This repository serves as an example on: * How to configure a workflow which builds and publishes a Docker image, and automatically versions the repo * How to configure semantic versioning using [semantic-release](https://github.com/semantic-release/seman
This repository serves as an example on:
- How to configure a workflow which notifies Slack, builds and publishes a Docker image, and automatically versions the repo
- How to configure semantic versioning using semantic-release, commitlint, and husky
How to Use This Repository
This repository can be used to experiment with the automated semantic versioning and get familiar with it. The repository MUST be returned back to a working state once done testing.
Install dependencies
# If you use yarn yarn # If you use npm npm i
Make a minor change and commit it to this repo with a message which follows Conventional Commits. The commit message and TYPE can be whatever you'd like. Push to
when done.
Configure a Repo with Automatic Semantic Versioning
In order to configure a Git repo with automatic semantic versioning, follow the steps below:
Clone the project
Create a package.json file
- Even if your project isn't a Node project, the package.json file serves as a config file for the semantic-release, commitlint, and husky Node modules.
Copy the
, andrelease
configuration blocks found in the example package.json to thepackage.json
in your project.- You can customize these configurations further using the Node modules' documentation
Run the following to install the commitlint and husky packages locally and save them as development dependencies to the
- Only commitlint and husky need to be installed locally, semantic-release does not since it'll only be used by Github Actions.
- Upon installation of
, it will attempt to create a pre-commit hook in your git repo - If you see errors, resolve them then try re-installing.
# If you use yarn yarn add --dev husky @commitlint/{config-conventional,cli} --force # If you use npm npm i --save-dev husky @commitlint/{config-conventional,cli}
Activate hooks
# If you use yarn yarn husky install # If you use npm npx husky install
Add hook
npx husky add .husky/commit-msg 'npx --no-install commitlint --edit'
Optional: Add the following files/dirs to the .gitignore file:
echo -e "**/node_modules" >> .gitignore
Add a Github Actions workflow to
Commit all new files/modifications (except for anything being ignored)
- Upon commit, you should see a pre-commit hook fire which runs commitlint and checks your commit message. Your message must conform to Conventional Commits, otherwise it will be denied by commitlint. If this does not happen or an error occurs, resolve the error then try again.
Going forward, anyone who wishes to commit to your repository will need to run the following command beforehand to install local dev dependencies. It should be quick and only take a few seconds:
# If you use yarn
# If you use npm
npm i