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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

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This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Civic Pass Casper React Component




Casper Gateway React Component


Civic provides a developer-friendly plug and play React Component as an easy way to request a Gateway Token from your dApp with minimal setup. It includes a Civic Pass status widget, the Identity Button; and an in-dApp modal to guide your users through the process.

Official Documentation

You can find the official documentation hosted on Gitbook.

Example Project

We have also created an example React project that shows how you would go about integrating the different features provided by our @civic/casper-gateway-react component project on Github.

Getting started

Please refer to the project on Github for a complete example.

1. Install the component

npm i @civic/casper-gateway-react

or using yarn

yarn add @civic/casper-gateway-react

2. Include the gateway context

Surround any code that needs access to the gateway token with:

import {GatewayProvider} from "@civic/casper-gateway-react";

const YourDapp = () => {
    // TODO show how to instantiate wallet and pass it to the gateway provider

        // your dApp content


  • wallet is an initialised casper wallet
  • gatekeeperNetwork is a gatekeeperNetwork address provided by the dApp, you can get choose a gatekeeper network to use from

3. Accessing or requesting the gateway token

The component will automatically look for a gateway token on chain. To access it once created:

import { useGateway } from "@civic/casper-gateway-react";
const { gatewayToken } = useGateway()

If the wallet does not have a gateway token, request it using requestGatewayToken:

const { requestGatewayToken } = useGateway()

For example, by connecting it to a button component:

<button onclick={requestGatewayToken}>Validate your wallet</button>

Or by using Identity Button provided:

import IdentityButton from '@civic/casper-gateway-react';
<IdentityButton />

4. IdentityButton behaviour

The IdentityButton is a reference implementation of a UI component to communicate to your dApp users the current status of their Gateway Token, or Gateway Token request. It changes appearance with text and icons to indicate when the user needs to take action and can be clicked by the user at any point in the process. The initial click for a new user will initiate the flow for the user to create a new Gateway Token. Once the user has gone through KYC and submitted their Gateway Token request via the Civic compliance iFrame, any subsequent click will launch the Civic Pass iframe with a screen describing the current status of the flow.

API Documentation


The GatewayProvider is a React component that gives children access to the GatewayContext through the useGateway function. This component holds the state for a given gateway token or gateway token request.

export type GatewayProviderProps = {
  wallet?: WalletAdapter; // the wallet connected to the dApp, can be null initially pre-user wallet connection
  gatekeeperNetwork?: PublicKey; // the gatekeeper network public key
  stage?: string; // optionally set Civic gatekeeper stage (testing only), defaults to 'prod'
  // TODO add Casper-specific fields
  wrapper?: React.FC; // a react element that the dApp can wrap the iframe in to allow customer dApp styling
  logo?: string; // optional url of your logo that will be shown, if set, during verification
  redirectUrl?: string; // a redirect URL that can be used for deep-linking and mobile-web
  gatekeeperSendsTransaction?: boolean; // the gatekeeper will send the transaction to the blockchain. Defaults to false.  When false, the user is required to sign and send the transaction.
  handleTransaction?: (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<void>; // An optional callback that will invoked with a partially signed transaction for the user to sign and send to the blockchain when gatekeeperSendsTransaction is false. If not provided the react component will request the signature and send the transaction.
  options?: Options; // a set of options for UI, chain polling, etc
  expiryMarginSeconds?: number // for gatekeeper networks that have pass expiry, set this value to prompt the user to refresh the pass this amount of seconds before the pass expires
  forceRequireRefresh?: boolean; // when set to true, initiates the refresh flow if the user has an active token, even if the pass hasn't expired


The GatewayStatus is an enum that reveals the state of the requested Gateway Token.

export enum GatewayStatus {

The behaviour of the React component depends on the status of the token. For example, if the token status is NOT_REQUESTED and the user triggers the react component, then the flow to collect the user's information and request a Civic Token will be started.

For other cases, like the token status FROZEN, triggering the React component opens a dialog explaining to the user the current status and offering him to reach out to Civic is he requires assistance.

