A request validator for Hono with Valita
Valita validator middleware for Hono
Validator middleware using Valita for Hono applications. Define your schemas with Valita and validate requests.
Valita is particularly well suited for the Cloudflare Workers platform where resources are limited.
As plain middleware
import { Hono } from "hono"
import * as v from "@badrap/valita"
import { valitaValidator } from "@chrstntdd/valita-validator"
let app = new Hono()
let schema = v.object({ name: v.string() })
app.post("/hello", valitaValidator("json", { schema }), async (ctx) => {
let { name } = ctx.req.valid("json")
return ctx.json({ your: name })
Combine middlewares to validate multiple components of the request.
import { Hono } from "hono"
import * as v from "@badrap/valita"
import { valitaValidator } from "@chrstntdd/valita-validator"
let app = new Hono()
let pathSchema = v.string()
let bodySchema = v.object({ details: v.string() })
valitaValidator("param", { schema: pathSchema }),
valitaValidator("json", { schema: bodySchema }),
async (ctx) => {
let { id } = ctx.req.valid("param")
let { details } = ctx.req.valid("json")
return ctx.json({ id, details })
You can use the hook based API instead to control the failure case.
import { Hono } from "hono"
import * as v from "@badrap/valita"
import { valitaValidator } from "@chrstntdd/valita-validator"
let app = new Hono()
let schema = v.object({ name: v.string() })
valitaValidator("json", { schema }, async (r, ctx) => {
if (!r.success) {
return ctx.text("Tea", 418)
let { name } = r.data
return ctx.json({ your: name })