A small CSS2 document renderer built from specifications for learning purposes
Overflow is a CSS layout engine created to explore the reaches of the foundational CSS standards (that is: inlines, blocks, floats, positioning and eventually tables, but not flexbox or grid). It has a high quality text layout implementation and is capable of displaying many of the languages of the world. You can use it to generate PDFs or images on the backend with Node and node-canvas or render rich, wrapped text to a canvas in the browser.
- Bidirectional and RTL text
- Hyperscript (
) API with styles as objects in addition to accepting HTML and CSS - Any OpenType/TrueType buffer can (and must) be registered
- Font fallbacks at the grapheme level
- Colored diacritics
- Desirable line breaking (e.g. carries starting padding to the next line)
- Optimized shaping
- Inherited and cascaded styles are never calculated twice
- Handles as many CSS layout edge cases as I can find
- Fully typed
- Lots of tests
- Fast
Overflow works off of a DOM with inherited and calculated styles, the same way
that browsers do. You create the DOM with the familiar h()
function, and
specify styles as plain objects.
import {h, renderToCanvas, registerFont} from 'overflow';
import {createCanvas} from 'canvas';
import fs from 'node:fs';
// Register fonts before layout. This is a required step.
// It is only async when you don't pass an ArrayBuffer
await registerFont(new URL('fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf', import.meta.url));
await registerFont(new URL('fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf', import.meta.url));
// Always create styles at the top-level of your module if you can
const divStyle = {
backgroundColor: {r: 28, g: 10, b: 0, a: 1},
color: {r: 179, g: 200, b: 144, a: 1},
textAlign: 'center'
// Since we're creating styles directly, colors have to be defined numerically
const spanStyle = {
color: {r: 115, g: 169, b: 173, a: 1},
fontWeight: 700
// Create a DOM
const rootElement = h('div', {style: divStyle}, [
'Hello, ',
h('span', {style: spanStyle}, ['World!'])
// Layout and paint into the entire canvas (see also renderToCanvasContext)
const canvas = createCanvas(250, 50);
renderToCanvas(rootElement, canvas, /* optional density: */ 2);
// Save your image
canvas.createPNGStream().pipe(fs.createWriteStream(new URL('hello.png', import.meta.url)));
This API is only recommended if performance is not a concern, or for learning purposes. Parsing adds extra time (though it is fast thanks to @fb55) and increases bundle size significantly.
import {parse, renderToCanvas, registerFont} from 'overflow/with-parse.js';
import {createCanvas} from 'canvas';
import fs from 'node:fs';
await registerFont(new URL('fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf', import.meta.url));
await registerFont(new URL('fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf', import.meta.url));
const rootElement = parse(`
<div style="background-color: #1c0a00; color: #b3c890; text-align: center;">
Hello, <span style="color: #73a9ad; font-weight: bold;">World!</span>
const canvas = createCanvas(250, 50);
renderToCanvas(rootElement, canvas, 2);
canvas.createPNGStream().pipe(fs.createWriteStream(new URL('hello.png', import.meta.url)));
Performance characteristics
Performance is a top goal and is second only to correctness. Run the performance examples in the examples
directory to see the numbers for yourself.
- 8 paragraphs with several inline spans of different fonts can be turned from HTML to image in 7ms on a 2019 MacBook Pro and 16ms on a 2012 MacBook Pro (
) - The Little Prince (over 500 paragraphs) can be turned from HTML to image in under 150ms on a 2019 MacBook Pro and under 300ms on a 2012 MacBook Pro (
) - A 10-letter word can be generated and laid out (not painted) in under 25µs on a 2019 MacBook Pro and under 80µs on a 2012 MacBook Pro (
Shaping is done with harfbuzz. Harfbuzz compiled to WebAssembly can achieve performance metrics similar to CanvasRenderingContext2D
's measureText
, but it is not as fast. A smart implementation of text layout in Javascript that uses measureText
(such as using a word cache, which is what GSuite apps do) will still be faster than overflow, but not significantly so, and with drawbacks (for example, fonts with effects across spaces won't work and colored diacritics are not possible).
