Welcome to the <a href="https://www.complycloud.com/">ComplyCloud</a> component library NPM package!
Welcome to the ComplyCloud component library NPM package!
This package defines a shared component library for internal use in ComplyCloud. It contains re-usable versions of our most core web components as well as styling themes. These themes can be used for styling our apps, and come pre-applied to the components defined in this package.
The aim of this package is to define a single source of truth for most of our basic front-end elements, and the general look and feel of our applications. As such, changes or new variants of components should be defined in this package, so they can be re-used.
To use this library in your application, it can be imported as such:
import { SomeComponent } from '@cc-apps/core'
This package uses emotion for theming, and use of our components depends on the existence of a ThemeProvider
wrapping the application using the components. This ThemeProvider
can either use on of our themes, or a different theme which follows the CCTheme
type definition.
import { themes } from '@cc-apps/core'
import { Button, ButtonVariant } from '@cc-apps/core'
function MyApp() {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={themes.default}>
<div className="App">
onClick={() => 42}
text={'Button Text'}
Working with Foundations
See our style guide for guidance on development, Git strategy and development/release flow.
How to run
yarn run build-icons
yarn dev
yarn storybook
to see the storybook locally, or check the storybook on master