1. [Installation and usage](#installation-and-usage) 2. [Usage and API](#usage-and-api) 3. [Working with local copy of module](#working-with-local-copy-of-module) 4. [Publish a package](#publish-a-package) 5. [Links](#links)
XMESS - basic pub/sub pattern implementation
Table of contents
Installation and usage
Set private registry by adding //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=7e1daf59-1424-4261-a14b-ab23f404c1db
to your .npmrc
Install XMESS library by running
npm i @ciklum/xmess
Now you can use assets provided by XMESS:
import { Xmess } from '@ciklum/xmess'
Usage and API
Module exports xmess singleton that implements basic pub/sub pattern. Generally it is both publisher and subscriber. Every entity represented as 'channel', that stores last emitted message from corresponding channel and has methods:
- method to register subscriber to a specific channel. Callback function that invoked after publish event occurred in the current channel is a parameter tosubscribe
method. All data that was published, passed to callback function as an argument. Method returns function that unsubscribe current callback from current channel.subscribeWithLatest
- method to register subscriber to a specific channel and immediately fire callback with the last message. Callback function that invoked after publish event occurred in the current channel is a parameter tosubscribeWithLatestt
method. All All data that was published, passed to callback function as an argument. Method returns function that unsubscribe current callback from current channel.publish
- method to publish some data to all subscribers in current channel. Data that will be passed to all subscriber's callbacks in current channel, is a parameter topublish
import { Xmess } from '@ciklum/xmess'
// Provide 'xmessId' If you want to use Xmess in conjunction with @ciklum/xmess-repeater
const xmess = new Xmess('xmessId')
const unsubscribe = xmess.channel('some-channel').subscribe(data => handler(data))
xmess.channel('some-channel').publish({ data: 'some data' }) // handler called
// handler will be called immediately after subscription
const unsubWithLatest = xmess.channel('some-channel').subscribeWithLatest(data => handler(data))
unsubscribe() // to unsubscribe from the channel
unsubWithLatest() // to unsubscribe from the channel
xmess.destroy() // to remove all subscriptions
Working with local copy of module
When you want to develop new features for module, this section will be helpful for you. Package linking is a two-step process which solves this need. You need npm link for this.
Create global link. It will be available in folder were your npm modules are.
npm link
Links to the global installation target from your front end app.
npm link @ciklum/xmess
Publish a package
Publish a package to the registry by running
npm run build
npm publish