A CLI to bootstrap new projects
A command line interface which auto generates a frontend framework.
Pick from four options (so far):
- NextJS 13 BETA
- Astro
- Preact Vite TypeScript
- SolidJS Vite TypeScript
1.2.0 Update
I have recently added the wmr frontend framework tool for Preact development. So instead of using the Snowpack build tool in the Javascript/Typescript templates, you can opt for wmr which uses the rollup bundler.
1.3.1 Update
I have added the Vite frontend toolset into the cli as an option. It makes use of the preact-ts preset. A .gitignore file was also included in the wmr-ts directory.
1.4.1 Update
The Vitejs and WMR templates should now be Dockerized with updated dependencies.
1.4.2 Update
The Vitejs template was updated to include the Vitest unit testing framework!
1.4.3 Update
gitignore files should now be included in the project, npm does weird things with its file naming upon publishing packages.
2.0.0 Update - Breaking Changes!!!
Completely re-written in typescript and simplified, templates are still installed but if you want a git repo you'll have to initialize it yourself with git init
2.1.0 Update
Using packages from UnJS now. The templates have been updated and the terminal UI was overhauled.
Install globally with npm
npm i -g @cm-iv/generate-project
or use (p)npx
pnpx @cm-iv/generate-project generate-project
Run the CLI