Simple encrypt / decrypt methods using Web Crypto API.
A simple library for encryption / decryption using the Web Crypto API.
Uses AES-CBC encryption scheme.
Project is fully-typed and should work in all environments that support Web Crypto API. Documentation coming soon!
How to Use
Example import into a browser-based project:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@cmdcode/cipher"></script>
<script> const { Cipher } = window.cipher </script>
Example import into a commonjs project:
const { Cipher } = require('@cmdcode/cipher')
Example import into an ES module project:
import { Cipher } from '@cmdcode/cipher'
Cipher API
export declare class Cipher {
static shared(seckey: Bytes, pubkey: Bytes) => Cipher
static encrypt(secret: Bytes | CryptoKey, message: Bytes, vector?: Bytes) => Promise<Buff>
static decrypt(secret: Bytes | CryptoKey, message: Bytes, vector?: Bytes) => Promise<Buff>
constructor (secret: Bytes)
get key() => Promise<CryptoKey>
get buff() => Buff
get raw() => Uint8Array
get hex() => string
shared (pubkey: Bytes) => Cipher
encrypt (message: Bytes, vector?: Bytes) =>Promise<Buff>
decrypt (message: Bytes, vector?: Bytes) => Promise<Buff>
Development / Testing
This library uses yarn for package management, tape for writing tests, and rollup for cross-platform releases. Here are a few scripts that are useful for development.
## Compiles types and builds release candidates in /dist folder.
yarn build
## Run any typescript file using real-time compilation.
yarn start contrib/example.ts
## Runs all tests listed in test folder.
yarn test
## Full macro script for generating a new release candidate.
yarn release
Bugs / Issues
If you run into any bugs or have any questions, please submit an issue ticket.
Feel free to fork and make contributions. Suggestions are welcome!
Use this library however you want!