## What is @cfxjs/use-wallet
Docs & Demo Site
What is @cfxjs/use-wallet
It's a front-end-view wallet hooks library for lightweight dapp rapid development use, only encapsulating the wallet injection in the window provider.If you need more complete and powerful support, js-conflux-sdk or web3.js will be more suitable.
It's a simpler way to 'use' wallet in react-base dapp.
Support both fluent and metamask. use-wallet supports all wallets whose provider are compatible with the 'conflux' and 'ethereum' specifications.(Only full support for fluent and metamask is guaranteed)
Easy to use. use-wallet has a high level encapsulation, without the need to pay attention to the provider and other specification-oriented concepts. From a front-end developer's perspective, focus on hooks and func and just use them.
Fine-grained hooks to avoid duplicate render. Some similar hooks wrappers in the community have a habit of returning a lot of data wrapped together, which causes unnecessary render and is not advocated.
Tiny use-wallet only communicates with the wallet through the wallet-injected provider, as well as providing some lightweight tooling methods. In many cases, developing a dapp doesn't require importing a large and comprehensive library like js-conflux-sdk, web3.js.(gzip: 3.7kb - source code, 20kb - include decimal.js)
yarn add @cfxjs/use-wallet
Basic Usage
import React, { memo, useCallback } from 'react';
import { useStatus, useAccount, useChainId, useBalance, connect, Unit } from '@cfxjs/use-wallet';
// import { useStatus, ... } from '@cfxjs/use-wallet/dist/ethereum';
const BasicUsage: React.FC = () => {
const status = useStatus();
return (
{status !== 'in-detecting' && status !== 'active' && (
disabled={status !== 'not-active'}
{status === 'in-activating' && 'connecting...'}
{status === 'not-installed' && 'Fluent Not Install'}
{status === 'not-active' && 'Connect Fluent'}
{status === 'active' && <WalletInfo />}
const WalletInfo: React.FC = memo(() => {
const account = useAccount();
const chainId = useChainId()!;
const balance = useBalance()!;
// Send 1 native token to self (connected account)
const handleClickSendTransaction = useCallback(async () => {
// For ts Type Guards. when status turn to 'active', account|chainId|balance must be exist.
// You can use Non null assert instead. Like chainId|balance above.
if (!account) return;
try {
const TxnHash = await sendTransaction({
to: account,
value: Unit.fromStandardUnit('1').toHexMinUnit(),
} catch (err) {
}, [account]);
return (
<p>account: {account}</p>
<p>chainId: {chainId}</p>
balance: {`${balance.toDecimalStandardUnit()} CFX`}
<button onClick={handleClickSendTransaction}>
Send 1 native token to self (connected account)
export default BasicUsage;
More API & Demo
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