The table bellow lists all status:

| Status | Description | Behaviour when triggered | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | UNKNOWN | No user wallet is connected or no gatekeeper network set | None | | CHECKING | The Identity Component is making the relevant requests to check the state of the token | None | | NOT_REQUESTED | A token has not been requested | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog and initiates the token request flow | | COLLECTING_USER_INFORMATION | The Identity Component is in progress and can be resumed | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog and resumes the token request flow| | IN_REVIEW | The token has been requested and the Gatekeeper is reviewing the request | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog with a user-friendly explanation of the status. | | ACTIVE | The token has been issued successfully and is active. | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog with a user-friendly explanation of the status. | | FROZEN | The token has been frozen, for example because the user connected from a blocked IP | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog with a user-friendly explanation of the status. | | REJECTED | The token requests has been rejected by the Gatekeeper | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog with a user-friendly explanation of the status. | | REVOKED | The token has been revoked, for example because the user connected from a banned IP | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog with a user-friendly explanation of the status. | | LOCATION_NOT_SUPPORTED | The user's location is not currently supported | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog with a user-friendly explanation of the status. | | VPN_NOT_SUPPORTED | The user is using a proxy or VPN | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog with a user-friendly explanation of the status. | | REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUIRED | The user needs to refresh their gateway token | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog and takes the user through the flow for refreshing their token. | | ERROR | There was an error retrieving the Gateway Token or completing a vrification flow | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog and the user can restart the process. | | VALIDATING_USER_INFORMATION | The validation process is currently being reviewed | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog and shows a user friendly message | | VALIDATION_PROCESS_IN_PROGRESS | The validation process is still in progress | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog and the user can resume the process | | USER_INFORMATION_VALIDATED | The validation process has completed | Opens the Civic Pass modal dialog and completes the process | | USER_INFORMATION_REJECTED | The validation process was rejected | Opens the Civic Pass modal explaing the reasons for the failure |


Any component wrapped by GatewayProvider can access the state and useful functions of the GatewayProvider through this function.

Returns the current context values for the GatewayContext by exposing the following properties.

export type GatewayProps = {
  requestGatewayToken: () => Promise<void>, // starts off gateway token process
  reinitialize: () => Promise<void> // reinitializes the GatewayClient instance
  gatewayStatus: GatewayStatus, // normally a value from a React hook state, defaults to GatewayStatus.UNKNOWN
  gatewayToken?: GatewayToken, // the current GatewayToken used in the dApp
  gatewayTokenTransaction: string, // if broadcastTransaction is false, this will be populated with any transactions generated by the backend
  pendingRequests?: PendingPayload; // an object containing ID(s) that a partner needs to resolve before a pass can be issued

const gatewayProps: GatewayProps = useGateway();

Client options

You can specify some options that affect the display behaviour of the Civic modal that the user interacts with:

export type Options = {
  // whether the Civic modal should appear automatically if the Civic Pass token state changes
  autoShowModal: boolean; 

  // debug | info | warn | error
  logLevel: LogLevel; 

Triggering early pass refresh

If you want to force a user to refresh their pass before the pass has expired, the boolean value 'forceRequireRefresh' can be passed to the GatewayProviderProps, e.g. if you want the user to have to refresh if their pass is older than 1 day old:

const shouldForceRefresh = gatewayTokenExpiry < 1_DAY_FROM_NOW

<GatewayProvider wallet={...} gatekeeperNetwork={...} forceRequireRefresh={shouldForceRefresh}/>

This would cause the refresh flow to be initiated for a user with a pass that was created more than one day ago.


You can customise how the verification flow is displayed by providing a custom wrapper.

const customWrapperStyle: CSS.Properties = {
  backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,1)',
  position: 'fixed',
  zIndex: 999,
  width: '100%',
  height: '100%',
  overflow: 'auto',
  paddingTop: '5%'

const customWrapperContentStyle: CSS.Properties = {
  backgroundColor: '#fefefe',
  margin: 'auto',
  width: '90%',
  position: 'relative',

export const CustomWrapper: React.FC = ({ children = null }) => {
  return (
    <div style={customWrapperStyle}>
      <div style={customWrapperContentStyle}>
        <img style={{ maxWidth: '20%' }} src={logo} className="app-logo" alt="logo"/>


yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

yarn publish

Publishes a new version of the React Component. We use beta releases before releasing an official release in the following format (major).(minor).(patch)-beta.(build number). You can release a beta with the following command yarn add @civic/casper-gateway-react@beta.

Automated publishing

To publish a new version of the react-component, add a Git tag and use a prefix along with the desired version number e.g.


Note that this method should only be used for production versions, not beta tags.