Get sentiment and toxicity of a text.
SentimentsJS is build on to of tensorflow js. It allows you to add a sentiment analysis on your node or browser javascript app. With this package you'll be able to get the overall sentiment from a text and the toxicity classification.
yarn add @christophe77/sentiment-js
npm install @christophe77/sentiment-js
How to use
the "analyse" function takes an object as parameter.
The object has 2 properties :
- text : string
- type : 'sentiment' | "toxicity" | "both" | "combined"
The function will return the result like this :
"sentiment": {
"score": 0.9931357502937317,
"result": "positive"
"toxicity": [
{"label": "insult", "result": true},
{"label": "toxicity","result": true},
property "label" can have those values :
- identity_attack
- insult
- obscene
- severe_toxicity
- sexual_explicit
- threat
- toxicity
Exemple :
import sjs from '@christophe77/sentiment-js';
const checkThisText = async () => {
// sentiment
const beerScore = await sjs.analyse({
text: 'I love cold beers',
type: 'sentiment',
console.log("'I love cold beers' : ", JSON.stringify(beerScore));
// toxicity
const vegetableScore = await sjs.analyse({
text: 'I really hate those fucking vegetables',
type: 'toxicity',
console.log("'I really hate those fucking vegetables' : ", JSON.stringify(vegetableScore));
// both
const insultScore = await sjs.analyse({
text: 'You are just a fucking bitch. You just deserve to receive cum on your dirty shitty face',
type: 'both',
console.log( "'You are just a fucking bitch. You just deserve to receive cum on your dirty shitty face' : ", JSON.stringify(insultScore) );
// combined
const combinedScore = await sjs.analyse({
text: 'You are just a fucking bitch. You just deserve to receive cum on your dirty shitty face',
type: 'combined',
console.log( "'You are just a fucking bitch. You just deserve to receive cum on your dirty shitty face' : ", JSON.stringify(combinedScore) );
Console output will be :
'I love cold beers' : {
"sentiment": { score":0.8631731867790222,"result":"positive"},
'I really hate those fucking vegetables' : {
"sentiment": {"score":0.1487867832183838,"result":"negative"},
'You are just a fucking bitch. You just deserve to receive cum on your dirty shitty face' :
'You are just a fucking bitch. You just deserve to receive cum on your dirty shitty face' :
Has you can see on the 3rd exemple, the sentences are very vulgar but the sentiment is computed as "positive". That's why I added a "combined" classification so you can check both toxicity and sentiment result to determinate if it's a false positive.