YUI Build Tasks
Grunt YUI Contrib
Various Grunt tasks used to within the YUI Project.
>> Showing YUI specific help commands
build Build the entire library (and npm package) locally with yogi
release Build a release (dist, cdn and npm)
build-test Build and test the entire library
test Test the library with yogi
test-cli Test the library via CLI with yogi
travis Perform a travis test (uses enviroment vars to determine tests)
help Show this stuffs
>> Options:
--release-version=<VERSION> Pass to set the version of the release (optional, will read from package.json)
--release-build=<BUILD> Pass to set the build number of the release, if not passed the git sha will be used.
--cache-build Cache the shifter build.
>> Env Vars:
GRUNT_SKIP_BUILD=1 Skip the `build` step (used if you need to `npm i` more than once.
GRUNT_SKIP_PREBUILD=1 Will skip release prebuild (don't build into ./build, only build into ./release)