NodeJS client for @cloudinary/analysis
Cloudinary Analyze API (Beta)
Use the Analyze API to analyze any external asset and return details based on the type of analysis requested.
Currently supports the following analysis options:
- AI Vision - Tagging
- AI Vision - Moderation
- AI Vision - General
- Google tagging
- Captioning
- Cld Fashion
- Coco
- Lvis
- Unidet
- Human Anatomy
- Cld Text
- Shop Classifier
- The Analyze API is currently in development and is available as a Public Beta, which means we value your feedback, so please feel free to share any thoughts with us.
- The analysis options require an active subscription to the relevant add-on. Learn more about registering for add-ons.
The API supports both Basic Authentication using your Cloudinary API Key and API Secret (which can be found on the Dashboard page of your Cloudinary Console) or OAuth2 (Contact support for more information regarding OAuth).
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.cloudinary.com/v2/analysis/CLOUD_NAME/analyze
| Class | Method | HTTP request | Description | | ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | AnalysisApi | analyzeAiVisionGeneral | POST /ai_vision_general | Analyze - AI Vision General AnalysisApi | analyzeAiVisionModeration | POST /ai_vision_moderation | Analyze - AI Vision Moderation AnalysisApi | analyzeAiVisionTagging | POST /ai_vision_tagging | Analyze - AI Vision Tagging AnalysisApi | analyzeCaptioning | POST /captioning | Analyze - Captioning AnalysisApi | analyzeCldFashion | POST /cld_fashion | Analyze - Cld-Fashion AnalysisApi | analyzeCldText | POST /cld_text | Analyze - Cld-Text AnalysisApi | analyzeCoco | POST /coco | Analyze - Coco AnalysisApi | analyzeCustom | POST /custom | Analyze - custom model AnalysisApi | analyzeGoogleTagging | POST /google_tagging | Analyze - Google Tagging AnalysisApi | analyzeHumanAnatomy | POST /human_anatomy | Analyze - Human Anatomy AnalysisApi | analyzeLvis | POST /lvis | Analyze - Lvis AnalysisApi | analyzeShopClassifier | POST /shop_classifier | Analyze - Shop Classifier AnalysisApi | analyzeUnidet | POST /unidet | Analyze - Unidet
- AIVisionGeneralAnalysisData
- AIVisionGeneralAnalysisDataResponsesInner
- AIVisionModerationAnalysisData
- AIVisionModerationAnalysisDataResponsesInner
- AIVisionTaggingAnalysisData
- AIVisionTaggingAnalysisDataTagsInner
- AnalysisPayload
- AnalysisType
- AnalyzeAIVisionGeneralRequest
- AnalyzeAIVisionGeneralRequestAllOf
- AnalyzeAIVisionGeneralResponse
- AnalyzeAIVisionGeneralResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeAIVisionModerationRequest
- AnalyzeAIVisionModerationRequestAllOf
- AnalyzeAIVisionModerationResponse
- AnalyzeAIVisionModerationResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeAIVisionTaggingRequest
- AnalyzeAIVisionTaggingRequestAllOf
- AnalyzeAIVisionTaggingRequestAllOfTagDefinitions
- AnalyzeAIVisionTaggingResponse
- AnalyzeAIVisionTaggingResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeCaptioningRequest
- AnalyzeCaptioningResponse
- AnalyzeCaptioningResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeCldFashionRequest
- AnalyzeCldFashionResponse
- AnalyzeCldFashionResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeCldTextRequest
- AnalyzeCldTextResponse
- AnalyzeCldTextResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeCocoRequest
- AnalyzeCocoResponse
- AnalyzeCocoResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeCustomRequest
- AnalyzeCustomRequestAllOf
- AnalyzeCustomResponse
- AnalyzeCustomResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeGoogleTaggingRequest
- AnalyzeGoogleTaggingResponse
- AnalyzeGoogleTaggingResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeHumanAnatomyRequest
- AnalyzeHumanAnatomyResponse
- AnalyzeHumanAnatomyResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeLvisRequest
- AnalyzeLvisResponse
- AnalyzeLvisResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeResponse
- AnalyzeShopClassifierRequest
- AnalyzeShopClassifierResponse
- AnalyzeShopClassifierResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeUnidetRequest
- AnalyzeUnidetResponse
- AnalyzeUnidetResponseAllOf
- AnalyzeUriRequest
- BaseAnalyzeRequest
- BaseAnalyzeResponse
- CaptioningAnalysisData
- CaptioningAnalysisDataData
- CldFashionAnalysisData
- CldTextAnalysisData
- CocoAnalysisData
- CustomAnalysisData
- ErrorResponse
- ErrorResponseError
- Feature
- GoogleTaggingAnalysisData
- GoogleTaggingAnalysisDataLabelAnnotations
- GoogleTaggingAnalysisDataLabelAnnotationsLabelsInner
- HumanAnatomyAnalysisData
- Limits
- LimitsUsage
- LvisAnalysisData
- ShopClassifierAnalysisData
- Source
- UnidetAnalysisData
npm install @cloudinary/analysis
Get Help
If you run into an issue or have a question, you can either:
- Issues related to the SDK: Open a Github issue
- Issues related to your account: Open a support ticket
Additional Resources
- Cloudinary Transformation and REST API References: Comprehensive references, including syntax and examples for all SDKs.
- MediaJams.dev: Bite-size use-case tutorials written by and for Cloudinary Developers
- DevJams: Cloudinary developer podcasts on YouTube.
- Cloudinary Academy: Free self-paced courses, instructor-led virtual courses, and on-site courses.
- Code Explorers and Feature Demos: A one-stop shop for all code explorers, Postman collections, and feature demos found in the docs.
- Cloudinary Roadmap: Your chance to follow, vote, or suggest what Cloudinary should develop next.
- Cloudinary Facebook Community: Learn from and offer help to other Cloudinary developers.
- Cloudinary Account Registration: Free Cloudinary account registration.
- Cloudinary Website
Released under the MIT license.