A collection of utilities for Windows for Node.js
Node Utilities for Windows
Right now it's just a few wrappers around some builtin console commands but FFI bindings are soon to come.
Command line tools
Some wrappers for the below APIs to be used on the command line.
cwddrive alias a random available drive letter to current working directory
cwddrive L alias L to CWD if not taken, or toggles it off if it currently is L
cwddrive L C:/some/folder alias L to C:/some/folder if available
makerunnable f1.js [f2.js] ... creates a .cmd file in npm.globalBin (is in PATH) that will exec the .js
driveAlias('x', folder) // alias a folder to `X:\`
driveAlias('x') // remove aliased `X:\` folderdrive
driveAlias() // list all aliased drives
runnable(['myCLI.js',...],function(r){ // for each js file given a %name%.cmd will be
'NPMGLOBALBIN/myCLI.cmd created' // create in the npm global bin directory that
// or // will launch the given js file. npm's globalBin
'Could not find myCLI.js' // is added to PATH by default on installation
associations('.js'. 'jscript') // add or change extension to type map
associations('.js') // retrieve type
associations() // list all extension -> types
fileTypes('jscript'. process.execPath) // add or change program that handles a filetype
// (example sets node as javascript's handler)
fileTypes('jscript') // retrieve handler for the type
fileTypes() // list all type -> handlers
getFontNames() // list all the fonts in the registry by type
findWindowsSDK() //--> // simply utility for detecting installed Windows
{ path: winSDKfolder, // SDKs (header files). Returns null if not found.
versions: [8, 9, 10] }
registry(key, options) // returns an object containing the keys and values
v = registry('HKLM/Software/Microsoft' // wrapped in objects allowing further fluent commands
v.someValue.remove() // delete value
v.add('newValue', 'myValue') // add new value
v.add('newKey') // a key is like a folder
v.subKey // getter which goes down one level deeper
x = registry('HKCU/Some/Random/Place')
x.add('newName', v.someValue) // clone a value
z = v.aValue // manipulate wrapped values even after deleting them
v.add(z.name, z) //oops undo
v.remove() // delete a key and all its contents recursively
v.remove('name') // just delete a child (key or value)
options = { search : 'query', // all options are optional
recursive : false,
case : false,
exact : false,
in : 'keys' || 'values',
type : 'REG_SZ' || 'REG_MULTI_SZ' || 'REG_DWORD' ||
// The raw commands are provided as well but are annoying to use directly
execSync('cmd' ...) // executes the command synchronously and returns the result,
// flattening all params down to spaced delineation
Command(command, name, formatter) // create a wrapped execSync calling function that executes
// the command when called. Name and formatter are optiona,
// with the default formatter splits the result into an array of lines
function parseCSV(str){
return str.trim().split(/\r?\n/).map(function(str){
return JSON.parse('['+str+']');
return str;
var nodes = Command('tasklist /fo csv /fi "imagename eq node.exe"', 'nodes', parseCSV);
// [ [ 'Image Name', 'PID', 'Session Name', 'Session#', 'Mem Usage' ],
// [ 'node.exe', '6524', 'Console', '3', '13,060 K' ] ]