EVM Gauntlet Common Contracts
EVM Gauntlet Commands for Chainlink's Common Contracts
Deploy Access Controller
Use this command to deploy the LINK token contract. It takes no inputs besides the standard --network flag.
Usage: yarn gauntlet access_controller:deploy --network=goerli
Add Access
Add access to the EOA address to the access list on Access Controller contract for future access restrictions
Usage: yarn gauntlet access_controller:add_access --network=goerli <0xabc> --addresses=<0x123>
Where 0xabc is the address of the AccessController contract, 0x123 is the list of User addresses to be added to the access list
Use this command to deploy the Flags contract. It takes inputs of addressess of lowering and raising AccessControllers, Zero address if dont need to specify
Usage: yarn gauntlet flag:deploy --loweringAC=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --raisingAC=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --network=goerli
Raise Flags
Raise flags for the address.
Usage: yarn gauntlet flag:raise --network=goerli <0xabc> --addresses="[<0x123>,<0x234>]"
Where 0xabc is the address of the Flag Contract, 0x123, 0x234 is the list of aggregator addresses to raise the flags.
Use this command to Transfer the ownership of a contract to another owner. It takes new owner address as input besides the standard --network flag.
Usage: yarn gauntlet ownership:transfer_ownership --network=goerli --to=<0x123> <0xabc>
where 0x123 is the address of new owner & 0xabc is the address of any contract which implements Ownership interface
Run by the new Owner to accept the prosposed ownerhip of the contract. It takes no input besides the standard --network flag.
Usage: yarn gauntlet ownership:accept_ownership --network=goerli <0xabc>
Where 0xabc is the address of the contract for which ownership change is proposed
Aggregator Proxies
This command deploys a proxy to the aggregator. It takes an aggregator and accesscontroller address as inputs
Usage: yarn gauntlet proxies:deploy --network=goerli --aggregator=<0x123> --accessController=<0x234>
where 0x123 is the address of Aggregator contract, 0x234 is the address of the access controller
Propose New Aggregator
Use this command to propose new aggregator contract to the proxy.
Usage: yarn gauntlet proxies:propose_aggregator --network=goerli --aggregator=<0x123> <0xabc>
where 0x123 is the address of new aggregator address & 0xabc is the address of any Proxy Contract
Confirm New Aggregator
Use this command to confirm the proposed new aggregator contract to the proxy by the proxy owner.
Usage: yarn gauntlet proxies:confirm_aggregator --network=goerli --aggregator=<0x123> <0xabc>
where 0x123 is the address of proposed new aggregator address & 0xabc is the address of any Proxy Contract