A boilerplate/starter project for quickly building RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose. It includes essential features like standard folder structure, middleware setup, authentication, environment management, unit and integration testing and
A boilerplate/starter project for quickly building RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose. It includes essential features like standard folder structure, middleware setup, authentication, environment management, unit and integration testing and api docs enabling quick and essential configurations to save time and maintain consistency.
How to setup boilerplate
Installation by command
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate setup {app-name}
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate setup <app-name> --module <module-names-seprated-by-comma>
Manual Installation
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Chapter247IND/node-boilerplate.git
cd node-boilerplate
npx rimraf ./.git
npm install
Run app
cp .env.example .env
npm run dev
View Swagger UI
- http://localhost:8080/api/v1/docs
Postman Collection
Folder Structure
The folder structure of the boilerplate :
├── config/ # Configuration files
├── constants/ # Application-wide constants
├── enums/ # Enums used throughout the app (e.g., user roles)
├── middlewares/ # Global middlewares
├── models/ # Database models
├── controllers/ # Controllers handling user-related business logic
├── middlewares/ # Middlewares specific routes (e.g., auth)
├── models/ # All-related data models
├── services/ # Services for operations, encapsulating complex logic
├── validations/ # Validation schemas for all-related operations
├── routes/ # Global route definitions
├── types/ # Type definitions
└── utils/ # Utility functions, with module handlers
Other useful commands
Create custom module use this command inside project
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate custom {module-name}
List of modules commmand
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate module-list
Add the existing module code in your project
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate add {module-name}
Help command
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate help
Each command generates specific files related to the module resource
Generate Route
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate make:route <file-name>
Generate Controller
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate make:controller <file-name>
Generate Service
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate make:service <file-name>
Generate Validation
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate make:validations <file-name>
Generate Constants
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate make:model <file-name>
Generate Types
npx @chapter247ind/node-boilerplate make:types <file-name>
Test cases
- Unit Tests: Isolated component tests with mocked dependencies, focusing on functionalities like user management and service logic.
- Integration Tests: Tests interactions between components, including real database operations and API endpoints, ensuring proper behavior for features like authentication and token issuance.
HTTP Status Codes
A quick reference for commonly used HTTP status codes.
- 400 - Bad Request: The server cannot process the request due to invalid input.
- 401 - Unauthorized: Authentication required or failed.
- 403 - Forbidden: Request is valid, but access is denied.
- 404 - Not Found: The requested resource does not exist.
- 500 - Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected issue.
Biome for code formatting and linting
Biome is an all-in-one code formatter, linter, and analyzer designed to maintain consistent coding standards and optimize code quality.