An element providing Claude Bernard's latest news about health.
An element providing Claude Bernard's latest news about health.
See the full documentation for Lit at docs.claudebernard.fr.
You can play with a full demo.
npm install --save @claudebernard/news-element
Import as ES modules in the app.module.ts file.
import '@claudebernard/news-element';
In the html file that will use the custom element :
<bcb-news [hideHeader]="true" (onNewsClicked)="handleClick($event)"></bcb-news>
To test click event :
handleClick(news) {
Import as ES modules in the App.vue file.
import '@claudebernard/news-element';
In the html file that will use the custom element :
<bcb-news id="bcb-news" :hideHeader="true"></bcb-news>
To paste in App.vue or in the file that will use the custom element :
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue'
const handleClick = (event) => {
// To test click event :
onMounted(() => {
const el = document.getElementById('bcb-news');
el.addEventListener('onNewsClicked', (e) => {
Import as ES modules in the App.tsx file. Don't forget to do 'npm install' after importing '@lit-labs/react'.
import {BcbNews} from '@claudebernard/news-element';
import {createComponent} from '@lit-labs/react';
import React, { useState } from 'react'
To paste in App.tsx file or in the file that will use the custom element :
export const BcbNewsReact = createComponent({
react: React,
tagName: 'bcb-news',
elementClass: BcbNews,
events: {
onNewsClicked: 'onNewsClicked'
To paste in the return part of the .tsx file :
<BcbNewsReact hideHeader={true} onNewsClicked={(news) => handleClick(news)}></BcbNewsReact>
To test click event :
const handleClick = (news) => {
Vanilla JS :
Import as ES modules in the App.js file.
import '@claudebernard/news-element';
To paste in the html part of the file that will use the custom element :
<bcb-news id="bcb-news" hideHeader></bcb-news>
To test click event :
let bcbNewsComponent = document.getElementById('bcb-news');
bcbNewsComponent.addEventListener('onNewsClicked', function(event) {
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| url
| string
| | The URL to call the Claude Bernard API. |
| `productCode` | `string` |
| To use if you want to display all the news for a specific product. |
| newsCount
| number
| 5 | The number of news to display. |
| newsSubject
| string
| 0 | To display all the news whose have the type present in the list. |
| viewMode
| string
| carousel
| The style of the custom element, "static" is the other possible value. |
| imageReverse
| boolean
| false
| The position of the picture. Default left, right if true. |
| hideNewsType
| boolean
| false
| To display or not the type of the news. |
| dateFormat
| string
| The date format to use. |
| hideHeader
| boolean
| false
| To display or not a header above the custom element. |
| showImage
| boolean
| false
| To display or not the image associated to the custom element. |
| hideMoreLabel
| boolean
| false
| To display or not the text to redirect to another page. |
| hideLabNews
| boolean
| false
| To display or not the news with laboratory type. |
| labNewsCount
| number
| 1 | The number of laboratory news to display. Only is hideLabNews is false. |
| navigation
| |
| Coming soon. |
| Name | Description |
| onNewsClicked
| The action to be done when clicking on the custom element. |
Browser support
Browsers without native custom element support require a polyfill.
- [*] Chrome
- [*] Firefox
- [*] Safari
- [*] Microsoft Edge
Custom element checklist
- [] Public documentation (docs portal)
- [*] Functional on Angular, React, Vue
- [] Unit tested
- [] Code quality
- [] Changelog with semantic release
- [] Available in offline mode
- [] Best practices compliant
- [] Validated by QA
- [] Publicly available
- [] Based on FHIR
- [] Example on storybook
- [] Available demo
- [] i18n
- [] Browser support section
- [] EOL section
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