This project is built on top of FakerJS and its main goal is to provide a schema-driven data generation in a very similar way we use schemas in NoSQL databases (one in particular comes to mind, maybe? 👀).
This project is built on top of FakerJS and its main goal is to provide a schema-driven data generation in a very similar way we use schemas in NoSQL databases (one in particular comes to mind, maybe? 👀).
import { Blueprint as Bp } from '@cicerotcv/blueprint'
// you can describe schemas
const dateSchema = Bp.date
.between("2000-01-01", "2022-12-31")
.transform((date) => date.toISOString());
const idSchema = Bp.datatype.uuid();
const emailSchema = Bp.internet.email()
// join them together in a ObjectSchema
const userSchema = Bp.object({
id: idSchema,
createdAt: dateSchema,
email: emailSchema,
// create an array of items of same kind
const userCollection = Bp.array({
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 4,
schema: userSchema,
// and run .compile() to generate all the items
id: '4358c215-d0a7-4ecf-b2b3-c066630db023',
createdAt: '2000-01-25T04:09:16.492Z',
email: '[email protected]'
id: '6a6b3a29-4cae-4248-963d-7fbf593c1c81',
createdAt: '2021-03-20T23:16:09.807Z',
email: '[email protected]'
id: 'b946a0c7-122e-4875-aced-07e5cde87957',
createdAt: '2016-08-15T22:01:41.988Z',
email: '[email protected]'