the Point
// Points can be created from a variety of types (strings are treated as hex).
type PointValue = string | number | bigint | Uint8Array | Point
// The Point class stores the x / y coordinates of a point on the secp256k1 curve.
class Point {
// Prime N reference.
static P : bigint
static G : Point
// Create a point from an existing compressed key.
static from_x(x: PointValue, xonly ?: boolean) : Point
// Generate a point from a field (scalar) value.
static generate(value: FieldValue) : Point
// Helper method for importing points from Noble library.
static import(point: Point | ECPoint) : Point
// Accepts a varity of x-only and compressed key inputs.
// Will also accept coordinate data (as bigint).
constructor (x: PointValue, y?: bigint)
// Convert into a variety of formats.
get x : Buff // Return a buff object.
get y : Buff // Return a buff object.
get buff : Buff // Returns compressed key as bytes.
get hex : string // Returns compressed key as hex.
get hasEvenY : boolean
get hasOddY : boolean
// Auto-negates the point value if it has an odd y coordiante.
get negated : Point
// Basic math operations available.
eq (value: PointValue) : boolean
add (x: PointValue) : Point
sub (x: PointValue) : Point
mul (value: PointValue) : Point
negate(): Point;
A Point
can also be generated from a Field
object, allowing you to perform complex elliptic curve operations using mostly the Field
Here is simplified example of signing and verifing a BIP-0340 digital signature, using the Field
import { Field } from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/ecc'
import { digest } from '@cmdcode/crypto-tools/hash'
// Generate some hex strings to use as a secret key and message.
const message = 'dead'.repeat(16)
const secret = 'beef'.repeat(16)
// Compute the pubkey, nonce, and challenge values.
const pubkey = Field.mod(secret).negated.point
const nonce = hash340('BIP0340/nonce', secret, pubkey.x, message)
const R_value = Field.mod(nonce).negated.point
const challenge = hash340('BIP0340/challenge', R_value.x, pubkey.x, message)
// Signature is composed of an R value and S value.
const s_value = Field.mod(secret).negated.mul(challenge).add(nonce)
const r_value = Field.mod(s_value).point.sub(pubkey.mul(challenge))
// Print the signature to console and report its validity.
console.log('signature :', R_value.x.hex + s_value.hex)
console.log('is valid :', R_value.hex === r_value.hex)
Development / Testing
This library uses yarn for package management, tape for writing tests, and rollup for cross-platform releases. Here are a few scripts that are useful for development.
## Performs a basic stress test for benchmarking performance.
yarn bench
## Compiles types and builds a new release in /dist folder.
yarn build
## Runs linting rules using ESLint and Typescript.
yarn lint
## Runs all TAP tests from the test/src folder.
yarn test
## Full script for generating a new release candidate.
yarn release
Bugs / Issues
If you run into any bugs or have any questions, please submit an issue ticket.
Feel free to fork and make contributions. Suggestions are welcome!
Use this library however you want!