a command line software to create and manage your tasks of your project
todo-cli is a command line software to create and manage your tasks of your project
To install todo-cli, you just need npm setting and working on your machine.
Installation is pretty easy and strightfoward, just run the following command.
> npm install @cicolas/todo-cli -g
Done, now you already have todo-cli working proppely in your pc
Usage Guide
Usage is very simple, all you need to do is run todo-cli
or todo
in any folder. By default the command will search for a file named .todo.md, if you wanna load any other file just put it path after the command
> todo-cli init //to initialize the todo file
> todo-cli <file_relative_path>
you can generate a todo file based on yours //TODO: comments through files.
> todo-cli generate
> todo-cli generate . -o filename.md
the interface it's very simple, you control your selection using Up/Down and select with Space/Enter and toggle mode with left/right
> [x] publish in npm
- [ ] refactor the code
- [ ] accept aditional args(ex.: --delete, --clear)
create a new todo
save and exit
delete all marked
delete completed
Patch Notes
- ver 1.3.2
- updated readme
- ver 1.3.1
- added "hub" command
- a hub to show recent todo files
- added "hub" command
- ver 1.3
- 👻
- ver 1.2
- added generate command
- it generate a todo based on //TODO: in your files
- added generate command
- ver 1.1.3
- added -h flag for help
- it wont work for commands yet (like 'todo init -h')
- correct a bug where 'todo -g file.md' would load '.todo.md'
- added -h flag for help
- ver 1.1.0
- added -g flag for global todo files
- added "delete mode"
- you can toggle with left/right
- in delete mode you will mark the todos to delete