clappr playback stats report plugin
You can use it from JSDelivr https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@clappr/stats-plugin@latest/dist/clappr-stats.min.js
or as a npm package.
var player = new Clappr.Player({
parentId: '#player',
plugins: [ClapprStats],
source: 'http://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4',
height: 360,
width: 640,
clapprStats: {
// optional: time in miliseconds for each report.
// default: 5000
runEach: 5000,
// optional: callback function.
// default: console.log
onReport: (metrics) => {console.log(metrics)},
// Fire PERCENTAGE_EVENT when video complete some percentage.
// default: []
onCompletion: [10, 20, 55, 100],
// optional: provide an img uri hosted at the same place as your farm
// or near of it prefferable 1x1px, without caching.
// default: none
uriToMeasureLatency: 'http://www.example.com/images/tv/pixel-1x1-red.gif',
// optional: provide some assets uris hosted at the same place as your farm
// or near of it prefferable in an uncompressible file format, without caching.
// default: none
urisToMeasureBandwidth: [
{url: 'http://www.example.com/images/tv/500kb.jpg', timeout: 3000},
{url: 'http://www.example.com/images/tv/1mb.jpg', timeout: 6000},
{url: 'http://www.example.com/images/tv/5mb.jpg', timeout: 12000}
// optional: number of reports between two consecutive bandwidth tests.
// default: 10
runBandwidthTestEvery: 10
counters: {
play: 0, // number of plays
pause: 0, // number of pauses
error: 0, // number of errors
buffering: 0, // number of bufferings
decodedFrames: 0, // number of decoded frames (when available)
droppedFrames: 0, // number of dropped frames (when available)
fps: 0, // frames per second (when available)
changeLevel: 0, // number of adaptative bitrate changes
seek: 0, // number of seeks
fullscreen: 0, // number of times that user went to fullscreen
dvrUsage: 0 // number of time that user used dvr seek (at live stream)
timers: {
startup: 0, // time (ms) since user click/touch play (intent to play) to the play
watch: 0, // time (ms) of watched content (does not include pause and buffering)
pause: 0, // time (ms) of paused content
buffering: 0, // time (ms) of buffering
session: 0, // time (ms) of session (sum of watch+pause+buffering)
latency: 0, // time (ms) of latency between user and the provided uri
extra: {
playbackName: '', // playback name (hls, html5_video, flashls)
playbackType: '', // vod or live
buffersize: 0, // buffersize in ms
duration: 0, // duration time in ms
currentTime: 0, // current time in ms
bitratesHistory: [], // the bitrates changes history
bitrateWeightedMean: 0, // bitrate weighted mean (bps)
bitrateMostUsed: 0, // most used (based on time) bitrate (bps)
watchHistory: [], // an array of an array of watched range time ex: [0, 2200]
watchedPercentage: 0, // % of watched time
bufferingPercentage: 0, // % of buffering time
bandwidth: 0, // user bandwidth (bps)