Ensures that some long-running job with an unique key is not double scheduled in the cluster.
distributed-locker: ensures that some long-running job with an unique key is not double scheduled in the cluster
See also Full API documentation.
As opposed to the popular redlock algorithm, the library also tracks per-process liveness (in a separate Node thread), so the locks from a dead process are quickly reported as free to the rest of the cluster as soon as the process dies. This is extremely convenient when doing cluster-wide deployments or individual worker process restarts.
Main features:
- Resilient to event loop blocking in the worker process, because the lock TTL is high (5 minutes by default).
- Despite the long lock TTL, the rest of the cluster quickly (seconds) understands that some job is dead on some other machine, so it can be quickly re-picked-up by another worker somewhere else.
- Supports "seppuku": in an event when something goes south, and a lock gets taken over (e.g. due to connectivity issues), the old lock owner automatically kill itself as soon as possible and doesn't continue double-working.
- Way more performant than Bull, and does the job of acquiring cluster-wide exclusive locks really well.
export const db = new RedisDatabase(
// You can also use Redis Cluster here.
new Redis({
host: process.env.REDIS_WORKER_HOST,
port: process.env.REDIS_WORKER_PORT,
password: process.env.REDIS_WORKER_PASSWORD,
keyPrefix: "locker:",
const locker = new Locker({
database: {
moduleName: __file,
exportName: "db",
// ...
const res = await locker.acquireAndRun("job-key", async (heartbeat) => {
while (shouldContinue()) {
await doSomeWork();
// 1. Reports that the job is still running to refresh the lock.
// 2. If someone takes over (e.g. a network blip or event loop
// blockage), kills itself by throwing LockError exception.
await heartbeat();
// res is now either { status: LockStatus.SUCCESS }
// or { status: LockStatus.SOMEONE_ELSE_HOLDS_LOCK }