Move strings into common language files to allow for language changes
I18N (in-tur-na-sher-nurl-eye-zay-shen)
Move strings into common language files to allow for language changes
import t, { addLanguage, setLanguage } from "@cd2/i18n"
addLanguage("en", { welcome: "Welcome", submit: "Submit" })
addLanguage("fr", { welcome: "Bienvenue", submit: "soumettre" })
// default language is "en"
t("welcome") // => 'Welcome'
t("submit") // => 'soumettre'
Adding a Language
Add all your languages before the application runs.
addLanguage(countryCode, dictionary)
For a large dictionary it is nice to put each language dictionary in its own file and do:
addLanguage("en", require("./locales/en"))
Setting the language
Using the setLanguage(countryCode)
function will set the active dictionary.
Getting a value
To access a value do t(dictionaryKey)
The module is backed by mobx so you can observe for when the translations change. This means if you use translations in a React
component then you can use @observer
and the component will update automatically.
autorun(() => {
setLanguage("jp") // this will cause the autorun to trigger
Nested Values
Dictionaries support nested objects
addLanguage("en", {
homePage: {
welcome: "Welcome to the site",
t("homePage.welcome") // => "Welcome to the site"
Using partial keys
Working with very nested structures can be a chore. So you can do this:
addLanguage("en", {
level1: { level2: { level3a: "thing", level3b: "thing2" } },
const level1T = t.build("level1.level2")
level1T("level3a") // => 'thing'
level1T("level3b") // => 'thing2'
You can also build off of a partial key if needed
const l1t = t('level1')
const l2t = l1t.build('level2')
l2t('level3a') // =>'thing'
addLanguage("en", {
things: [
"Thing 1",
{ foo: "2a", bar: "2b" },
{ blah: "blah black sheep" }
t("things.0") // => 'Thing 1'
t("things.1") // => { foo: '2a', bar: '2b' }
t("things.2.blah") // => 'blah black sheep'