The fastest performance can be achieved by using the hyperscript API, which creates a DOM directly and skips the typical HTML and CSS parsing steps. Take care to re-use style objects to get the most benefits. Reflows at different widths are faster than recreating the layout tree.
Supported CSS rules
Following are rules that work or will work soon. Shorthand properties are not listed. If you see all components of a shorthand (for example, border-style
, border-width
, border-color
) then the shorthand is assumed to be supported (for example border
Inline formatting
| Property | Values | Status |
| -- | -- | -- |
| color | rgba()
, rgb()
, #rrggbb
, #rgb
, #rgba
| ✅ Works |
| direction | ltr
, rtl
| ✅ Works |
| font-family | | ✅ Works |
| font-size | em
, px
, smaller
etc, small
etc, cm
etc | ✅ Works |
| font-stretch | condensed
etc | ✅ Works |
| font-style | normal
, italic
, oblique
| ✅ Works |
| font-variant | | 🚧 Planned |
| font-weight | normal
, bolder
, lighter
, bold
, 100
| ✅ Works |
| line-height | normal
, px
, em
, %
, number
| ✅ Works |
| tab-size | | 🚧 Planned |
| text-align | start
, end
, left
, right
, center
| ✅ Works |
| text-decoration | | 🚧 Planned |
| unicode-bidi | | 🚧 Planned |
| vertical-align | baseline
, middle
, sub
, super
, text-top
, text-bottom
, %
, px
etc, top
, bottom
| ✅ Works |
| white-space | normal
, nowrap
, pre
, pre-wrap
, pre-line
| ✅ Works |
Block formatting
| Property | Values | Status |
| -- | -- | -- |
| clear | left
, right
, both
, none
| ✅ Works |
| float | left
, right
, none
| ✅ Works |
| writing-mode | horizontal-tb
, vertical-lr
, vertical-rl
| 🏗 Partially done1 |
1Implemented for BFCs but not IFCs yet
Boxes and positioning
| Property | Values | Status |
| -- | -- | -- |
| background-clip | border-box
, content-box
, padding-box
| ✅ Works |
| background-color | rgba()
, rgb()
, #rrggbb
, #rgb
, #rgba
| ✅ Works |
| border-color | rgba()
, rgb()
, #rrggbb
, #rgb
, #rgba
| ✅ Works |
| border-style | solid
, none
| ✅ Works |
| border-width | em
, px
, cm
etc | ✅ Works |
| bottom | | 🚧 Planned |
| box-sizing | border-box
, content-box
| ✅ Works |
| display | block
, inline
, flow-root
, none
| ✅ Works |
| display | inline-block
, table
| 🚧 Planned | |
| height | em
, px
, %
, cm
etc, auto
| ✅ Works |
| left | | 🚧 Planned |
| margin | em
, px
, %
, cm
etc, auto
| ✅ Works |
| padding | em
, px
, %
, cm
etc | ✅ Works |
| position | absolute
| 🚧 Planned |
| position | fixed
| 👎 No interest1 |
| position | relative
| 🚧 Planned |
| right | | 🚧 Planned |
| top | | 🚧 Planned |
| overflow | | 🚧 Planned |
| width | em
, px
, %
, cm
etc, auto
| ✅ Works |
| z-index | | 🚧 Planned |
1Any document that uses position: fixed
could be reorganized and updated to use position: absolute
and look identical. For that reason, I don't find fixed positioning very interesting.
overflow doesn't have any package.json
dependencies, but the work of many others made it possible. Javascript dependencies have been checked in and modified to varying degrees to fit this project, maintain focus, and rebel against dependency-of-dependency madness. Here are the projects I'm grateful for:
- harfbuzz does font shaping and provides essential font APIs (C++)
- Tehreer/SheenBidi calculates bidi boundaries (C++)
- foliojs/linebreak provides Unicode break indices (JS, modified)
- foliojs/grapheme-breaker provides Unicode grapheme boundaries (JS, modified)
- peggyjs/peggy builds the CSS parser (JS, dev dependency)
- fb55/htmlparser2 parses HTML (JS, modified)
- google/emoji-segmenter segments emoji (C++)
- foliojs/unicode-trie is used for fast unicode data (JS, heavily modified to remove unused parts)