Chat21 HTTP APIs
Chat21 HTTP API Application
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Chat21 native REST API server
Below are described the REST API of Chat21
Before using these APIs you need an authentication JWT token
JWT Authentication
Coming soon
Send a message
== Send a Message ==
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8004/api/APP_ID/messages' \
--header 'Authorization: JWT-TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"sender_fullname": "SENDER FULLNAME",
"recipient_id": "RECIPIENT-UUID",
"recipient_fullname": "RECIPIENT FULLNAME",
"text": "hello",
"type": "text",
"channel_type": "direct"
Where :
- JWT-TOKEN: the authorization JWT token
- sender_fullname: is the Sender Fullname. Ex: Andrea Leo
- recipient_id: it's the recipient id of the message. The recipient id is the user id for direct message and the group id for group messaging.
- recipient_fullname: is the Recipient Fullname. Ex: Andrea Sponziello
- text: it's the message text
- channel_type: it's the channel type. "direct" value for one-to-one direct message and "group" for group messaging. Available values: direct (default) and group.
- type: it's the message type. "text" value for textual message and "image" for sending image message(you must set metadata field). Available values: text (default) and image.
- ATTRIBUTES: it's the message custom attributes. Example: attributes = {"custom_attribute1": "value1"}.
- METADATA: it's the image properties: src is the absolute source path of the image, width is the image width, height is the image height. Example: metadata = { "src": "https://www.tiledesk.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/tiledesk-logo.png", "width": 200, "height": 200 }
- APP_ID: It's the appid usend on multitenant environment. Use "default" as default value
Create a Group
Create a chat user's group making the following POST call :
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: JWT-TOKEN" \
-d '{"group_name": "<GROUP_NAME>", "group_members": {"<MEMBER_ID>":1}}' \
- GROUP_NAME: it's the new group name
- MEMBER_ID: it's the user ids of the group members
- APP_ID: It's the appid usend on multitenant environment. Use "default" as default value
Join a Group
With this API the user can join (become a member) of an existing group:
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: JWT-TOKEN" \
-d '{"member_id": "<MEMBER_ID>"}' \
Where :
- MEMBER_ID: it's the user id of the user you want to joing (become a member)
- APP_ID: It's the appid usend on multitenant environment. Use "default" as default value
- GROUP_ID: it's the existing group id
Leave a Group
With this API the user can leave an existing group:
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: JWT-TOKEN" \
-d '{"member_id": "<MEMBER_ID>"}' \
Where :
- APP_ID: It's the appid usend on multitenant environment. Use "default" as default value
- GROUP_ID: it's the existing group id
- MEMBER_ID: it's the user id of the user you want to leave a group
Set Group members
With this API you can set the group members
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: JWT-TOKEN" \
-d '{"members": {"<member_id1>":1},{"<member_id2>":1}}' \
Where :
- MEMBER_IDs: it's the user ids of the group members
- APP_ID: It's the appid usend on multitenant environment. Use "default" as default value
- GROUP_ID: it's the existing group id
Archive or delete a conversation
Archive or delete a conversation from the personal timeline specified by a RECIPIENT_ID
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: JWT-TOKEN" \
Where :
- APP_ID: It's the appid usend on multitenant environment. Use "default" as default value
- RECIPIENT_ID: it's the recipient id
- delete: (Optional) if true permanently deletes the conversation, if false archives the conversation
Docker deploy
build -t chat21/chat21-http-server:latest .
docker run chat21/chat21-server:latest
docker push chat21/chat21-http-server:latest