Dynamic captcha (Google reCaptcha) implementation for Angular
Angular Captcha
Google reCaptcha implementation for Angular 6 and beyond.
- reCaptcha v2
- reCaptcha v3 (beta)
- invisible reCaptcha
Live examples: https://enngage.github.io/ngx-captcha/
Supported versions
- For Angular 6 use ngx-captcha on version
- For Angular 7 use ngx-captcha on version
>= 6.0.0
npm install ngx-captcha
Import NgxCaptchaModule
to your module (i.e. AppModule
Use with Angular forms
Depending on whether you want to use reactive forms or template-driven forms you need to include the appropriate modules, too.
Add ReactiveFormsModule
to your imports in case you want to use reactive forms. If you prefer the the template-driven approach simple add the FormsModule
to your module.
Both can be imported from @angular/forms
. In the demo project you can check out the normal demo to see how to use reactive forms or the invisible demo to see what the template-driven approach looks like. With the template-driven approach you don't necessarily need to use a from element to wrap the component, you can instead use the [ngModelOptions]="{ standalone: true }"
However, using it with the standalone option is not recommended but can be used if needed.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { NgxCaptchaModule } from 'ngx-captcha';
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
The configuration properties are a copy of the official ones that google provides. For explanation of what these properties do and how to use them, please refer to https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/display and https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/invisible.
reCaptcha v2
export class YourComponent implements OnInit {
protected aFormGroup: FormGroup;
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.aFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
recaptcha: ['', Validators.required]
<form [formGroup]="aFormGroup">
<ngx-recaptcha2 #captchaElem
reCaptcha v3
This is the implementation of beta version of google reCaptcha v3 as per following documentation"https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3".
First you need to inject the class in your component / service and then use Execute method with your action. Once you have the token, you need to verify it on your backend to get meaningful results. See official google documentation for more details.
import { ReCaptchaV3Service } from 'ngx-captcha';
private reCaptchaV3Service: ReCaptchaV3Service
) { }
this.reCaptchaV3Service.execute(this.siteKey, 'homepage', (token) => {
console.log('This is your token: ', token);
}, {
useGlobalDomain: false
Invisible reCaptcha
<form [formGroup]="aFormGroup">
<ngx-invisible-recaptcha #captchaElem
[ngModelOptions]="{ standalone: true }">
Publishing lib
Under projects\ngx-captcha-lib
npm run publish-lib
Publishing demo app
Under root, generate demo app with
npm run build-demo-gh-pages
npx ngh --dir=dist-demo