File system abstraction layer
File system abstraction layer
Makes it easier to work with local file system or remote async applications with filesystem like interfaces
- File - Read/Write the local file system
- Memory - memory as a mock file system
- Http -HTTP(s) requests to a remote web server
- AWS - AWS S3 as a remote file system
Read a text file
import { fsa } from '@chunkd/fs';
const bytes = await fsa.read(fsa.toUrl('../foo.txt'));
List a folder
for await (const url of fsa.list(fsa.toUrl('/'))) {
const bytes = await fsa.read(url)
Multiple file systems
Register multiple file systems
import { fsa, FsMemory } from '@chunkd/fs';
fsa.register('memory://', new FsMemory());
await fsa.write(fsa.toUrl('memory://foo.txt'), 'Hello World');
// Stream the file from memory into the local file system
await fsa.write(fsa.toUrl('/foo.txt'), fsa.readStream(fsa.toUrl(()'memory://foo.txt')));
Remote file systems
Remote file systems can also be used
import { fsa, FsHttp } from '@chunkd/fs';
import { FsAwsS3 } from '@chunkd/fs-aws';
fsa.register('https://', new FsHttp());
fsa.register('s3://', new FsAwsS3());
// Stream a file from https://example.com into AWS S3
await fsa.write(fsa.toUrl('s3://example/foo.txt'), fsa.readStream(fsa.toUrl('https://example.com/foo.txt')));
Multiple S3 Credentials
Multiple s3 clients can be registered with different credentials and then be used to stream files between AWS accounts or roles
import {fsa} from '@chunkd/fs'
import {FsAwsS3} from '@chunkd/fs-aws';
fsa.register('s3://bucket-a/', new FsAwsS3(new S3Client({ credentials: bucketA })));
fsa.register('s3://bucket-b/', new FsAwsS3(new S3Client({ credentials: bucketB })));
fsa.write(fsa.toUrl('s3://bucket-a/foo.txt'), fsa.readStream(fsa.toUrl('s3://bucket-b/foo.txt')));
All file system errors should be wrapped into a FsError
try {
await fsa.read('s3://foo/bar.txt')
} catch(e) {
if(FsError.is(e)) {
e.status // Http Status code eg 403
e.cause // original error
e.action // `read`
e.url // `s3://foo/bar.txt`
# Interface
All file systems implement then following interface interface
export interface FileSystem {
/** Read a file into a buffer */
read(location: URL): Promise<Buffer>;
/** Create a read stream */
readStream(location: URL): Readable;
/** Write a file from either a buffer or stream */
write(location: URL, buffer: Buffer | Readable | string, opts?: Partial<WriteOptions>): Promise<void>;
/** list all files in path */
list(location: URL, opt?: ListOptions): AsyncGenerator<URL>;
/** list all files with file info in path */
details(location: URL, opt?: ListOptions): AsyncGenerator<FileInfo>;
/** Get information about the path */
head(location: URL): Promise<FileInfo | null>;
/** Create a chunk source to read chunks out of */
source(location: URL): Source;
/** Delete a file from the location */
delete(location: URL): Promise<void>;