A filesystem using ceramic
Ceramic FileSystem
A simple file system built using ceramic
Create the ceramic filesystem object
const FS = FileSystem(ceramic)
Creating a Folder or File
By setting the optional 'createIfUndefined' flag to true it will create any folders or files in the path provided if they have not been created before.
const folder = await cFS.open(filePath, { createIfUndefined: true }) as Folder
const file = await cFS.open(filePath, { createIfUndefined: true }) as File
Open a Folder or File
There are several ways to open a folder or file. The first is to open folders or files sequentially:
const rootName = 'root'
const folderName = 'folder'
const fileName = '/file.ext' // Files always start with a leading slash
const root = await cFS.open(rootName) as Folder
const folder = await root.open(folderName) as Folder
const file = await folder.open(fileName) as File
But if you just want to fetch the file you can shorthand by using just the file path:
const filePath = 'root/folder//file.ext'
const file = await folder.open(filePath) as File
Getting Folder and File Names
You can fetch file and folder names in a folder by using the AppendCollection API
const folder = await FS.open(path) as Folder
const fileNames = await folder.files.getFirstN(N)
const folderNames = await folder.folders.getFirstN(N)
// const fileNames = await folder.files.getLastN(N)
// const folderNames = await folder.folders.getLastN(N)